Wave Genetics - Alternative View

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Wave Genetics - Alternative View
Wave Genetics - Alternative View

Video: Wave Genetics - Alternative View

Video: Wave Genetics - Alternative View
Video: Linguistic Wave Genetics by Dr. Articulator | Blair Reeve | TEDxWanChai 2024, September

Wave genetics, causing so much passion and controversy today, is at the crossroads between science, esotericism and philosophy. Psychics claim that they can diagnose a person's illnesses by studying the information that his biofield carries, and scientists, as a rule, strongly oppose the adoption of such ideas. What is wave genetics, what is this alternative scientific concept based on, and how can it be useful to humans?

Genetics is an extremely mysterious science. The more it is studied, the more mysterious it becomes. Rapidly developing, in just a couple of centuries, genetics has come a long way from carefully adopting the laws of heredity to deciphering the human genome. And the number of scientific papers and hypotheses in this area continues to grow. The genetic code is our personality. But what do we know about him?


At the heart of genetics - the science of the laws and mechanisms of heredity and variability - is knowledge about DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), which is part of chromosomes, the full set of which, in turn, constitutes the genome. Deciphering the structure of DNA in 1953 was a triumphant moment in the history of science and a gigantic intellectual achievement. It turned out that the molecule twisted into a spiral, thanks to the sequence of gene sections, ensures the implementation of the life program of the organism, storing and transmitting from generation to generation information about the structure of each cell in the body.

Man as one of the most complex living beings can be proud of the richest genome in terms of information. 46 chromosomes, which contain about 30 thousand genes, provide such a unique variety of personal qualities, talents and features of appearance that one can only marvel at the creativity of Mother Nature. In 2001, the international community of scientists decoded the human genome by compiling a detailed gene map. This event marked the beginning of a new biological era. However, even when our genetic encyclopedia became an open book, 95% of its pages are written in an incomprehensible language.

We are talking about the so-called garbage day, which contains genes of unknown purpose, twin genes, intergenic zones and even pieces of genetic material of viruses and bacteria that a person who is not distinguished by blooming health has accumulated in the course of evolution.

What is hidden in a part of the genome that has defied scientific analysis? Here we are still free to fantasize. Sometimes hypotheses take on bizarre outlines, and sometimes they gather around themselves evidence that involuntarily makes one suspect that besides the classical laws of genetics, there are others. For example, there is a theory that DNA information has a dual nature, one part of it is material and tangible, and the other is … an invisible wave. Like a sound or radio wave.

This fantastic idea arose not today, but earlier, when people began to observe such a genetic paradox as a deviation from the classical scheme of transmission of hereditary traits. For example, at the beginning of the 19th century. An unusual fact was widely publicized: a mare belonging to an English lord, a friend of Charles Darwin, was covered with a zebra, after which she did not have offspring: a few years later she was married to a stallion of the same breed as her. but all the foals born afterwards looked like a zebra. Thus, the features of the male, with whom the female once had contact, seemed to be absorbed into her genome. This phenomenon, called telegony, was explained by the ability of the female's genetic apparatus to memorize the individual characteristics of males during the radiation and propagation of the gene wave. Despite the fact that the telegony paradox was refuted at the end of the same century by the Austrian biologist Gregor Mendel, who put forward his famous laws of heredity, it is too early to put an end to scientific searches. Suffice it to recall the revolution that took place in physics in the last century and seemingly refuted. unshakable canons.


Over time, hypotheses related to the variability of the genetic apparatus acquired new details. Genes are the basis of the foundations, but nevertheless modern science does not deny the possibility of changing the genome in the course of various external influences. In the 1980s. Russian biologist Vitaly Tkachenko found out that proteins, which are built on the basis of information in the genetic code, can themselves influence DNA. Some of them play a signaling role, starting and inhibiting the work of certain genes.

So why not assume that our genome is much more plastic than we used to think? At one point, the theory of the dual nature of DNA took on quite clear outlines. In the literature, reasonable assumptions began to appear that genetic information can exist in the form of an electromagnetic field and be transmitted from one organism to another at a distance.

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For the first time the term "biofield" was used by the Russian professor-biologist Alexander Gurvich in 944. The term was used to designate the ultraviolet radiation that manifests itself during cell division, which can influence the intensity of further cell division.

Although academic science was skeptical about the concept of Gurvich's morphogenetic field, the study of biological fields continued. They aroused strong interest among psychics, who argued that the zones of violation of the human biofield exactly coincide with the areas where the symptoms of a particular disease make themselves felt. And today the ideas of Gurvich and his followers are seriously studied by specialists in the field of alternative medicine.

The concept of human bioinformation fields received a powerful impetus to development in the second half of the 20th century. thanks to the work of Professor Vlail Kaznacheev. In the laboratories of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences, Kaznacheev and a group of colleagues carried out more than 5 thousand experiments that established remote electromagnetic interactions of living cells with each other. The essence of the experiments was as follows: cell cultures were grown in two vessels, one of which was infected with a pathogenic virus. Despite the fact that the vessels were hermetically sealed and touched only by means of quartz glass, a similar pathological process was observed almost simultaneously in the population of cells in the second vessel. In a word, healthy cells were infected from patients without contact! The researchers explained this amazing ability to those.that between cells it may be possible to exchange information at the level of electromagnetic radiation. In an attempt to prove their guesses, scientists developed a way to increase the sensitivity of healthy cells, and the effect of "mirror" incidence increased.

