What Makes Water Alive And Dead - Experiments - Alternative View

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What Makes Water Alive And Dead - Experiments - Alternative View
What Makes Water Alive And Dead - Experiments - Alternative View

Video: What Makes Water Alive And Dead - Experiments - Alternative View

Video: What Makes Water Alive And Dead - Experiments - Alternative View
Video: Is Water ALIVE?! Water Responds to Our Words, Music & Even Thoughts 2024, September

How the matrix (and memory) of water changes

Relatively recently, scientists conducted an experiment: an amoeba was launched into a vessel with water, then weak acetic acid was dropped there. Amoeba was instantly paralyzed, although she was far from the source, and the acid molecules had not yet reached her at that time. This phenomenon could be explained only by the fact that information about the acid in the water spread instantly throughout the entire volume of the vessel. This information changed the structure of the water, and the water became fatal to the amoeba.

Through an electron microscope, it is possible to see that water is composed of half-micron cells. One such cell contains about three million structural elements, and each of them contains 912 molecules, which do not decay, representing a supermolecule. All water consists of such cubes. As soon as it is affected by some field, substance, or just a mechanical action is applied, a new combination of elements in the cell is obtained and its properties change. This combination is transmitted to neighboring cells and persists until some new impact on the water occurs.

Water has two global properties: superconductivity and equilibrium resonance.

Water and human emotions

In the laboratory of Professor Korotkov, many experiments were carried out with water, on the influence on its human emotions. The experiments were simple. They gathered a group of people, put a flask of water in front of them and asked them, looking at this flask, to think about something pleasant: about love, kindness, tenderness, etc. After that, the flask was changed and the audience was asked to think about something bad: to remember old grievances, quarrels, unpleasant moments in life. The scientists then measured the water samples in both flasks. The water in the first flask, charged with positive emotions, was remarkably structured, its crystals were beautiful and harmonious. The water in the second flask, on which the participants of the experiment threw out their negative emotions, looked completely different under the microscope: its crystals had an irregular shape or were completely different in shapelessness and discontinuity.

Professor Korotkov commented on the results of the experiment:

Promotional video:

- It is absolutely obvious to us that love increases the energy of water and stabilizes this water, and aggression sharply lowers it, sharply changes it for the worse.

The results of experiments with water, which were carried out in different countries of the world, have shown that water has a memory. Water remembers any impact, remembers everything that happens in the surrounding space. It is enough for water to come into contact with a substance to learn about its properties and to keep this information in its memory. By memorizing information, water acquires new properties, it becomes, in fact, living or dead water. Moreover, its chemical composition remains the same. The structure of water is how its molecules are organized.

Emoto Masaru, a researcher from Japan, said the following in this regard: "When I thought that perhaps water has memory, I decided to try to show it to people."

In the laboratory of Dr. Emoto, they examined water samples that were subjected to various types of exposure. Impressions of the water were recorded by rapidly freezing it in a cryogenic chamber.

Also, Dr. Emoto believes that the most serious crimes are committed in areas where people often use foul language.

Numerous experiments with water by Emoto Masaru in order to find the word that cleans and structured water the most powerfully showed such a combination of two words: "Love and gratitude."

History knows cases of changes in the structure of water through the influence of the power of thought. For instance:

1881 Winter - The Lara was sailing from Liverpool to San Francisco. On the third day of the journey, a fire broke out on the ship. Captain Neil Carey was among those who left the ship. Those in distress began to rush with thirst. Then, when, after a painful wandering on the sea, they safely reached the shore, the captain, a man of a very sober attitude to reality, described in the following words what saved them: “We dreamed of fresh water. We began to imagine how the water around the boat from blue sea begins to turn into greenish fresh. I gathered my strength and scooped it up. When I tried it, it turned out to be insipid."

Another such case:

1472 - according to the chronicles, Abbot Carl Hastinstings was arrested on false denunciation in the case of bringing the disease to a certain respected woman. Every day they brought only a piece of dry bread and a ladle of rotten, fetid water to the dungeon for the Monk Karl. After 40 days, the jailer drew attention to the fact that during this time the abbot not only did not lose, but seemed to gain health and strength, which only convinced the inquisitors of the abbot's connection with evil spirits. Later, under cruel torture, the Monk Karl confessed that over the rotten water that he was brought to him he said a prayer, thanking the Lord for the trials sent down to him. After that, the water tasted soft, fresh and transparent.

When Professor Korotkov was asked how to explain the phenomena that Jesus Christ created, he answered:

“Well, let's say a legendary phenomenon when Jesus Christ turned water into wine. He didn't add any sugars and lactose there. And he gave water absolutely special properties. We have conducted many experiments on the influence on water samples by a variety of factors - magnetic fields, electric fields, various objects, including human presence, human emotions. And we found out that positive and negative emotions are the most powerful moment of impact."

