The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

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The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View
The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Archives "Ahnenerbe" - Alternative View

Video: The Secret Of The Archives

The secrets of the archives of the German organization "Ahnenerbe" ("Legacy of the Ancestors") are still hidden. Why don't the winning countries that got them reveal them? What is contained in them that could not be shown to humanity? What are the archives of "Ahnenerbe" - great knowledge or the apotheosis of obscurantism?

What is Ahnenerbe?

The scale of the work of the "Ahnenerbe" was declared criminal at the Nuremberg trial, and the general secretary of the organization, Wolfram Sievers, was shot. What kind of organization was it? Why was it created? Why are the archives found by the Soviet and American army still not declassified?

It would be legitimate to ask those who are involved in this. Because the "Ahnenerbe" organization is an unprecedented example of concentration in one hand of all the greatest achievements of mankind, all ancient monuments, artifacts and hypotheses from the emergence of mankind to neural processes in our brain. Did the Nazis discover and generalize such secrets that make hair stand on end and which are now kept secret, because they contain something that should be hidden from humanity?

At first, "Ahnenerbe" was a harmless organization, created to study the "Legacy of the Ancestors". It was a kind of return to Germanic roots. Great importance was attached to the study of literary monuments, ancient Germanic epics, and runic symbols. It is no coincidence that the Nazis took rune symbols as amulets for the units of the Third Reich, which carried a sacred meaning and were designed to help the victory of great Germany in the war with the whole world and to prove the superiority of the Aryan race. The symbols themselves do not carry a negative connotation. Quite the opposite.

For example, the swastika is a Slavic, Tibetan symbol of happiness and strength. The eternal wheel of life, a brace that denotes the change of seasons and the law of continuous movement and change. By the way, before the war the Germans organized an expedition to Tibet. What are its goals and results is unknown. But the supreme oracle of Tibet already then predicted that Tibet would be destroyed in 1940, and the German Empire would also collapse. Probably, the Germans did not believe him or did not want to believe. They brought from Tibet ancient manuscripts and some of the Tibetan monks, whose thousands of corpses in SS uniforms were later found in Hitler's bunker. Why the monks got there and for what they were destroyed is anyone's guess.

Later, the organization begins to grow, it is taken under his wing by Heinrich Himmler, who is fond of the occult and considered himself the reincarnation of King Henry. Hitler himself made fun of this theory of Himmler's origin more than once. But be that as it may, the organization quickly hit the wing of the SS. And she had excellent support and funding. Germany has spent more money on research in the framework of the Ahnenerbe than the United States has spent on the creation of the atomic bomb. Apparently, research was still worth something if such colossal money was spent on it.

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What did “Ahnenerbe” do?

The Ahnenerbe was allocated a huge building in the center of Berlin, close to Himmler. The institute started working, he was interested in everything: from the study of karst caves to the materialization of human thoughts, from the physical properties of pectins to prediction by the stars. Most importantly, the German soil should promote the spread of correct racial theories. That is, the theory of racial superiority of the Aryan nation.


During the war, the institute for military research and military technical departments appeared in the structure of Ahnenerbe. They worked to create a wonder weapon that would change the course of the war. By the end of the war, the Germans were ahead of other countries in technical progress. Ballistic missiles V-2, the best submarines, fighter planes "Messerschmit", the finished atomic project - all this is credited to "Ahnenerbe". Thank God, the Germans did not have time with the atomic bomb, it was created by them already at the end of the war. If the Americans had not been ahead of them, it is not known whether you would have read this article.

In addition to the department of numbers and magic, scientific departments of the prison type are created, where they use the minds of Jewish scientists from their concentration camps. Ahnenerbe achieves notable success in medicine and history. During the war, Ahnenerbe employees take part in plundering the largest libraries and museums of the occupied countries.

As soon as some scientist interested Himmler in one way or another, he was already part of the staff of a huge research institute. In this grandiose scientific laboratory, there were more than 50 divisions from various fields of knowledge. And they tried in all possible and impossible ways to prove the exclusivity and peculiarity of the German nation.

By the way, many German humanitarians, who during the war could not find employment in factories and in organizations for the creation of a German military machine, were simply forced to offer their services to a rather dubious enterprise with an occult coloration under the auspices of the SS. Philologists, philosophers, historians fled here, simply fleeing from the front, technicians were not taken to the front, they were needed in the rear.

