Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View

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Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View
Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View

Video: Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View

Video: Alien Invasions - False Flag Operations - Alternative View
Video: PUTIN: The US is planning false-flag attacks to frame Assad 2024, September

Jay Weidner's interview with Stephen Greer


D. V.: Hello Dr. Greer. Thank you for being with us. I think this will be a real contribution to the understanding of knowledge about the incredible that is happening around us.

S. G.: With pleasure.

D. V.: Thanks. You are giving new meaning to the concept of staging. What is “staging” for you?

S. G.: Well, actually, it's not my merit. I got acquainted with this concept in the 1990s, when I was studying the problem. For me, staging is the ability to use the technology available in covert programs to organize a counterintelligence event, similar to the appearance of a UFO, and make people believe it is an alien UFO. There is a whole constellation of such events, and they are used in different ways.

For example, in the film Unrecognized, an Air Force intelligence officer discussed the Cash and Landrum case, and many have heard of it. This is how it was.


Promotional video:

In Texas, accompanied by helicopters, a UFO went out of control, descending to the ground, emitting radiation. Poor Cash and Landrum's (Landrum's grandmother and grandson), as well as some other people, received a large dose of radiation. What many people did not realize was that this was a test flight of a human-piloted ship leaving Nellis Base and heading for a base in Texas. The skin was borrowed from a newfound alien spacecraft. As for the propulsion system, it was not possible to deal with it in terms of providing energy. Therefore, they decided to use the nuclear component, which suddenly stopped working and began to emit radiation.

It was a 100% test flight as part of the NPOD. I believe there were 3-4 people in the ship. People were seriously affected by the radiation. In this case, the counterintelligence officers were very happy because in the UFO subculture the object was mistaken for an alien spacecraft that crashed and was captured because it harmed people. A lawsuit followed in an attempt to compensate the affected people for their suffering, but the US government said it knew nothing about it.

In fact, it did not know, since it was an unrecognized operation. I suppose a whole series of similar events actually took place - test flights of artificial spaceships with anti-gravity or captured alien flying vehicles. Trials tried to figure out how they worked, but some got out of hand. Then there were cover-up stories, stories that they were alien spaceships.

That is, the cover-up story served a very important purpose, because the single most explosive idea after knowing that other civilizations are visiting us is that the US government and its contractors have working devices that create anti-gravity. From time to time, the devices fail, and then you have to sort out the situation.

D. V.: Just to clarify that Richard Doty is an agent for the US Air Force's Special Investigations Office (AFOSI). It is featured in a Gaia studio documentary called Mirage Men. It is said that he completely ruined the life of Paul Bennewitz. The film is based on the book by Mark Pilkington, Mirage People.


S. G.: Yes, in fact, this is a more complex story than reflected in the film. My point is that counterintelligence people like Doty see it as their duty. That's why Richard put it this way: "We take suitcases of cash, offer it to the media and ask them to either tell the story differently, or twist it, or suppress it, or just offer superficial information that something happened."

Part of the problem is that counterintelligence operations are very effective at what they do, incredibly effective, and some involve staged events. In particular, Doty and others have confirmed that they are using staged events to mislead people who are too close to the structure and have seen one of the tests of our anti-gravity ships. Most often, tests are carried out in the early morning hours, and people are there by chance.

They will then become targets for kidnapping. A team of Special Forces will appear and kidnap them during the staged event. She will use either some creatures or slightly unusual people made up. These are people, but they look like aliens. This is done either using electromagnetic paramilitary systems that affect consciousness, or certain chemicals. All this to create an abduction experience. Doty definitely admits that this is happening and has happened.

I know dozens of people who do not know each other and live in different places. All of them have gone through the experience of military abduction programs, specially created and well developed from the 1950s and 1960s. People ask, "Isn't this an alien contact experience?" Yes, if you don't know what happens, both can happen. Always ask yourself the question: “Is this a real event or production? Is this an artificial staging or real aliens?"

Unfortunately, they are counting on the lack of scientific and research rigor in the UFO subculture, as well as the handicraft associated with the topic. Well, who, tell me, will delve into whether this was an experience of real alien contact, or was it an "alien", made up to look like an alien? This is why, for a number of reasons, I always use the word “alien” in quotation marks.

A few years ago I met with a human … I think the meeting took place before robots were fully developed, the ones I call programmable life forms. They are small and may look like Grays or other intimidating artificial creatures. They appear on artificial UFOs. They have electronic systems that can influence consciousness, as well as hallucinogens - chemical systems.

