How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View

How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View
How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View

Video: How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View

Video: How They Deprived Their Virginity In Different Countries Of The World - Alternative View
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Defloration of girls in ancient times was often a ritual procedure performed by women. So for many peoples of South America, the responsibility for breaking the hymen fell on the midwives after the birth of girls or on mothers who deprived their daughters of innocence at a very young age.

In Peru, not so long ago, mothers traditionally deprived girls of their virginity in a public place. Similar rituals took place in Kamchatka, as well as on the island of Madagascar.

1. In the olden days, there was a tradition according to which young girls went to the forest, where hermit monks, who wore special robes - animal skins and horns, deprived them of their innocence. These monks belonged to a special kind of brotherhoods of human lions, human horses, human bulls, human wolves, and so on. Depending on which brotherhood the monk belonged to, he was dressed in the appropriate animal skin.

2. Ancient Greek and Roman texts contain evidence that girls at that time reached puberty at the age of 14. Until this moment, it was not considered condemnatory even if they went without clothes at all. For the girls of some provinces, it was a real shame if their husband got them intact - they had to get rid of their virginity in advance in a special temple to the Big Goddess. This goddess, who in Hellas was called Aphrodite, in Phenicia - Astarte, and in Babylon - Ishtar. It was to her that the sacrifice in the form of a torn hymen was dedicated. On a certain day, a chaste girl had to come to the temple and surrender herself to any stranger who would be in the temple. At the same time, the man was forbidden to bare the girl's body, since such behavior was equated to the desecration of the shrine. In Roman temples, special phallic figurines depicting one of the deities of fertility could be used for deprivation of innocence.

3. In many Muslim countries, in particular in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, to this day there is a ritual of solemn defloration - while the girl's hymen is torn apart by the index finger on her right hand. The finger is wrapped in a white cloth, which, as a result of the ceremony, should turn red.

4. In the East, there was even a special profession "cadeberiz", whose representatives were engaged in an important matter - depriving girls of their virginity before their marriage. This activity was considered dangerous and very responsible.

5. In Montenegro, Bosnia, as well as in the north of Slovaks, there was a custom when the bride was symbolically deprived of her virginity by the groom's “friend”, who was considered the most important at the wedding. In ancient times, this process was most likely not symbolic.

6. In the days of Ancient Rus there was a marriage custom, when the elder boyar's "friend" of the groom was present on the wedding night in the bedroom of the newlyweds. If the groom could not cope with his duties, the elder boyar had to replace him.

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7. Among the representatives of the Zakai tribe of the island of Sumatra, the girl had to be deflowered by her father before marriage, while the bride's uncle, that is, the girl's mother and father's brothers, should help him, regardless of their age. So, near the girl's bed, sometimes companies of up to 25 people gather, of which the youngest may be 10, and the oldest 70 years old.

8. In Oceania, the groom trusted his future wife to several of his friends, who had to go away with her from the settlement and do everything necessary. The wedding ceremony proceeded after their return to the village.

9. The defloration of the bride in Cambodia was performed by a priest during the wedding ceremony. He did this with the middle finger of his hand, which he had previously moistened in wine. After the procedure, this wine was to be drunk by the groom's family members.

10. In some African tribes, as well as in almost all tribes of South America, there was an ancient tradition when girls independently deprived themselves of their virginity with the help of special wooden dildos. After the procedure, the torn hymen was covered with special antiseptic plants.
