The Mystery Of The Foo Fighters Anomaly That Has Been Going On Since 1944 - Alternative View

The Mystery Of The Foo Fighters Anomaly That Has Been Going On Since 1944 - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Foo Fighters Anomaly That Has Been Going On Since 1944 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Foo Fighters Anomaly That Has Been Going On Since 1944 - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Foo Fighters Anomaly That Has Been Going On Since 1944 - Alternative View
Video: What are "Foo Fighters"? 2024, June

There are various anomalous zones on our planet, in which the laws of physics, time and space that are familiar to us change. These places include the Bermuda Triangle, Cahokia Mounds, Yonaguni Pyramids and many other places that are scattered around the world. Scientists try to study abnormal places or anomalous zones (as they are often called), but even they are not always able to answer many questions.

Why do zones become anomalous and are such places able to transfer through time and space? Are such places natural or were they created by extraterrestrial civilizations as an experiment? During World War II, many pilots reported mysterious lights of different colors that they observed in the sky. These lights reminded the military of the spheres that were pursued by planes during military sorties, and often the pilots reported that the spheres gathered in groups. Some noted that the impression was created of the intelligence of the multi-colored spheres.

The anomaly was named Foo fighters and this mystery has not been solved yet. Where did these spheres come from and why did they accompany the pilots? The military feared that the spheres could crash into the plane, because their speed and behavior were constantly changing, but nothing like that happened.

There were various versions about the origin and purpose of the spheres, and among them were the optical illusion, the spies of the USSR and the natural origin of the spheres, such as ball lightning. There were also those who talked about the extraterrestrial origin of the spheres and alien civilizations allegedly follow what people are doing on Earth. Until this secret is revealed, such spheres periodically appear in different parts of the planet.