Kaznacheev's research became a breakthrough event in the formation of the concept of information channels in biological systems. The discovery was officially registered in the "State Register of Discoveries of the USSR" in 1966, and although the scientific community it. of course, it was taken with caution, experts admitted that the development of the idea could help medicine find new ways to treat and diagnose diseases. It is also important that Kaznacheev shows flexibility in scientific judgments, does not deny the concept of the soul and, in view of a new view of human nature, preaches the culture and spirituality of healing. For example, an academician believes that a living creature is capable of projecting itself in the form of a field image, on the basis of which it builds its own concrete terrestrial biochemical body. Kaznacheev's ideas were developed in the course of the work of the Russian researcher Pyotr Gariaev.


A botanist by education, Petr Gariaev began research in the field of the wave genome in 1984. His research group, taking the scientific knowledge of the past as a basis, set itself the goal of solving the problem of the mysterious garbage part of DNA. find out its purpose and apply knowledge in practice. Based on the experiments, Gariaev came to the conclusion that DNA emits waves of various lengths that program individual organs, and only after that does the material development of the embryo begin.

The principle of operation of spirally twisted DNA, according to the scientist, resembles the action of a musical disc - the effect on a person is not the disc itself as a material structure, but the wave recording made on it.

Thus, the genome can be thought of as a biocomputer that stores information at the wave level that can be learned to control. “All this lies beyond the limits of the instruments' sensitivity, but we have created laser equipment, which confirmed the guesses,” says Gariaev. In addition, scientists have built a pilot model of a biocomputer, recording on it the information emitted by the genes of healthy laboratory rats. The recording contained light and sound waves - those that. according to the authors, appear in the course of chromosomal fluctuations. An experimental group of rodents was injected with a toxic substance that causes destruction of the pancreas. Then the sick animals were irradiated with a biocomputer, and they began to recover. Similar results were achieved in working with representatives of the plant world:after irradiation with a healthy genome, the radiation-depleted seeds brought from the territory of the Chernobyl disaster became viable. The results inspired researchers. After all, if plants and animals can be healed with the help of the dual structure of the genetic field, then. perhaps scientists are already subject to human diseases.

"One of the main practical applications of our work is the development of quantum principles for correcting the biochemical and physiological state of the human body, including the inhibition of aging." - stated in the report of the research group of Peter Gariaev. “Wave matrix of DNA. - say the authors of the work. - can be digitized and converted into sound of the usual audible range, which retains bioactive properties. The acoustic spectrum can be recorded in MP3 format, and then used to treat diseases of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems, musculoskeletal system, etc. " According to biologists, five CDs with sounds of radiation from healthy DNA were recorded in their laboratory. The rules for listening to healing gene music are simple: just put the disc into an audio player,adjust the sound volume to an unobtrusively pleasant one and enjoy regular listening for a certain time, trying to tune in to a positive result.

Of course, such reasoning gives a lot of scope for ridicule by skeptics. More productive, however, are the attempts of scientists to find a grain of truth in this complex and ambiguous hypothesis.

For example, in 2003, Ural researchers, led by Gennady Cheurin, conducted an experiment that proved that swearing at the water for watering plants with all the storm of emotions for a long time causes a slowdown in their growth, and prayer, on the contrary, helps the plant to fill up with juices. The observation has been proven in many laboratories. Gariaev also speaks about the dangers of mat and the benefits of prayer for a living organism. "Any spoken word reprograms the gene-wave structure of the individual." - says the researcher.

And even if this statement is somewhat like the usual slogan, doubt it. that the words and emotions that are embedded in them have a strong impact on our well-being is not necessary. It is not for nothing that bad luck is characteristic of unbalanced individuals, inclined to cover everything with three-story buildings. what surrounds them.

Similar analogies can be drawn in such a delicate area as conception and childbirth. Proponents of the wave theory of the genome argue that the embryo has a formalized topographic image (soul) long before birth. If a mother-to-be terminates a pregnancy, a quantum phantom of a moribund embryo remains in her uterus, which prevents her from living, promotes depression, nervous breakdowns and, worst of all, often complicates the possibility of getting pregnant in the future. The hypothesis is confused, the rationale is speculative. However, even the most modern women have no doubt about it. that abortion is not a godly business.

There are plenty of similar examples proving that wave genetics (albeit still from the point of view of its scientific confirmation at the very beginning of its path) is a good help for maintaining the health of the soul and body. No wonder the key postulates of wave genetics are consonant with the basics of psychology and psychotherapy. Today, reincarnation therapy is rapidly developing in many countries - a technique that helps to treat many phobias and obsessions. It is that. that the therapist, using hypnosis, plunges the patient into a trance, in a state of which he remembers and re-lives his past lives in order to find the causes of problems in the present.

The assumptions of reincarnation hypnotherapists (among the most famous are Americans Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon) closely correlate with the concept of the wave genome.

The concept of reincarnation suggests that. before the non soul will be materialized in the human body, it is in the planning space of the future life, where it is offered a choice of several bodies and scenarios for its mortal earthly existence.

It is possible that it is thanks to past lives that we often see prophetic dreams. we encounter such a phenomenon as déjà vu, we turn out to be capable of telepathy and foresight in a word, we face phenomena that are not only stunning, but also provide an opportunity to look at human existence in a different way. And if science ever proves that the biofield and wave genome is more than just a figment of the imagination of individuals, a lot of new possibilities will open before us.