This is a case from the past. I think it all happened in the early or mid-1960s. The person who met me was very small in stature, only 1 m 20 cm (although there are also people 2.4-3 m tall). He said that he was very useful in special operations, and he was taken to various places. Everything happened like in Hollywood: a whole production to make him look like an alien. This person was taken away and put on a team of people to simulate contact and kidnapping experiences.

If I heard about this from only one person inside the classified special operations, NPOD, I would write it off as a fantasy. But after I heard about this from many people who do not know each other, do not agree and do not share information … This is exactly what I do. I collect information and understand that something is happening. I found out about this between 1992 and 1994-1995. That's when the big red light went out, but the big red flag appeared.

To be honest, when I started to be interested in this area, I thought that everyone who experienced something so strange went through real alien contact. Then I realized that two things were happening, at least two. Now I have found that there are three of them. At first I thought all contacts were alien. Then I discovered the ability to confuse the public, but in such a way as to scare them. This is sometimes done for psychological warfare purposes to create a frightening event. There are people who become the real victims of covert military abduction operations. Real victims.

Of course, you could say that I have no compassion for such sacrifices. This is not true. I want to say this: it is very important that they understand that not everything that happens in the night is related to aliens. Many other bizarre events are taking place, including imitations of advanced US-owned spacecraft that are actually man-made, as well as creatures that appear to be aliens but are actually not.

There are electromagnetic and chemical systems that can induce experiences, and they are aimed at certain people. There are also bad things called implants that are implanted in people. These are so-called radio frequency chips. I know a man named Pavelek whose testimonies can be found on our website. Also, I think in the 1970s he worked for a high-tech development company. This man invented a radio frequency chip that was going to be used in veterinary medicine.

So, a man from the CIA came up to him and said: “This is a real work of art. We want you to work with us.” He was assigned to the project, which was then transferred to Siemens. The company secretly produced 2 billion of these chips - a billion. These are embedded chips. They can be inserted into people too. This is a very, very high technology. Of course, many people have discovered the chips and claimed to be alien technology. In fact, EG&G and Siemens have developed many generations of chips, and they were inserted into humans.

Such chips are repeaters, transmitters, in the sense of sending a signal, and receivers. I think these are very sinister devices. When I heard about them for the first time, I thought it couldn't be. Then I started getting one message after another, one after another. Then I got interested because a few years ago a gentleman named Budd Hopkins, founder of the Uninvited Guest Foundation …


After I started talking about it, I got a call from his executive director. By that time, the intelligence community had already warned me not to expand on this, since this is the crown jewel of what they are doing to deceive the public. I was told that if I continued like this, I would be discredited. I took this into account.

Hopkins' chief executive told me that I was right. People passed through their program with memories of what the alleged aliens did to them, and then they remembered that a group of military men did everything. Such information was usually removed from what was communicated to the public. When I asked why, he replied that Budd did not want to … In general, it turned out that the Budd Fund is funded by Crown Prince Hans-Adam von Lichtenstein.

When I met with him, the crown prince said: “We want the public to hate aliens so that it is possible to unleash the Third World War, which will be interplanetary. If we have enough Armageddon, Christ will return.” And this was said by the Crown Prince of Liechtenstein, personally, face to face with me. The meeting took place in 1994.


Then I began to realize the existence of a program of staging and deception that outweighs the experiences of real contacts of people with aliens. It was then that "serious" books, films, UFO conferences and so on began to appear. I was told that the truth is much weirder than the fantasy of people believes that if you perform, you will be discredited. And the last one turned out to be the most difficult for me. Many people hate me for allegedly claiming that all contact with aliens or even visits aboard alien ships are simulations, deception or false flag operations. I don’t say that. I just warn that there are many, tens, thousands of such operations.

The problem is this: if you did not have this information, you would be like an incompetent doctor who does not know that chest pain can be caused by dozens of reasons. If you think that chest pain is definitely a heart attack, then you are missing out on pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, thoracic aneurysm rupture, and a bunch of other causes. So I think this is what we should do in the UFO research community: take a step back, see what is happening, and understand how counterintelligence operations are conducted, what their assets are.

What technologies are used by the intelligence community to mislead the public? If we don't disclose this, then you are becoming a convenient target for false flag operations. Many people don't want to hear about it. They seek to kill the messenger. I am just a messenger. To be honest, I didn't even begin to think about all this until I got too much information. Then everything became irrefutable.

