Residents Of The Sarpinsky Island Share Unusual Observations - Alternative View

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Residents Of The Sarpinsky Island Share Unusual Observations - Alternative View
Residents Of The Sarpinsky Island Share Unusual Observations - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of The Sarpinsky Island Share Unusual Observations - Alternative View

Video: Residents Of The Sarpinsky Island Share Unusual Observations - Alternative View
Video: Leverage and Influential Points in Simple Linear Regression 2024, September

Sarpinsky Island in Volgograd began to actively attract the attention of researchers of the paranormal. Dots glowing in the night, rapidly receding objects in the sky, suddenly disappearing paths in the forest - all this arouses fear and curiosity and becomes a subject of study for daredevils. Our special correspondent Nadezhda MAGNITSKAYA tried to find out what is happening on the island and how all this can be explained.

Why are the paths disappearing?

Sarpinsky is the longest island in Europe, dotted with a system of lakes and eriks. There are many protected places where fishermen and lovers of mushroom hikes like to spend time. True, it is not always safe to wander here alone.

- I know a lot of mushroom places in Sarpinsky, - says Lyudmila Plakhova. - Once I went to our isthmus - this is the place where two lakes converge, and between them there is only one path. I walked along it a hundred times, but somehow it happened that, returning from the forest, I could not find that path. No, that's all. I walk and walk and suddenly I realize that I have already passed this place several times. There, on the path, a turtle was lying, so noticeable.

It began to grow dark, the woman was seized by fear. And you can't get to the lake - you can't even wade through reeds, swamps and even wade!

- I panicked, - says Lyudmila. - And suddenly the old woman comes out, so neat, and the knots behind her are tied in the correct shape. And he says: "Are you looking for a path?" And then he replies: "And you are standing on it, just a little ahead of it." I looked: indeed, I did not reach ten steps.

Lyudmila looked around to thank the old woman, but once - and no, she disappeared in an instant!

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Lyudmila Plakhova assures that strange things are happening on the island
Lyudmila Plakhova assures that strange things are happening on the island

Lyudmila Plakhova assures that strange things are happening on the island.

Who left the magic signs?

The name of the village Peschanka in Russia is one of the most common. There are two Peschanoks on Sarpinsky. One is located on the coastal part with a characteristic shoal. In spill, everything is filled with water, and in the dry summer months, a huge sandy plateau with small lakes forms on this site.

This is a little-visited place, since it takes a lot of time to approach the water. But for crossing to the opposite shore on its own floating craft, it suits perfectly well, since the Volga in this place is fast, but not wide.

A resident of the neighboring Peschanka Roman Slesarenko is often ferried here. Once he saw on the shore, he was completely amazed.

- I, as usual, came by boat with a trailer, - Roman recalls. - Suddenly I see: on the sand the outlines of three absolutely regular circles with spiral stains. I was so confused that I didn't even take a picture of them right away, even though I had my mobile phone with me. It seems that I was not allowed.

Roman uncovered the boat and drove to the other side. And when he returned, the circles were already washed away by the wind and water. When asked what it could be, Roman suggests:

- As if traces of some flying vehicles, we also say that there is a UFO on Sarpinsky.


Where do the balloons come from?

The Sarpians have repeatedly seen another unusual phenomenon - a huge ball, like the sun, which slowly floated over the forest.

- I saw it several times, - says Valentina Marachkina. - At dusk and dawn it was. Only at dusk he sailed from the east, and at dawn - from the west. The size of the sun. The first time I was scared: I think that's it, the end of the world has come, two suns. And then it even became curious.

Summer residents in the starry sky observed another unusual phenomenon.

- My husband and I went to visit friends in a neighboring society, - Tatyana Pogodina recalls. - We walked through the field, the space is open. I look - in the sky three bright twinkling stars are burning evenly in a row. I show it to my husband, and he says: "Nothing special, this orbital station is hanging." And suddenly this station began to move at high speed along a square trajectory - up and down, and then something like a large beam appeared, and the whole structure suddenly disappeared abruptly into the stratosphere. We were so impressed that we discussed the topic of UFOs throughout the evening.


Is it all about techno magic?

“UFOs may well have a terrestrial origin,” says the researcher, science fiction writer Sergey Zaitsev. - Hitler had in his arsenal the so-called technomagic devices in Antarctica. There was an assumption that representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization helped create them, and according to the second hypothesis, they were drawn up according to drawings found in an ancient library in Tibet. There are also genuine maps of Antarctica, but without the ice shell. The Ahnenerbe was undoubtedly associated with the creation of the flying saucer.


Dr. Shuma is considered one of the developers of technomagic devices. If the evidence is to be believed, his electrodynamic machines, which used rapid rotation, not only altered the structure of time around them, but also floated in the air.

- Today, scientists already know that rapidly rotating objects change around themselves not only the gravitational field, but also the space-time characteristics. So there is nothing fantastic in the fact that when developing a time machine, Nazi scientists received an antigravity effect, no, Zaitsev said.

It's another matter how manageable these processes were. There is evidence that a device with such capabilities was sent to Munich, to Augsburg, where its research continued. The declassified archives describe a case that the US official authorities have been silent about to this day. On March 3, 1947, the just started American expedition to Antarctica was curtailed, and the ships hurriedly headed home. A year later, some details surfaced on the pages of the European magazine Brizant.

It was reported that the expedition met with stiff resistance from the enemy. At least one ship, dozens of people, four combat aircraft were lost, nine more aircraft had to be left as unusable.

True, all descriptions of what happened are based on the recollections of the crew members, who told about “flying discs” emerging from under the water and attacking them, about strange atmospheric phenomena that caused mental disorders. Why the disks were not used on the fronts is anyone's guess.

“Perhaps the developments were a little late, or maybe they wanted to be brought to perfection and some kind of disaster happened,” Zaitsev believes.

More recently, a picture was published on the World Wide Web, which shows how a disc-shaped flying device crashed into a rock in Antarctica. Ufologists believe that UFOs are controlled by the cosmic mind and earthly orders mean absolutely nothing. This means that actions aimed at evil and destruction doom the devices to certain death.

Is there a special energy here?

Paranormal researchers say: Sarpinsky is guarded by UFOs. The virgin nature has been preserved here and there is practically no infrastructure.

“If we take a purely earthly explanation, then in the event of a nuclear explosion, those who remained on the island will be able to escape,” the young researcher Valery Pavlov believes. - Remoteness from the city, the presence of underground and internal water, domestic animals that graze here literally in herds, but from above, they will help, those who will look after people.

It is believed that Sarpinsky has a special energy, and, despite transport problems and the complexity of freight traffic, the number of summer residents is not decreasing from year to year, but growing.


- It was from here that Tsaritsyn began, - states local historian Yuri Voitov. - Although, it would seem, this is just an island. But in those days anyhow, where no fortresses were erected, places of power were chosen. The shaft of Ivan the Terrible is still visible, and there are legends about his hoards.

The pilgrimage of treasure hunters in Sarpinskoye has not yet been observed, but UFO hunters set up a tent camp every summer. And even if they are unlucky with the photo at the scheduled time, they will receive irreplaceable pleasure - communication with the amazing nature of the island.

Nadezhda Magnitskaya