A person is 70-90% water. To maintain his life, he needs 2.5 liters per day. in the form of drinking water, another 1.5 liters. a person absorbs through the skin while taking a shower or bath. Here's what scientists have to say about the relationship between humans and water quality:

Emoto Masaru, Japanese researcher: “Let's imagine that we have a man, but we have water. This water contains many different types of information. If this water is introduced into the human body, the human body will assimilate this information. And this can change the state of a person."

Allois Grubber, researcher from Australia: “How does a person handle water? If he addresses this water with good thoughts, blesses it, says “Thank you” to the water, the quality of this water will increase and the water will have a positive effect on the person and his body.”

Nobel laureate Kurt Wüthrich: “If we consider the organs: heart, lungs or muscles, brain, then all that you can see with a simple experiment is the presence of water in these organs. All you see is water. Your head is full of water. In fact, there is nothing like that in us except water."

In America, studies were carried out, as a result of which it was found out how structured water affects human blood. Dr. Pearl LaPerla, an immunologist, took blood from a patient's finger and observed the state of her body through this drop using an electron microscope. On the monitor of the electron microscope, red blood cells were visible, which had stuck together because they had lost their electrical charge. They are stuck together like a stack of coins in the form of a formation, these adhesions are associated with heart disease, arthritis and lung disease …

Then the doctor suggested that the patient drink some structured water. After 12 minutes. the patient was again taken blood for research. The microscope screen shows that the cells have become revitalized, because they have restored their electrical charge so that they began to repel each other and acquired the ability to carry oxygen. In this case, a new nucleus begins to form inside the cell. So a sip of plain structured water can be a powerful medicine.

What is the conclusion? The simplest and most logical: in order to normalize one's health, heal from diseases, preserve youth and strength, a person just needs to force his inner water crystals to react with crystals of positively charged “external” water. Then healing, useful information will flow from crystals to crystals, and diseases will recede. Communication with water, which has an irregular structure, negative matrix, can significantly worsen the health and emotional, mental state of a person.

Back in the 70s of the XX century, Soviet scientists came to an amazing conclusion: the structural matrix of a person's inner water is disturbed by any strong emotions: anger, joy, desire for sexual satisfaction, hatred, fear.

The more spontaneous the emotional response is, the more likely it is that the structural matrix of the inner water will be disturbed. This means that an equilibrium resonance will come into effect and the structure will be restored by any means. Therefore, it is very important at the moments of the greatest intensity of passions to "help" your inner water in the search for the "right" elements to restore the structure. Otherwise, a person will face illness and trouble.

Experiments with rice and oats

Dr. Emoto, mentioned earlier, has conducted many different experiments with water. One of them boiled down to the fact that the researcher put rice in three glass jars, filled it with water and every day for a month said "thank you!" one can and "you're a fool!" the second, and on the third he simply did not pay attention. A month later, the rice, which was said "thank you", began to ferment, emitting a strong pleasant smell; the rice from the second jar turned black; and rice, which was ignored, began to rot. The scientist believes that this experiment teaches people a very important lesson.

True, many of my friends ask: which one, in fact? And why did Emoto Masaru ferment rice? And what is the difference between blackened rice and rotted rice? I agree that it is difficult for us, people who are not really familiar with Japanese culture, to objectively assess the results of this study. Why is fermented rice good? From our Russian point of view, any fermented product is a spoiled product. Apparently, this kind of question also occurred to a group of Russian scientists who decided to repeat the experiments of Dr. Emoto, but in a "Russian manner."

They also took three jars with a little water and put oats in them. Further, our researchers followed Emoto's method: to the first bank they declared their love, to the second they said that she was a fool, and the third one was again ignored. Surprisingly, the result of the Japanese and Russian experiments practically coincided! In the "favorite" jar, the oats rose a few days later and turned green with strong, sturdy sprouts. In the "fool-jar", he very soon rotted, turning into an unpleasant mushy mixture. Well, in the jar, which was not paid any attention, the water evaporated very quickly, and the oats remained at the bottom as a dried handful.

The conclusion suggests itself: indifference, hatred, anger, irritation have a destructive effect on the structure of water and on everything that comes into contact with this water. Positive "messages" ideally structure water and help to actively grow and develop living organisms in contact with it.

This means that, being able to switch our emotions in a timely manner, we will be able to control the state of the structure of our inner water, and as a result, prevent any diseases and misfortunes! You just need to learn to control yourself, say "no" to internal imbalance.

Experiments with music

Emoto Masaru's experiments with water were associated with the study of the effect of music on water. He let the water "listen" to classical music, after which he froze the water and took pictures of its crystals. The images of water crystals obtained after listening to such music were beautiful, harmonious and strictly symmetrical. But the images of crystals of water, "heard enough" of heavy rock, had a chaotic structure, looked "confused" and "agitated".

