Is The Ancient Civilization Being Restored? - Alternative View

Is The Ancient Civilization Being Restored? - Alternative View
Is The Ancient Civilization Being Restored? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Ancient Civilization Being Restored? - Alternative View

Video: Is The Ancient Civilization Being Restored? - Alternative View
Video: Did an Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist Millions Of Years Ago? 2024, September

First, get to know the "participants" in person to make it easier to imagine.

Peter. TSNII RTK tower. Tikhoretskiy prsp, 21. Note the square tower plinth and mesh. This is not an insulator from the ground or an electrical circuit, is it? Just a bold design decision
Peter. TSNII RTK tower. Tikhoretskiy prsp, 21. Note the square tower plinth and mesh. This is not an insulator from the ground or an electrical circuit, is it? Just a bold design decision

Peter. TSNII RTK tower. Tikhoretskiy prsp, 21. Note the square tower plinth and mesh. This is not an insulator from the ground or an electrical circuit, is it? Just a bold design decision

Peter. House of Scientists M. Gorky RAS. Palace Embankment, 26
Peter. House of Scientists M. Gorky RAS. Palace Embankment, 26

Peter. House of Scientists M. Gorky RAS. Palace Embankment, 26

Interesting structures? Especially the first tower, the officials will say, they say, stylization is so fashionable, well, let them say. And we'll talk about ours.

Let's look at the iron tower of the Central Research Institute of RTK from the inside (there is little information about the first turret).


The dome resembles a rotunda. The metal tower is a rod with a "ball" at the end, like the old ones.

The metal petals seem to act as sculptures, converters of radiation or reflectors
The metal petals seem to act as sculptures, converters of radiation or reflectors

The metal petals seem to act as sculptures, converters of radiation or reflectors.

Promotional video:

The iron beams resemble columns. There are windows in a circle. From above, a plumb line, if a weight is attached to it, it will be a pendulum that creates infrasound, for example
The iron beams resemble columns. There are windows in a circle. From above, a plumb line, if a weight is attached to it, it will be a pendulum that creates infrasound, for example

The iron beams resemble columns. There are windows in a circle. From above, a plumb line, if a weight is attached to it, it will be a pendulum that creates infrasound, for example.

It's a manipulator, possibly from the ISS. Also around the window
It's a manipulator, possibly from the ISS. Also around the window

It's a manipulator, possibly from the ISS. Also around the window.

The tower was built during the Soviet Union, some of the equipment has survived, but perhaps this is a “ screen ”, and perhaps this is enough
The tower was built during the Soviet Union, some of the equipment has survived, but perhaps this is a “ screen ”, and perhaps this is enough

The tower was built during the Soviet Union, some of the equipment has survived, but perhaps this is a “ screen ”, and perhaps this is enough.

The domed roof of the House of Scientists on the Palace Embankment
The domed roof of the House of Scientists on the Palace Embankment

The domed roof of the House of Scientists on the Palace Embankment.

Another dome is in the same place. By the way, the mansion used to belong to the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich
Another dome is in the same place. By the way, the mansion used to belong to the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich

Another dome is in the same place. By the way, the mansion used to belong to the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich.

The alternatives are aware that the temples were built on tectonic faults. This is how our structures are located.


The iron tower at the very top (green arrow). Located on TWO converging faults. Slightly lower is the beautiful turret of the House of Scientists on Lesnoye (it looks like a water tower, right?). At the very bottom, opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress-star is the mansion of the House of Scientists named after M. Gorky RAS. Interesting location, isn't it?


This is me very creative, in the style of modern art))) signed the tower.

And this is a top view of the iron tower and the Central Research Institute of RTK. Probably, by chance, the shape of the building turned out to be curved, this is not a resonator
And this is a top view of the iron tower and the Central Research Institute of RTK. Probably, by chance, the shape of the building turned out to be curved, this is not a resonator

And this is a top view of the iron tower and the Central Research Institute of RTK. Probably, by chance, the shape of the building turned out to be curved, this is not a resonator!

So, our scientists quite by chance settled in such interesting places and built such interesting buildings.

Well, think about it on this matter.

And finally, some other information, also for thought.


Everyone recognized the air communications support.

But I don’t know whether these items are related to this or not.


Booster for mobile communication. Maybe just a coincidence?


Thorns on the horizontal rays of the star. Maybe it's true that the birds do not sit down? Or not?


There are a lot of these constructions, and the radius of their action overlaps each other. Several short pins on the right.

Is it coincidence, conspiracy theories, or there are no such coincidences?

My subjective opinion.

Author: Olga Glukhova (Shushkova)