My resistance continued unabated until I personally encountered one of these systems. It all happened at night, after a long meeting with the crown prince of Liechtenstein (since this is a principality, there are no kings in Liechtenstein). He tried to pull me over to the dark side. I hate to use Star Wars terms, but … But I didn't buy it because I was already privy to this kind of counterintelligence staged operations.

Then one of those systems was targeted at me. It all took place in a room at the St. Moritz Hotel, located on the south side of Central Park on 5th Avenue in New York. The Four Seasons event was held there, where I met with the Crown Prince. I was asleep. As I said, it was an electronic weapon system, and everything was terrible, like electronic black magic. The system turned out to be aimed exactly at me. They tried to stretch … I am glad that we are at Gaia studio, because it is her audience that is able to understand me. The system tried to pull the subtle body of light, the astral body from the physical body, torture it, and then bring it back with stigmata.

If you understand how it works, the physical body is actually the materialization of a part of the light body and a conscious body. There are technologies that can do the above, and this time I was the target. People were interested in how I did it. Fortunately, I was a doctor, studied Vedic medicine and taught the art of meditation. Therefore, I went into deep meditation, invoked the unlimited cosmic mind and imagined how a drop of me becomes an ocean. In general, it was transformed. The action ceased because the system was unable to grab the ocean, it could only grab a drop.

Remember this. If you remain attached to the light, to something greater, nothing can be done to you. This is exactly what I did. But I had to do it over and over again. Every time I got more immersed in the ego, the individual conscious self, everything started anew. It was terrible.

D. V.: I've already heard about it.

S. G.: That is, I experienced everything personally. Although even in such an experience, you can see some beauty. Since I have spent 40 years studying and practicing clairvoyance, meditation and higher states of consciousness. I was able to trace back the source of who does it and how. All they did was lightly touch me with their hand, so I could see who was doing it, how, and with what electronic system. By sharing personal experiences, I may be jeopardizing my veracity. So what! I mean, I'm getting older and I can share it.

All this happened in July 1994. As proof, I had more than just the people in the intelligence community and in the corporate world running these systems. By the way, it was they who warned me about the upcoming operation. Now I also have Richard Doty in the film Unrecognized, based on my book of the same name.


The book Unrecognized contains five times more information. It provides information from Richard Doughty that similar operations were carried out in different places.


So I know what's going on. And if you know that this is the case, you should bring it to the public; well, like a yellow alert, only this time it's a cosmic yellow alert. The public is offered staged events, misinformation, something scary to manipulate their opinion in the direction of the presence of an alien threat, so that people support the idea of the Third World War. Well, why not an operation under a false flag!

Recently, the President announced the creation of the Space Force, and I think things are quite ominous. The only way to implement the program is to create an uninformed civilian population. If citizens knew everything, they would immediately see the deception, right? So my goal is to flaunt the fraud so that people don't … Well, like in Who, so that people won't be fooled again. Unfortunately, since Vietnam we have been fooled over and over and over again.

My position is this: let's not be fooled again. Let's keep our eyes open. This is not about individuals or about what someone has, it is about knowing the truth, understanding that we are putting ourselves at risk without this information. Once you have the information, you are able to tell the difference between an experience with real aliens and an elaborate production. By the way, man-made UFOs have seams, rivets, sections and parts. Interstellar spaceships are solid. We could go into the details of their creation, I understand that.

However, I believe that first, the public, which will get acquainted with the content of our episode, I hope it will be millions of people, should understand that there is an intention within deep intelligence operations and NPOD to fool people for a specific purpose. People ask why they do it? Sometimes to hide a staged event that many people witness, well, like in the case of Cash and Landrum. Or an event in Washington state during which someone saw an artificial UFO in motion.

You know, Richard Doty admits that eyewitnesses are then kidnapped so that they think they were observing an “alien” spacecraft when in fact it was one of ours. I think this is an obscene level of counterintelligence, and since the 1950s, performances have proceeded smoothly and without hindrance, because no one blew the whistle. That's why I'm trying to expose everything so that people …

Understand, I am not saying that everyone who has such experience is cheating, they are telling the truth, but what kind of experience was it? Where did he come from? After all, there is another level, interdimensional. Don't get confused by two pines. If you want to talk about what the CIA folks have called ELF - weird scientific and damn magic, good. Here is the term used - SNFM. By the way, Northrop Grumman calls it CGM - pure fucking magic. This is my uncle's old company.

When you look at this, the associated ELF, part of it is a technology by which people are fully convinced of the experience of contact with aliens, when in fact it is all staging, this technology is much more developed than people realize. This is not just holography or psychotronics, these are physical systems, artificial life spanning structures.

