A Group Of UFOs Was Spotted By Eyewitnesses In Hillsborough - Alternative View

A Group Of UFOs Was Spotted By Eyewitnesses In Hillsborough - Alternative View
A Group Of UFOs Was Spotted By Eyewitnesses In Hillsborough - Alternative View

Video: A Group Of UFOs Was Spotted By Eyewitnesses In Hillsborough - Alternative View

Video: A Group Of UFOs Was Spotted By Eyewitnesses In Hillsborough - Alternative View
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Witnesses sent a message to MUFON researchers on November 19, 2017, stating that they had witnessed an incredible event five hours earlier the same day.

A married couple were driving their car north on Highway 185 near Hillsborough, Oregon, when the wife noticed a group of lights ahead.

She drew her husband's attention to this strange cluster of light. At first, they decided that it was just the reflections of sunlight from some objects on the ground that were visible on the cloud.

However, upon closer inspection, the couple noticed that there were six, and possibly more, objects that were rotating and moving up and down. The theory that these were reflections was rejected by them immediately after this observation.

UFOs were at a fairly large distance from eyewitnesses. The wife noted that they looked like objects they had seen earlier in December 2016 in central Oregon.

The husband also suggested that these could be birds, but in this case it was not clear why they glowed so brightly.

In order to take a closer look at what was happening, the couple pulled into an emergency lane and turned into a parking lot in Hillsborough. At this time, the wife noticed that the car driving along the highway in front of them was already standing on the same site, and its driver was staring in amazement at the sky in the same direction.

However, the couple in the parking lot failed to view and capture the UFO group, as it disappeared very quickly.

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