Do Aliens Have Emotions? - Alternative View

Do Aliens Have Emotions? - Alternative View
Do Aliens Have Emotions? - Alternative View

Video: Do Aliens Have Emotions? - Alternative View

Video: Do Aliens Have Emotions? - Alternative View
Video: Alien Contact: What Happens Next? 2024, June

Will we pass the exam as a species? - Why do aliens need biomass? - Flying as the highest pleasure. - "There is ecstasy in battle …" - What took the monkey? - "Devilish" elements of "guests". - Do you want to become an exhibit at the space zoo? - Shouldn't we help "brothers in mind"? - We are all children of the Sun, but questions remain.

If we assume that our "brothers in mind" have reason prevailing over emotions, then it is extremely important to understand what role emotions play in their behavior. We all know very well what role they play in Homo sapiens. Almost the entire range of human senses helped shape our brain, the logic of behavior, and the way we act. We got a lot directly from the animal world, even too much. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish where a person's instincts end, which we mistakenly attribute only to Pavlov's dogs, and where well-realized feelings begin. Anger, greed, an unbridled desire to command others, to grasp someone else's - are these products of higher consciousness?

People almost killed each other in the process of the formation of their community, and they were saved, perhaps, not so much by reason as by the instinct of self-preservation, which was passed on not to individual individuals or groups of the population, but to the bulk of people. Again, instinct. Not to mention the reproductive instinct. Therefore, let us not despise ourselves for using the inheritance received from the animal world. And what's wrong with him, in this inheritance? See how a dog meets its beloved owner, how its puppies flounder near the house, how they love to play, and get angry as a joke …

I had to discuss the struggle between animal senses and the higher mind in humans with the French writer Herve Bazin. An expert on family problems, a poet and a philosopher, with a big (like aliens) head, possessing a rare quickness and sharpness of thinking, a resolving ability of thought, he amazed me with his answer to my doubts about the future of the human race, as if destined to distort the good that came up with it the best minds. “Are we not doomed, if we are so created? I asked. "Shall we not destroy ourselves with our own hands?" Bazin said:

- What you just explained to me, I expressed in one phrase: a person is taking an exam, the last exam as a biological species.

Later, he expressed this thought in a softer formulation: "He is taking the last exam for sanity … We have no right to fail in this exam."

Now, it seems, we may be given marks that are unpleasant for us. But we can hardly consider aliens as our legitimate examiners. They are also subject to jurisdiction. And they can also be asked questions. If it is true that they separated from the animal world, like us, only a couple of million years earlier, then did they retain the good features of the old world? Do they have a sense of beauty and harmony? Kindness? Or is it considered meaningless? Do they want to make up for what they have lost or missed with our help? Is it true that they are studying the biomass of the Earth in order to create mutants that would combine the strength and health of earthlings with alien wisdom? Otherwise, why take blood and entrails from animals, let alone people who have gone through forced research?

Here is one of the messages confirming such experiments. On September 9, 1967, a dead foal was found near Alamos, Colorado, USA. His head was separated from the body. The brain, spinal column, heart, lungs, and thyroid gland were missing. There was no blood near the corpse. There were no traces of cars nearby, but 15 round dents were found, presumably from the parking lot of the spacecraft. The pathologist examining the corpse concluded that the incision in the body, which ran from the neck to the chest, had been "burned" surgically. Although equipment for such an operation had already been invented on Earth, it was not practiced in this region. The horse's name was Snippy. What they did to her was called the "Snippy Phenomenon."

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Similar finds have been found in other countries as well. At least 10,000 cases of intentional mutilation of livestock were registered, the reasons for which were not clear. The lack of blood and viscera in dead animals suggests that aliens need these materials for genetic experiments.

It seems that previous experiments in creating humanoid alien mutants have not yielded satisfactory results. To bring together the DNA of terrestrial and space individuals without prejudice to heredity, according to geneticists, is an extremely difficult task, even for those who are well equipped to solve it. It is no coincidence that the theme of mutants, which creates problems for earthly inhabitants, passes through many American "horror films". It is possible that some data from real "hangars" and other places of study and contacts with aliens "leaked" into these films.

It seems that the aliens still retained a lot of positive things in the process of their evolution, otherwise we would have had much more victims from meetings with them in the air and on the ground. With their technical capabilities, it would be possible to "respond" to ground shelling with a much greater effect if they wanted to. Von Kevitsky, however, fears that their patience will not last long if some of the earthlings, not realizing the danger, will persistently and aggressively get rid of their presence. This is the meaning of Kevitsky's message to the presidents of the United States and the USSR.

What should be envied is the cohesion of the enlonauts, their mutual assistance, their ability to act in a coordinated manner. In order to keep the line or throw out "knees" at cosmic speed, not only telepathic coherence in decision-making is required, but also a sense of collectivism. They are capable of both individual aerobatics and group miracles of maneuvering. When they go in formation, breaking into threes or fives at a speed of 14-40 thousand kilometers per hour (and sometimes at low speeds, as if taking care of the audience), it seems that flights of this kind give them pleasure, as if they were a human, sorry, an alien, took over from birds this pride of soaring. The passion for soaring has been inherent in us since childhood, at first it manifests itself in dreams, then pushes people to engage in gliding, parachuting,stagnates to jump from peaks with a paraglider. We are pulled into the air and further into space.

