Secret Agents Of Space Civilizations - Alternative View

Secret Agents Of Space Civilizations - Alternative View
Secret Agents Of Space Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secret Agents Of Space Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secret Agents Of Space Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Early Muslim Expansion - Arab Conquest of Iran and Egypt 2024, September

As you know, there are many mysterious creatures on Earth. Strange, unlike anything: insects with the appearance of Hollywood monsters, mysterious inhabitants of the depths of the sea - without eyes and capable of eating nothing for years, all kinds of Loch Ness monsters and Bigfoot.

But it turns out that next to us, literally within walking distance, there are creatures absolutely familiar to us, which are no less mysterious than the same Bigfoot. These creatures are cats.

Modern researchers say with great confidence that cats are representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The more a person recognizes cats, the more he realizes that they are not in the least stupid than the person himself.

Cats have no need for people at all, but despite this they always live next to people. Why do they need it? They will feed themselves anyway. Communication - like dogs - they do not need.

They practically do not lend themselves to training - Yuri Kuklachev, a great specialist in cat training, says that a cat cannot be forced to do something either by affection, or feeding, or punishment. If they do something on stage, it is only because they themselves want to do it.

A very unusual fact: the first mention of cats appeared only after the Great Flood. And some legends say that cats were created by the gods as a cross between a monkey and a lion, or that the cat itself came to people from nowhere.

The cat is a unique living creature that has superpowers. And you can be convinced of this very easily, you just need to look the cat in the eyes.

Scientists date the appearance of cats to the time of Ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians not only kept these animals at home, but also deified them, erecting temples for them, embalming them after death and making mummies. Why? The Egyptians, as you know, did nothing for nothing.

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As it turned out, this attitude towards cats was not at all accidental. The Egyptians knew many secrets associated with cats, in particular, the fact that they were not at all terrestrial and came to our planet from Sirius together with the gods.

Accordingly, they were also deities. And some Egyptian priests were convinced that there was a whole civilization of feline intelligent beings in space.

This civilization lived not far from the star Sirius, and its representatives were very highly organized entities with high spirituality and consciousness.

These entities lived in semi-dense bodies that could change shape (passing from human to feline and vice versa). That is why one of the ancient Egyptian goddesses - Bast - was depicted with a cat's head and a human body.

In addition, the ancient Egyptians knew that all other cats have amazing abilities. Only they had the right to get into such places in the pyramids and temples, where even the priests could not get.

That is why, during excavations, archaeologists often find small doors through which not a single person could pass.

Cats could pass into specially built structures in which time slowed down, and they could fall into parallel dimensions or in the past time, when the gods from Sirius lived on Earth and convey to these gods the requests of people.

In addition, cats possessed and have other wonderful abilities, in particular, clairvoyance.

In this case, we are not talking about good eyesight, which, as is known, cats have. This is the ability to see the energy of the surrounding space, objects and people.

Cats constantly strive to get rid of negativity and cleanse their surroundings. By some miracle, they feel the geopathogenic zones and lie down there, as if feeding themselves.

No animal does that! It is not for nothing that many peoples have the custom of being the first to launch a cat into the house, and in no case they put a bed where it lies. It is customary to put the bed where the dog will lie down - it will never choose a geopathogenic place!

By the way, this feature was used, according to legend, by the Atlantean civilization, which, with the help of genetic engineering, forced cats to absorb all the negativity with their bodies.

Since that time, cats have become a kind of collectors of energy negativity. It is quite obvious that from this they were sick and dying, and their life was sharply reduced.

And if earlier cats could live up to almost a hundred years, now they barely live up to twenty.

Another feature of cats is the ability to find their way home, as well as perfectly navigate unfamiliar terrain.

This graceful animal, by the way, asks a lot of questions to scientists, most of them have not yet been answered.

Recently, in the press, you can find many reports about a cat named Pino, whose owner sent him by plane two hundred kilometers to his friend and who returned home eleven days later, all dirty and wounded.

Of course, such messages cannot be taken on faith, so for a long time scientists were rather skeptical about them.

This mistrust was caused not even by Pino's ability to walk about 16 kilometers a day, but by his ability to find the way back.

Scientists could not understand how Pino could know in which direction he needed to move.

It was only after numerous studies that scientists confirmed that cats have a sixth sense. At the same time, they were unable to explain what this feeling was based on.