In general, it was a rather heterogeneous scientific and pseudo-scientific meeting, which included, along with actual scientists and corresponding members of various universities, ordinary charlatans, careerists and opportunists who were ready to do anything to curry favor with the representatives of the highest echelons of power in Nazi Germany. Therefore, along with serious research in the field of physics, chemistry, history, medicine and other sciences, the Ahnenerbe archive contained a lot of information of very dubious content. Associated, for example, with the ancient Germanic initiation rituals, magical processions, spending a "night of love in the cemetery" for the conception of a true Aryan from true Aryans. But many representatives of the Third Reich sincerely believed in them, believed that it was necessary to go through this in order to carry out the process of reincarnation of ancient Germanic heroes. The SS newspaper “Black Corps” even printed the addresses of burial places where there are no genetically defective dirty remains. It was there that it was necessary to perform the initiation ceremony or conceive a true Aryan.

Now, it seems obscurantism. But at all times there are people who believe in various nonsense.

The Ahnenerbe Institute was directly involved in experiments on humans, in testing chemical and bacteriological weapons, in research in the field of medicine. These experiments were carried out in German death camps. In this regard, the Dachau camp, the first concentration camp near Munich, where experiments were carried out for the SS troops, acquired particular sad fame. At one time, when Hitler was still striving to break through to power, the inhabitants of Dachau voted against him. The vengeful dwarf remembered this fact, in revenge he built a death camp in Dachau so that the smoke from the stoves in which people were burned would constantly remind the inhabitants of Hitler.

There was no official order for the experiments. But they were carried out constantly. As, for example, in the Ravensbrück women's camp, where the Nazis studied the features of purulent wounds and other diseases caused by them on women. Experiments were carried out in pressure chambers and cryo chambers, medicines for cancer were tested, wounds and antiseptics were studied. Some of the achievements made it to the press. For example, it was announced that a cure for cancer had been found. Young doctors, infected with Hitler's racial theory, experimented and believed they were making a breakthrough in science. But in the end they were convicted at the Nuremberg trial.

Experiments on the human brain occupied a special place. The Nazis tried to study and create, based on scientific generalizations, universal mechanisms for controlling human behavior. It is quite possible that they found ways of information processing (zombification) of huge human masses. In fact, Hitler tested this on his own people, who believed him unconditionally. It was the most powerful psychophysical ideological breakthrough in its effect on consciousness. I don't want to think about bad things. But is this not the reason for the concealment of the contents of the Ahnenerbe archives from the public in our time?

In the lair "Ahnenerbe" - the castle of Wewelsburg, which was predicted the fate of the center of the future empire, secret ceremonies were held to prepare the arrival of the Man-God. Apparently, this role was prepared for Hitler.

Where did the archives go?

Where have all these colossal developments, studies, hypotheses and scientific research gone? Are they all gone?

In 1945, during fierce battles in Lower Silesia, units of the Red Army captured the ancient Altan Castle. A huge number of papers with intricate texts were found here. This was the Ahnenerbe archive. These papers are a kind of concentrate of mass technologies of coming to power and manipulating people. 25 railway cars were filled with documents only. They ended up in the Special Archives of the USSR.

It was rumored that Stalin was building a separate building for the German archive. And you could only get to it underground. A huge archive, including notes from the Tibetan expedition, photographs of strange flying objects, some maps related to the visit of the earth by alien civilizations. Copies of Germanic folklore stamped "top secret". Where is this archive now, nobody knows. Either it is being carefully guarded, or it has been destroyed. There is no direct access to it for the general public. Perhaps this is due to the fact that some part of the archive remains relevant to this day. Or maybe because it is not of particular value, being a set of obscurantist theories, assumptions and unverified hypotheses. No one can exactly answer this question.

It is believed that many of the documents were taken by the Germans to the base in Antarctica. They searched for the remnants of Atlantis there, considering themselves descendants of the Atlanteans. After the war, many German scientists tried to sell the archives to the Ahnenerbe. Partially they succeeded, as evidenced by the information now available in the public domain. The Nazi researchers and collectors of scientific truths from all over the world, who appropriated someone else's knowledge and tried to use it for their own selfish purposes, did not get to the Nuremberg trial, preserved their life and a comfortable existence somewhere in America or in the USSR. And they gradually die a natural death, taking with them the secret knowledge of the fifth human civilization, to which Nazi Germany had a black hand.
