Death Rays - Alternative View

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Death Rays - Alternative View
Death Rays - Alternative View

Video: Death Rays - Alternative View

Video: Death Rays - Alternative View
Video: Death Rays 2024, September

In all ages, in all countries, the powerful of this world have sought to acquire or create "rays of death", bringing death to their enemies. Omnipotent rulers with great generosity bestowed gold on sorcerers, magicians, alchemists, who assured that they were already on the verge of mastering invisible, terrible rays. According to them, in most of the rituals performed, invisible rays arose at the time of the killing of a living creature. Priests or magicians, according to esoteric legends, could direct them in a special way and kill other people.

What is it? Poetic fiction or information about forgotten (or kept secret) knowledge?

But the philosophers of Ancient Greece wrote about the "field of death", the "rays of death" emitted by a person at the time of his death. A serious study of this problem began at the end of the 19th century, when the famous French naturalist Camille Flammarion became interested in this idea.

Secrets of the NKVD and the SS

In Russia, attention was drawn to the problem of the impact of the dying on the people around them shortly after the October Revolution. At that time, many laboratories appeared in Moscow and Leningrad, conducting, under the strict supervision of special agencies, the study of various mysterious phenomena that could be used "for the benefit of the world revolution." In the 1920s, Professor A. Gurevich discovered the so-called degradation radiation of living cells. With the help of experiments, the scientist was able to prove that living cells of plants emit electromagnetic waves, which, being absorbed by other living cells, accelerate their rapid reproduction. Conversely, dying cells emit electromagnetic waves that cause the death of neighboring cells.

The next step in the study of the "death rays" was made by the Russian émigré biologist V. Lepeshkin. In the 30s, while working in Barcelona, he learned about the results of Gurevich's experiments. The scientist conducted his research (in the absence of the necessary funds) with the help of an ordinary kitchen pot. On its circumference, Lepeshkin glued a special film sensitive to the ultraviolet zone of the spectrum. In the pot itself, he put live shrimps, then scalded them with boiling water. After development, the film turned out to be exposed. It was affected by radiation, which Gurevich called "degradative".

Later, the Soviet physicist Sergei Dokuchaev developed a hypothesis about the existence of the so-called longitudinal electromagnetic waves emitted when living organisms die. To prove this, he killed rats in cells that were completely shielded from any known physical fields. Nevertheless, the device, installed at a great distance from the site of the experiment, recorded a burst of necrobiological radiation.

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Unexpected discoveries were made not only in the laboratories of scientists, but also at the writing desk of science fiction writers, sometimes anticipating the future development of science. For example, the book by Anatoly Zharenov "The Great Ptah Paradox", published 30 years ago. The intrigue revolves around a strange phenomenon that was observed during World War II by SS professor Ludwig Hengenau in a laboratory located in one of the death camps. Professor's assistant Louise, “meek as a rabbit, changed at exactly 5 pm: hatred flashed in her eyes, and she began to rage. But five minutes passed, and everything returned to normal."

A few days later Hengenau scrupulously noted in his diary: “New. At exactly five, Louise began to rave. Then the scientist wrote down that a woman's skin color begins to change. Finally, at exactly five o'clock, she suddenly died of some unknown illness. What caused her death?

“I am walking around the camp,” Hengenau continues to keep his diary, “and I see: a new gas chamber has been built near our laboratory. And a strange thought came to my mind: is there a connection? Set the number when the first batch of prisoners was loaded into the cell. It was on this day that Louise started “it”. And the hour coincided. The camera turns out to be loaded daily at five o'clock. Yes, I made a discovery and call it the "field of death"! It occurs when a crowd of people perishes at the same time."

These lines are a reflection of real events that took place during the Second World War. The leaders of the Third Reich were very interested in the strange effects that occurred during the violent death of a large number of victims. For this, in fascist concentration camps, in practice, secret knowledge about blood magic was used, contained in Eastern occultism and among European mystics. “This is the magical meaning of human sacrifice, - believe Jacques Bergier and Louis Povel, authors of the sensational study Morning of the Magicians, - mass shootings, executions, suffocation in gas chambers, in general, everything that happened in the death camps. It was the highest magic of human sacrifice, and not just the result of the activity of psychopathological types."

The monstrous sacrifices did not help the leaders of the Third Reich. But, as often happens in experimental sciences, even if it is not possible to achieve the initially set goal, instead a conveyor of endless experiments leads to other - unexpected, side results. Including the appearance of "death rays".

Victim's "last word"

And here is the discovery made in one of the laboratories of the city of Pushchino near Moscow by biologists. They tried to understand the biofield of plants and its impact on the world around them. A jar of water filled with infusoria was placed near the plant. After that, the plant was ruthlessly shredded, the leaves were cut off, the trunk was burned. Ciliates began to rush in the water, many of them died. It turns out that at the moment of the death of individual parts of the plant, it begins to emit "death rays", which actually bring death to microorganisms that are nearby.

What happens if you replace the plant with a more complex animal organism, such as a rabbit? In one of the domestic newspapers, there was a note about experiments carried out back in 1979 in the laboratory of the 1st Medical Institute. They are extremely simple and very much like the experiments in Pushchino.

