The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

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The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View
The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Video: The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View

Video: The Middle Ages: Myths And Reality - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 Myths About the Middle Ages 2024, September

Modern ordinary people are used to thinking that the Middle Ages was one of the most dense and ignorant periods in history. Most of these beliefs are based on fantasy books or popular films. This review collects the most common myths about the Middle Ages, which are taken at face value.

Myth No. 1. People actively used spices to drown out the taste of spoiled meat

Spices were brought to Europe from India, China, Muslim countries, so they were incredibly expensive. Therefore, it is logical to assume that those who could afford spices certainly did not eat spoiled meat. In medieval France, one pound of nutmegs would cost a cow or four sheep. There are cases when, instead of money, fines were paid with spices. So in the XIII century, the inhabitants of the city of Beziers were ordered to pay a fine for the murder of a viscount - 3 pounds of pepper.


Myth # 2. The Iron Maiden is the most sophisticated torture device

Many articles have been written about medieval torture, however, if you look at it, the active use of torture tools began several centuries later. And the sarcophagus with thorns "Iron Maiden" was completely invented in the 18th century.

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Myth number 3. In the Middle Ages, wine and beer were preferred over water because of its pollution

The widespread belief that water was poisoned in the Middle Ages is highly exaggerated. The basis of the existence of cities at that time was the presence of large sources of fresh water, and their pollution automatically meant the death of settlements. And people drank wine not in such quantities as modern inhabitants are used to thinking. For the most part, it was diluted with wine so as not to get drunk. Beer was mostly drunk by peasants in the fields to quench their thirst.


Myth number 4. People did not live up to 30 years

Such a sad figure is based on statistics. The fact is that in the Middle Ages there was a high mortality rate of children at an early age. Then there were practically no families where at least one child did not die. Well, those who were lucky to survive childhood and adolescence, quite normally lived up to 50 and 70 years. Well, the number 30 is nothing more than the arithmetic average of the people of the Middle Ages put together - both children and old people.


Myth number 5. Right of the first night

Often in films and books, the right of the first night is described in bright colors, when the king or feudal lord deprived a girl of her innocence on her wedding night. Apart from literary works, there is no mention of such cases in any official chronicle.


Myth No. 6. Before the campaigns, medieval knights put on chastity belts on their ladies

The chastity belt is another invention of the 19th century people who popularized the idea of the dense Middle Ages. The idea of the chastity belts was taken from a painting dated 1405. There, in a comic form, the ancient Roman tradition was depicted, according to which the waist and hips of the bride were tied with a belt. He personified chastity. It has long been scientifically proven that all found metal and other chastity belts are fake.


Myth number 7. In the Middle Ages, everything was gray and expressionless

The Middle Ages are associated not only with the "dullness" of thinking of people of that time, but also with inexpressive and gloomy shades that were used in clothing or interior decoration. In fact, if you look at the churches and cathedrals of the Middle Ages, you can see beautiful bright stained glass windows. Jewelry of all colors of the rainbow has survived to this day. Of course, most of the murals were destroyed or faded from time to time, and the clothes simply faded.


Myth number 8. Neuschwanstein - a medieval castle

Many believe that Neuschwanstein Castle was built in the Middle Ages. In fact, its construction began only in 1869 by order of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Neuschwanstein was built in the neo-Gothic style, which is why it is confused with ancient castles.