D. V.: So, you mean that operatives are able to pull people out of bedrooms, immerse them in the experience of contact …

S. G.: Yes.

D. V.:… And then return it back?

S. G.: Yes.

D. V.: Then they need to be sure that people will think that it is real?

S. G.: People are completely and completely confident in the reality of alien contact.

D. V.: Are you so sure that they even successfully pass through a lie detector?

S. G.: That's it. Of course, the experience itself was real, but you should understand who carried it out.

D. V.: Right.

S. G.: Were these real aliens or a counterintelligence operation? Things get a little more complicated. There are many people who have actually gone through contact with aliens, but then, unfortunately, artificial experience is superimposed on it in order to influence not only their memory. But also on the assessment of aliens.

D. V.: Because they originally found aliens pleasant …

S. G.: Yes.

D. V.: and then, since they were abducted, then aliens are evil?

S. G.: The problem has worsened. It has become so urgent that … What is happening in ufology? Cataclysms. Almost like the Catholic Church; over the past 50-60 years, faith has been largely shaken. I guess we should take a step back and say to ourselves, "Take a deep breath, look and begin to understand." Take to heart the top secret document of the Canadian Wilbert Smith. It says that in 1951, the UFO topic was already the most classified in the American government. The secrecy even exceeded the creation of the hydrogen bomb.


It is a top secret document, it is on the site, most people have seen it. What would you do to hide your deeds? Well, hide them in plain sight. You create staged events that can be confusing, confusing, and deceiving. This is a branded counterintelligence product. I think we should know how counterintelligence works, as well as dive deep into what assets it has developed since the 1940s and 1950s. Not just the bodies of an aircraft that looks like UFOs and creatures that can look like aliens, but electromagnetic systems that can affect consciousness, thought and cause hallucinations.

All of this is used and tested on people involved in military programs and their families. I was told that a number of world leaders and their family members were secretly abducted by counterintelligence soldiers who looked like aliens in order to learn how to hate aliens. And support the interplanetary war program.

D. V.: Why do they want us to hate aliens?

S. G.: It's profitable. Remember that for the last thousand years the organizing principle on Earth has been war, we are against them, geopolitically. First there was the tribal system, then the nations, then the nation-states, and finally the coalitions of nations or the axis of evil. That is, if you like, the original sin of humanity is that part of us that has primate roots. Divide into groups or tribes, and any other is a threat. We hate being different.

We live in times when it is not politically correct to be an outright racist, although everything seems to be returning to normal - homophobia, misogyny, anti-Semitism and the like. Why not broaden your views on "aliens"? I call this “the position of a foreigner in another country”. The intelligence community is exploiting this human tendency, human tendency …

D. V.: Striving for fiery isolation?

S. G.:… To create another enemy, other “them”, we are against them. This has been done very cleverly for 50-60 years. The intelligence community knows what it is doing; they may be evil, but not stupid. Well, like supporters of Hitler.


I mean, they were evil like snakes, and some are just true geniuses of evil. They knew how to exploit the worst in humanity. The goal is to organize people around a centralized military system based on fear, not love, peace and enlightenment. I think this is why it is very important that studios like Gaia, interested in the Earth, its future, the world and the environment, understand this and enlighten people so that they do not get sucked into the trend of us versus them or humans versus aliens.

Of course, this dichotomy is very attractive because there is a part of us, the dark side of humanity. I repeat, nowadays it is not customary to be openly racist, homophobic, or anything else like that. Over lunch, I already shared with you that when I was in school in North Carolina in 1972-73, I was almost killed because my girlfriend was a black woman. Now, of course, this would not have happened. Last year, skinheads appeared in Charlottesville, where I live now …

D. V.: It seems that now the desire for a tribal approach is on the rise, is not it?

S. G.: Yes, and this is being exploited by demagogues. You know, demagogues know how to use it. And the intelligence community not only exploits this by simulating alien events, but also has technologies to attract non-aliens from other dimensions, non-human interdimensional beings. This leads to the very bottom of the ELFM (strange scientific and damn magic). I don't know if you want to talk about it.

D. V.: Want.

S. G.: It scares. It's real. It is the ability to use a stargate for military purposes. Let's say you have an electromagnetic system, you find a certain frequency and find yourself in another dimension, in which all kinds of creepy creatures reside, and then you attract them to our three-dimensional space. People have heard stories in Montauk where electromagnetic systems provoked strange creatures. Two of them fled ashore and disappeared.