This experience was, in general, quite simple and predictable: each of us probably knows from himself: good (in the case of Emoto, classical) music pacifies, relieves us of stress, negative emotions, fears, resentments, aggression. And 10 minutes spent at a hard rock concert can unsettle even the most balanced people. And such a person becomes very "heavy" himself - aggressive, hot-tempered, nervous. It is even possible to get sick, having received a serious "overdose" of decibels.

And again we went beyond the Japanese researcher in our experiments. The teachers - educators of one of the children's music schools in the city of Rzhev, Tver region, were engaged in further study of the impact of music on a person. It is obvious to any music teacher that classical music has a positive effect on the child's body and psyche, while disharmonious music, close to chaos, harms the child.

But the teachers pondered one more question: how will the song, that is, the symbiosis of music and words, affect the water and, indirectly, the little person? Indeed, in our days on the stage the leading place is occupied by the most unpresentable "pop". The melody in the works of this genre is rarely very melodic and even harmonious, but the words … It also happens vice versa: the words of the song are wonderful, but the melody is "lame". Not music, but “two flops, three flops,” as our people say.

The teachers took two cans of water and set up an experiment. One can of them "listened" to the songs of Bulat Okudzhava for about an hour. Okudzhava's music, of course, is weak - several guitar picks are repeated, and all the wisdom. But the words of his songs are wonderful, sincere, even if the songs are sad. The second bank was given an hour-long concert of "blatnyak" - modern prison songs.

After the music sessions, the water from both cans was frozen and examined under a microscope. The crystals in the "Okudzhava jar" were good, the water in it was remarkably structured. But the crystals in the second bank were not lucky, they looked bad. “So,” the experimenters concluded, “it's not even about the music as such. The point is probably in the emotions that this or that piece of music carries. Water remembers just emotions!"

This conclusion helped me to solve one question that interested me from the time I began to study the energy-informational properties of water. In one of his experiments, Dr. Emoto Masaru pasted tablets with different words and names on jars of water. The water, which was accompanied by good, good names and inscriptions, under the microscope showed crystals of perfect shape, and which was accompanied by evil, aggressive names and inscriptions, showed mutilated crystals.

But Emoto Masaru wrote all this in Japanese! And if these signs on banks were written in Russian? Or English, French, German? Would the result of the experiments then coincide? And in general, one should admit all the same: water cannot read! Neither Japanese, nor Russian, nor any other language. This means that its structure did not change at all under the influence of a certain combination of letters! Most likely, she is influenced by the emotions of the person who stick these signs.

The state of the Japanese scientist when he wrote Hitler was very different from that when he wrote Mother Teresa. And the language in which it was written, and, by the way, the words themselves, did not matter much. Perhaps, for a Russian person, Mother Teresa is not such an iconic figure as, for example, Ksenia of Petersburg or Seraphim of Sarov; for some, Stalin is worse than Hitler. It's not about the specific name and wording. It's just that for any person speaking any language, there are groups of words that evoke certain vivid emotions. Emotions range from fear and horror to love and awe. It is these emotions that water remembers - our emotions make the water alive or dead.

Music therapy is one of the most effective methods of treatment, which is practiced by domestic and foreign healers. What happens under the influence of “charged” music on us? Our inner water, obeying its rhythm and mood, orders its structure. As a result, diseases go away, the body is healed.

Positive and negative factors affecting the structure of water

Summarize. Water, being a liquid crystal, has a matrix (memory) organized in a certain way, and this matrix is the basis of all living things in nature. Man all the time - consciously and unconsciously - influences the matrix of water, changes its structure in a positive or negative direction. He is able to make water healing, making certain efforts to harmonize its structure. Or, on the contrary, to destroy the correct structure of water, and such water will turn into poison. For its part, water also affects a person and all living organisms, changing in one direction or another the structure of their "inner" water.

The creation of the correct structure of water is facilitated by our kind emotions and words addressed to it, good music, everything that carries a positive energy charge. The destruction of the correct water structure causes all negative information directed to water, in whatever forms it is expressed.

At the Institute of Biophysics of Cells in the city of Pushchino, water was treated with ultrahigh frequencies (UHF). After treatment, the same protein was immersed in water. In water treated with microwave, the protein disintegrated, and in untreated water it retained all its properties.

And at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, water was treated with an electric current or in a magnetic stirrer and dipped into it with ciliates-spirost. The poor ciliates were immediately paralyzed, some of them even died. This convincingly proves to what extent the structure of water changes greatly under the influence of unfavorable external factors and how living organisms suffer in connection with a change in the water structure.

In addition, the correct structure of water is destroyed by its pollution, close proximity to radiation sources, unfavorable natural factors; under their influence, water crystals lose their original appearance and water becomes harmful (dead water) for all living organisms.

A. Savina