It seems that our "brothers in mind" have finally realized this age-old dream, embedded in intelligent and not even very intelligent beings, apparently at the embryonic level. After all, birds stood out from the animal world after a long journey, traversed together with other representatives of the fauna. Monkeys, squirrels and some other animals, therefore, probably so like to fly from branch to branch. Those who are unlucky enough to get on land (flying fish) also have the ability to fly. In this striving for separation from the earth's surface there is something cosmic, as if predetermined. How can you not remember Gorky's "born to crawl - cannot fly." There is a whole branch of science that seeks to find cosmic principles in man, including the rhythms of being - synergetics, however, while efforts in this direction are more reminiscent of philological experiments.

And we also inherited from our close relatives from the animal world - primates such a trait as curiosity. The desire to bite through a nut, taste the fruit, make sure that you can eat and what is dangerous, and everything from your own experience, is after all a property of representatives of the animal world that are at the border of rationality or close to this border (pets, some birds, etc. of course, primates, from gorillas and chimpanzees to baboons and macaques, the whole Bandarlog, as Kipling called him, laughing at the desire of this flock to be constantly distracted, endlessly brag and make noise).

It seems that when choosing (whoever makes it) a candidate for intelligent beings, when isolating a person from the animal world among such bio-species as, say, the cutest (and musical) horses or an elephant with a giant brain size, a parrot capable of talking or a smart and the humane dolphin, after all, the monkey won precisely because of its indefatigable fussiness, the speed with which it mastered the world around it, trying everything to the teeth and remembering what was good for her and what was bad. The craving for knowledge and brought her to the people.

There is the term IC, information continuum. This tricky word denotes the mind of the Universe, its vocation, this is what Tsiolkovsky talked about so hotly with Chizhevsky. Something that internally directs the development of all types of matter from its inert forms to more promising, to organic compounds, materials and substances with the gift of reflection, the ability to take into account what is happening around, the ability to develop its structure, lead to the evolution of the living world towards more and more intelligence, to a higher intelligence. And the ascent to this began not very long ago, if measured by geological standards.

So, in Olduvai Valley (Ethiopia), in East Africa, more than two million years ago, the erect semi-monkey Lucy stepped into the future, whose evolution expanded its skull and added more brain. It was our foremother, the DNA from which unites all of humanity, regardless of races and continents. Several decades ago, Italian geneticist Cavalli-Sforza discovered sexuality in bacteria (they gave off their sensuality with a weak electrical signal when they reproduced). That was the beginning. Cavalli-Sforza, through numerous tests, was able to read by blood the past of most living people, their transitions from one part of the world to another, mixing with other races at a distance of 100 thousand years! And in all samples, the original links included in the DNA were found. We turned out to be, according to Cavalli-Sforza, "Africans", relatives of Lucy. Humanity turned out to be one, although some claim that they were still the FIRST. And others claim that, unlike others, they arrived on Earth directly from Mars or Venus. Well, well, to each his own! And for his research, Cavalli-Sforza was awarded the Nobel Prize.

All these fittings for detecting "sensuality", or rather, feelings of aliens, are needed to assess the degree of danger for today's humanity, which may be posed by close proximity to "aliens". Let us recall the questions that the curious but naive Little Red Riding Hood asked the Wolf about his eyes, ears and teeth, and in return received - this is to eat you! I would not like, I confess, to receive such an answer to my questions to HIM.

In this regard, Gordon Crater, director of the magazine "Flying Saucer Review", a former British diplomat, spoke very diplomatically:

“We have found elements that are called supernatural in this phenomenon. Unfortunately, there are also "devilish" elements. One gets the impression that there are two forces manifesting in the UFO phenomenon: one force that could help human beings, and the other that is probably busy with our destruction. We consider the problem mainly in this aspect of dualism. I emphasize: this is the primary problem for our kind."

Jacques Vallee, an American scientist of French origin, a recognized authority in ufology, thinks a little differently, but his reasoning is also alarming:

“I will try to explain the impact of UFOs on our culture as follows: there is a control system for the planet Earth. It gradually began to operate at the end of World War II, when old myths were exhausted.

Is the system itself controlled by some mind, earthly, divine, cosmic or otherwise? I don't know anything about this. Is it natural, is it determined by historical and socio-political laws? I do not know. Is it explained by genetics, natural evolution? Is it artificial? I cannot provide any refutations or proofs."

Almost like Socrates: "I only know that I know nothing." I will give one more judgment, significant due to the fact that it belongs to the discoverer of the structure of DNA, the Nobel laureate Francis Crick, who adheres to the extraterrestrial hypothesis of the origin of life, as if brought in by a spaceship that landed three billion years ago on our planet:

“It is possible that they (the aliens) wanted to turn the Earth into something like a reservation or a natural intergalactic park, where living species that did not reach perfection in the process of evolution and remained much behind others, but can still be useful as reserves of genes, will be born and preserved or just as natural attractions."