A tied rabbit was placed on the table, glasses with a liquid indicator were placed around. The experimenter then killed the animal. The liquid in the glasses immediately changed its color: in some it became pink, in others - red, and in those located near the head of the deceased animal - a deep burgundy. Scientists explained to a journalist who was present during the experiment that the rabbit's brain is like a nuclear reactor and at the moment of death it throws out beams of protons in all directions. The indicator liquid clearly demonstrates in which direction the most intense beams go.

Members of the research team investigating the radiation that occurs at the time of death conducted a survey of the slaughterhouse workers. It turned out that almost all of them abuse alcohol. According to scientists, this was due to the need to remove radionuclides that accumulate in the body due to the frequent exposure of slaughterhouse workers to the "rays of death." As you know, radiation exposure to radionuclides leads to mutations and cancer. This hypothesis is confirmed by the increased mortality of workers in meat processing plants from blood cancer.

The experience carried out in Moscow reminded the journalist of the rituals of animal sacrifice among Muslims and Jews. On the holiday of Eid al-Adha, a person strikes an artery with a knife and instantly jumps to the side. In the Jerusalem temple, the high priest, who sacrificed an animal on the altar, does not jump to the side, but instead puts on heavy, gold-embroidered clothes that strongly resemble aprons, with which radiologists protect themselves from radiation.

The cemetery is not a place to walk

Why is it so dangerous to be near the victim at the time of her death, and especially to stand near her head? To deal with this issue, let us turn to scientists who study the biofield, but not living beings, but dead people.

A large cycle of studies on the impact of the negative energy of cemeteries on the well-being of people was carried out in 1993-1994 by the Scientific and Practical Center for Biolocation. The operators examined the territory of the liquidated cemeteries in detail and discovered an interesting pattern. The width of the impact zone around the cemetery was uneven: it turned out to be elongated from west to east. The question immediately arose: why? It was answered by the candidate of sciences, architect Mikhail Limonad, who professionally deals with the impact of fields created by various structures, including cemeteries, on the well-being of people. The scientist was interested in the answer from a purely utilitarian point of view - for an objective determination of the width of the sanitary protection zone, which should separate the cemetery from residential buildings.

According to the researcher, the skeleton, especially in the chest area, forms a kind of inductor with a displaced core - the spine, supplemented by tubular waveguides of the limb bones. If we imagine how the lines of force of the superweak electromagnetic field of the skeleton are located, we will get an egg-shaped contour stretched along the spine, very similar to the usual contours of a human aura. Thus, the radiation of the aura of the skeleton continues for a very long period, and the general geopathogenic zone of the cemetery stretches from west to east along the axis of the burial.

If we compare the conclusions made by M. Limonad with the studies carried out at the 1st Moscow Medical Institute, it becomes clear that the skeleton of an animal or person is a kind of electron gun, from the core of which - the spine - a beam of radiation flies out at the time of death, destructively affecting for all living things.


Belarusian philosopher A. Maneyev, author of the monograph "Philosophical analysis of antinomies in science", summarizing the results of experiments on the emergence of "death rays" in different countries, made an interesting conclusion. He believes that radiated fields can exist regardless of their source. The person died, and the radiation containing the signal about what happened to him continues to enter the brain of his family and friends. According to Maneev, the information emitted during the death of an organism contains absolutely all information about it, and not only about its death. This allows one to think about the posthumous existence of the human mental world.

The unique experiments carried out by our compatriots have become a brilliant confirmation of this hypothesis. In the mid-eighties, while working at the Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the study of the properties of DNA, senior researcher Pyotr Gariaev obtained amazing results. He took the DNA of a calf - intact, not destroyed, placed it in a spectrometer cuvette and then irradiated it with a beam of red laser light. Then the scientist built graphs, from which, using the formulas, it was possible to estimate various parameters of the molecules. The discovery that laid the foundation for a new direction in microbiology came by accident.

The scientist measured the spectrum of an empty place, where a DNA preparation was located a few minutes earlier, and now there was a clean cuvette. And quite unexpectedly for him, the laser beam scattered, as in the previous experiment, as if an invisible obstacle had met in its path. The spectrum turned out as if DNA were still in empty space! “As we managed to establish later,” says P. Gariaev, “these were phantoms of dead DNA. During the melting of the nuclei, a certain "recording" of information from the DNA of the melted nuclear cells took place. Tellingly, the spectrometer recorded the phantom for about 40 days …"

Order: "Destroy!"

There are always enough volunteers to suffer for science in Russia. Whether it's geneticists, biologists or biochemists. Especially when it comes to the human genetic apparatus. One of these "kamikaze" was a colleague of Peter Gariaev. He examined the chromosomes of his own sperm with a laser beam. Then he expanded the beam of radiation and himself got into the space of its action. After which he immediately felt a terrible malaise and almost died. For ten days, his temperature remained at about forty degrees. There was no strength even to move his hand - he was so weak.

“When I began to analyze what had happened, I assumed that our employee, with waves from his DNA in the cuvette, received some incomprehensible“command”, - P. Gariaev suggested,“which was difficult for the body to cope with”. This is how the “field of death” got its scientific explanation. Chromosomes, dying, gave the command to "self-destruct" the entire human body, and he began to obediently fulfill it. Fortunately for the unwitting participant in the experiment, he survived.

Mikhail KOSTIN