D. V.: Netflix has released Stranger Things about this.


S. G.: Very strange things. Of course, the show is fantastic, but based on true events. I was initiated into the real part. For example, right now, a tech genius is conducting an operation in Salt Lake City that involves many CIA people. It became known about her literally in the last couple of months. They have a basketball-sized device capable of teleporting and creating anti-gravity and free energy. Recently, they have identified a certain frequency that allows one to fall into other dimensions. That is, these are not contacts with extraterrestrials, these are falling into other dimensions, not extraterrestrial.

The cosmology I am talking about should be understood here. There are also camcorders … I'm trying to get a copy of the videotape. It demonstrates how these creatures enter the room, emerging from this device or leaving it. Such a device can be used for staging purposes and say: "Look, these are the aliens." In fact, these are not aliens or humans. These creatures - I don't know who exactly they captured - from the ninth circle of hell. Who they are, I do not know.

D. V.: Aren't they dangerous?

S. G.: Oh, extremely dangerous. They are not only … Can you imagine what will happen if the device falls into the hands of people who have a certain program? Let's call them followers of eschatology. Eschatology is a teaching about the end of the world, Armageddon. In the hands of such people … They could create very frightening events and scenarios. Work events and scripts. This particular private equity group stumbled upon it by accident and classified projects were doing it in the 1950s and 1960s and 1970s.

I spoke with a man who worked in the "cube" - an underground facility at the L ockh eed Skunk Works. This secret structure is located near Edwards base and is called the "cube". Now, that man said, “Oh, yes, we could get people hooked. We have systems that can create a certain frequency that will communicate with different dimensions and pull the creatures living in them into the laboratory of the third dimension. They are not aliens, but they can be thought of as aliens.”

Generally speaking, the word “alien” is accepted to refer to alien biological life forms from other planetary systems. As I said, the staged creature is used by the intelligence community to trick people. Interdimensional weapon systems and electromagnetic systems are capable of penetrating other dimensions and pulling beings from there into our dimension, passing them off as “aliens”.

There are people who have gone through experiences of contact with beings from other dimensions, thinking that they are communicating with aliens, but in fact they are not, I call this cosmological confusion. We could devote an entire episode to this, which would be quite clarifying. An episode about the problem of cosmology as an operating system in people's awareness, when people confuse real events with aliens with counterintelligence staging with communications with beings from other dimensions. It could be a lower dimension or an angelic dimension, but in any case, something different from an alien civilization.

But remember, this is why the confusion arises, if you are able to move from point A to point B at a speed greater than the speed of light, you, a priori, by definition, pass through other dimensions. If they are able to come from … They drop out of linear spacetime and move interdimensionally, that is, they are interdimensionally shifted to another place in spacetime, which may be 100,000 light years away, or a million light years or a billion light years away.

Such alien civilizations possess technologies that may seem magical to you. Therefore, as long as you do not receive other information, you can be forgiven for confusing contact with aliens with contact with other interdimensional beings during the staged operation. Do you see what I mean? I am trying to clarify a very complex problem.

You know, everyone wants simplicity, 142 letter characters on Twitter. Unfortunately, I'm not the one to suggest this. If you want to get more in-depth information, I will provide it, but it will be a deep immersion in understanding not only space, but also in currently existing technologies operating throughout the world and in classified projects. Such technologies are capable of simulating anything.

If the public doesn't know … I mean, this is information that everyone should have known since the 1950s. These are high-tech electronics, anti-gravity, trans-dimensional physics, consciousness, higher consciousness, and so on. You should also know about the downside - such systems are used for negative purposes as well. All this should be in the public domain. Without this knowledge, it is easy to make us all victims of deception. This is one of my main goals while I am still on the planet, on this plane.

Transfer information so that people can provide informational assessment and not succumb to the deception of those who like to deceive you in order to implement the program of gaining centralized power, control over the planet through war and increasing power. I think now it is a rapidly dying paradigm, and they are trying to reanimate it, keep it alive.

The old world is dying. A new civilization is emerging, which will be conscious, enlightened, knowledgeable, based on higher states of consciousness, higher physics used for good. But there is also a balancing force that seeks to maintain the old paradigm of us versus them and force people to buy into it through fear. Fear is a grand mind killer, a spiritual killer.

I am not suggesting that performances cannot be very intimidating. I myself experienced the greatest fear when one of the electromagnetic systems was aimed at me. But, fortunately, I managed to transform my fear by going to a place of endless light, endless love, where I had already been, going through a near-death experience. The root of the problem is spiritual, and the solution is also spiritual.