The Webcam Installed On The ISS Recorded A UFO - Alternative View

The Webcam Installed On The ISS Recorded A UFO - Alternative View
The Webcam Installed On The ISS Recorded A UFO - Alternative View

A webcam installed on board the International Space Station (ISS) and broadcasting in real time recorded an unidentified object (see video below).

The light object appeared literally for a split second and disappeared. You can see its bright white long body, behind which you can see a gray trail that looks like an inversion.

This UFO could well have been launched from the surface of the Earth, but it is clearly not a spacecraft of earthlings, who cannot move at such a tremendous speed.

Most likely, the camera recorded just the moment when the alien ship could turn on its engines to move to another space.

Before this ship appeared, another bright flash flashed in the distance. It could be another UFO or the same object that periodically becomes visible when moving.

This video was recorded on November 27, 2016 by a YouTube-registered ufologist named Streetcap1, who constantly monitors videos and photos from the NASA space agency.

Voronina Svetlana