This idea of a space zoo is not so bad, as it gives human civilization a chance to preserve, but threatens to use it for other people's needs. And "aliens" live, according to this theory and the hypothesis of Maurice de San, in "artificial worlds" housed in giant rotating cylinders. The famous science fiction writer Stanislav Lem objected to this hypothesis, believing that any civilization should be "settled". However, as we remember, K. Tsiolkovsky, for example, believed that "settledness" is optional. According to him, having acquired the possibility of telepathic communication, humanity of the future will be able to instantly communicate, no matter where in the Universe it is, until the Galaxy turns into one huge brain, into one common house, and life takes on a "radiant" form. True, it was, as the reader remembers,about the distant - after many billions of years - the future. No other person has looked so far. Even science fiction writers.

Tsiolkovsky's forecasts were recorded during conversations with him by another amazing clairvoyant, A. L. Chizhevsky. If he were alive now, he would probably be able to decipher many of the mysteries of the behavior of aliens who breathe over the faults what he called "living electricity", returning the body's reserves of vital activity, weakened in distant wanderings. And maybe it would help the "aliens" themselves.

Both scientists proceeded from the unity and connectedness of all phenomena in the world, from the universal idea of the unity of all living things with the universe. Tsiolkovsky wrote:

“The development of mind and cognition should give something in common. Indeed, the Cosmos is one, its laws are monotonous, the substances are the same. Consequently, the knowledge of the inhabitants of planets of different groups should be the same … understanding the same Cosmos makes them similar … the nature of their mind and knowledge reflects the same Universe (emphasized by the author. - LZ).

It is curious that Tsiolkovsky considered the force of gravity manifested in the conditions of the Earth as an obstacle to the achievement of perfection by man. At the same time, the body and the system of its hematopoiesis, accustomed to heaviness, in weightlessness, as noted by Professor P. Korzhuev, “will be different, since they will not be stimulated by ordinary earthly factors, their depression is possible, and with a long stay of a person in outer space - and degeneration. " Perhaps that is why aliens need it so much if they spend most of their existence in the absence of weight, feeding through their stay on Earth and other planets. Therefore, they are looking for emanations all over the Earth - from Uzbekistan and Sasov to Canada and Alto Planalto, the central region of Brazil, where astrologers have placed one of the four "chakras" of the planet through which the Earth is energized. For us this is a natural phenomenon, but for aliens it can be salutary, because most of all, probably, they need the energy of life, which is concentrated only in some places in space. In particular, on our Earth, which the Sun has endowed with its hot tenderness.

Of course, one cannot only hide in our conclusions behind quotes from great people. Academician Vernadsky spoke of the need to proceed from practice, "and not from cosmogonies," from the "empirical material of astronomy." Vernadsky noted that under the influence of cosmic radiation, familiar terrestrial substances acquire new properties. One of the most important vital forces in this is the Sun.

“The intuition of our ancestors, - wrote A. Chizhevsky, - led them to the same conclusion as the conquests of science! People and all earthly creatures are truly "children of the Sun …"

But if aliens were born and developed inside the solar system and the luminary exerted its formative influence on them, then this increases the possibilities of our communication with them and mutual understanding. Including mutual assistance in the development of ever more distant horizons of the Universe. Tsiolkovsky also called for this when, addressing Chizhevsky, he exclaimed: “The whole point is in the resettlement from the Earth and in the colonization of the Cosmos. We must go towards, so to speak, cosmic philosophy! Unfortunately, our philosophers don't think about it. And who, if not philosophers, should take up this issue."

Chizhevsky from 1915 to 1930 spent at least 50 months in Kaluga with Tsiolkovsky and met with him about 250 times. From this communication, both brought their innermost thoughts to the world discussion, both, especially Tsiolkovsky, became the apostles of cosmonautics and cosmism as the scale of human thinking. Both were subjected to shameless attacks from their scientists, but essentially ignorant colleagues. But now, decades later, they appear on their true, great scale. Those who reviled them (and at the same time robbed them) remained insignificant.

Tsiolkovsky, having made forecasts for billions of years ahead, meanwhile turned out to be an unimportant prophet for the near future, when he said to Chizhevsky: “I could be assessed in a hundred or two hundred years, but by that time they would forget me”. Yes, both were significantly ahead of their era, but now she herself caught up with them - in that difficult period in which mankind entered. At a time when many concepts are deliberately substituted, when lies have become a habitual instrument of evil, with the goal of preserving injustice and preventing people from realizing where the sources of this injustice are. The thought of brilliant scientists remains a guideline for solving the cardinal problems facing humanity. At the same time, ignorance and stupidity have not disappeared anywhere and will hinder the development of society and people for a long time. But the very fact that thanks to these geniuses mankind entered the space age,a new era of existence, that space rockets, calculated by Tsiolkovsky, fly, and forecasts of life on Earth are based on Chizhevsky's doctrine of the influence of the Sun on all terrestrial activity, makes the possible dilemma of relations with extraterrestrial intelligence solvable. The key is given, it is important to use it at the level that was set by the great minds of the recent past.

"UFO. They are already here … ", Lolly Zamoyski