Scientists discovered the ability of cats to find the right direction after the American scientist F. Morel began researching the cat's brain using electronic methods.

He implanted electrodes into the brain of the experimental animal, which were connected to radio transmitters. The electrodes were located in areas of the brain that are responsible for vision.

The researcher was extremely surprised when it turned out that even with the cat's eyes closed, the arrows of his devices showed the appearance of impulses in the brain cells.

True, it should be noted that at this time certain sound signals were given to the cat, inaudible to the human ear. Experiments have shown that about half of the nerve cells in the brain, which are responsible for vision, responded to sounds.

Despite the fact that Dr. Morel's experiments have not yet been completed, they provide an opportunity to conclude that cats are unique creatures, the only ones on the planet that have so-called eye hearing.

Morel's conclusions are also confirmed by another scientist - Professor Leuhausen, who is confident that cats orient themselves in space due to their increased acoustic sensitivity.

It should be noted that for a long period of time, mankind did not even imagine that the activity of the sensory organs of cats is so complex. Usually, people imagined cats as animals that perceive the world around them mainly with their eyes, their eyes glow in the dark, and their vision is six times better than human.

Cats are able to recognize a person they know at a distance of about 100 meters, calmly look at the sun thanks to the pupils, which regulate the amount of light falling on the retina.

The only myth that exists about feline vision is that cats can see in absolute darkness. However, thanks to hearing, this graceful creature can easily navigate in space.

In addition to acute hearing and vision, cats have one more advantage - these are its vibrissae - "whiskers" and "eyebrows", as well as small hairs that grow on the front paws. With their help, cats are also able to navigate in space, so even in complete silence and darkness, they will not be helpless. Scientists used to be convinced that these hairs are a simple rudiment that resembles a man's beard.

However, as experiments have shown, this is far from the case. Many cats, after cutting these hairs, were in severe mental disorder. Some scientists did this experiment: they put cats in a dark maze. In all cases, cats found a way out, but only until the vibrissae were cut off.

Cats also have one more feature that has proven to be very useful for humans. Before the start of space flights, scientists figured out how to correctly orient astronauts in a space devoid of gravity.

Scientists took as a basis the ability of cats to land from any position on their paws. The whole process of the cat's fall was filmed and then studied in detail.

In addition to what scientists already knew (cats correct their body position with their tail), it was found that at the moment of falling, the tail makes a rotation, which causes the cat's body to rotate in the opposite direction.

This rotation occurs until the cat's balance organs determine that the head is in the correct position relative to the floor. After that, the body of the cat is aligned, and the tail plays the role of a certain stabilizer.

After the landing technique was studied in detail, scientists tried to use it in relation to humans. And since nature did not foresee the presence of a tail in humans, scientists proposed rotational movements of the legs instead.

All these features, as well as some others, have become the reason that some scientists have suggested that in reality cats are aliens.

According to the American scientist-ufologist B. Steiger, alien cats outwardly practically do not differ from ordinary cats, except that they are much smarter.

In addition, such cats have an expressive look and are very sociable. In addition, they often dream of their owners in a dream.

Alien cats, the scientist is sure, have extrasensory abilities, so they can easily read the minds of their owners, feel the danger that threatens people.

It is not uncommon for cats to wake up their owners in the middle of the night before some natural disaster, thereby saving their lives.

Often they also act as healers, freeing their owners from headaches, arthritis and sciatica, relieving a heart attack and lowering blood pressure.

They seem to smell where a person hurts, and lie down there or cuddle up to this place.

Therefore, you cannot chase the cat away if she suddenly expresses a desire to lie down in your lap! Those professing Buddhism and Hinduism even have such a saying: "Throwing a cat from its place - ruined karma."

Cats - unlike dogs - are not even driven out of temples. By the way, for some reason cats love to lie near the icons. I wonder why?

Many peoples have a belief that if a cat comes into the house, it means that she has come to ward off trouble from the house. Such a cat cannot be chased away.

However, some alien cats, on the contrary, behave aggressively, trying to spoil their owners as much as possible. And there are reasons for this, scientists are sure. The fact is that some cats feel like conquerors, so they try to drive the enemy out of the territory.

Thus, cats are not just animals. These are some of the wisest creatures that have a connection with space. They have high consciousness and intelligence.

You can even say that cats are secret agents of cosmic civilizations who carry out a particularly important mission on planet Earth to combat any manifestation of evil …