UFO Effects - Alternative View

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UFO Effects - Alternative View
UFO Effects - Alternative View

Video: UFO Effects - Alternative View

Video: UFO Effects - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, September

Despite the fact that the material on Unidentified flying objects has been collected enormous, the purpose of their appearance remains as unclear as when our ancestors looked in amazement at the anchored airships. I would venture to analyze now the most frequently observed UFO effects, of course in the form in which they appear to us. Consider here only what is usually called UFO, excluding the adjacent problems of poltergeist and predictions, Bigfoot and ghosts. By the way, the very connection between these phenomena is probably a good topic for further discussion.

In order to make assumptions about the purpose of the appearance of Unidentified flying objects, I propose to briefly highlight the actions performed by them before our eyes, their own statements on this score and the physical results of most contacts. If any of the readers can submit other topics for analysis, let him send a list of these topics by personal letter.

1. UFO actions

1.1. Flights and searchlights. During the day, UFOs are seen, as a rule, in the form of dark or silvery bodies, at night - in the form of luminous spots. Sometimes, however, they glow during the day. Why - most likely so that they can be better seen, because if they do not want to be seen, no one sees them. An ordinary plate can disappear (not fly away, namely disappear), or just as unexpectedly "arise", as if from nothing. At the same time, the movements of the UFO and, in particular, the emission of light to it are so strange and do not resemble anything found in nature and technology (most often, for example, a ray of light "breaks off" in the air). Night flights of aircraft with a brightly lit cockpit can be attributed to the same group of phenomena. Many of these observations were made at a time when flight only by instruments was technically impossible,although even now it is difficult to imagine a pilot flying with such a brightly lit cockpit.

1.2. Repairs. One gets the impression that the "plates" come to us specifically to be repaired. They do it wherever they need it - in crowded or desert areas, at sea or in the air. Repairs are always carried out manually or with the help of hand tools; the repair time sometimes reaches several hours. Although in the USA alone, UFOs were observed by at least 5,000,000 people ("UFOlogy" 1976, vol. 2, No. 3, c34), such a number of repairs involuntarily suggests that the "saucers" simply imitate our activities. In general, it is believed that UFOs were observed by at least 5% of the world's population, which currently exceeds a billion people. (collection of V. D. Zakharchenko "Over the abyss of undisclosed secrets" M. 1996).

1.3. Accidents. There are several known cases of serious UFO accidents according to Stringfield ("UFO crash syndrome", 1980), there were 28 in total (12 in the USA, 5 in the USSR, 2 in China, 9 in other countries). Among them: - March 25, 1948, a 30-meter disc with a 5-meter domed cockpit and portholes near Aztek (New Mexico);

- in the late 40s, three small 17-meter discs with an elevation in the center in New Mexico;

Promotional video:

- in 1948 - 1950 a disc 30 meters in diameter and 9 meters high in Loredo (the border of Texas with Mexico);

- in May 1953, a single facility near Kingman (Arizona);

- in the summer of 1962, a 10-meter double-convex plate 4 meters high in the north of New Mexico;

- until 1980 a 4 - 5-meter disc, 3 meters high in the USA;

- On May 6, 1978, a 6-meter cylinder with a diameter of 4 meters in Tarija (Bolivia) crashed into a mountainside;

- von Kevitsky and Hood also have information about disasters in 1947 near Phoenix (Arizona);

in July 1948 in the Moujave Desert (California);

in 1950 and 1978 in Argentina;

in 1952 in Svalbard;

in 1952 in California;

in 1953 in South Africa; in 1953 in Arizona;

in 1954 in the state of New York;

in 1955 on about. Helgoland (Germany);

in 1957 in the southwestern United States;

in 1959 in Gdynia (Poland);

in 1964 in Kansas; in 1965 in Pennsylvania;

in 1975 in Michigan;

in 1977 near Norfolk;

in 1978 in Sweden …

- in addition, UFO explosions are known, almost always after that, fragments were found:

in 1953 and 1957 in the state of Montana;

in 1957, a brilliant disc over the coast of Ubatubo (Sao Paulo, Brazil);

in 1960 in Mozambique;

in 1962 in Utah;

in 19b5 in Maryland;

January 29, 19bb a two-meter balloon at a height of "611" (Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory);

in 1968 in Colombia;

in 1971 in Peru;

in autumn 1989 in Dushanbe … (V. Chernobrov. They exist contrary to the logic of M.1996).

And this list is far from complete. What do you say, for example, about this case:

Italian ufologist Alberto Fengoglio has uncovered documents of yet another intriguing UFO landing story. It happened near Alencon (France) on June 12, 1790 at about 17 hours. A police inspector named Libier was sent from Paris to investigate this story, and it was his report that was discovered by an Italian ufologist. Witnesses, a group of French peasants, told the inspector about a huge ball, which, revolving on its axis, appeared over their area and crashed on the top of the hill, destroying an entire plantation of vegetables, The grass began to burn from the heat spread by this ball, but the peasants prevented fire development. The huge ball was so hot that it was impossible to touch it.

“The witnesses of this incident,” wrote Libier, “were two mayors, a doctor and three other very authoritative persons, not to mention a huge crowd of peasants. All of them can, if necessary, confirm my report.” When the crowd surrounded the mysterious object, “within its walls something similar to a door opened and a creature outwardly similar to us, but dressed in a strange fashion, in a completely body-tight clothing, came out. Seeing the crowd, the creature muttered something incomprehensible and ran into the forest."

The peasants shied away from the balloon in horror, and after a few minutes the object exploded silently, leaving nothing behind but fine dust. A search for a mysterious person was organized, “but he seemed to have disappeared into thin air …” (Keel J. UFO: Operation Trojan Horse. Flying Sauser Review v.24 April 1979).

Extremely high (sometimes) vulnerability, together with almost absolute invulnerability at other times, also suggests the external side of an incomprehensible process.

1.4. Kidnapping. Here, unfortunately, all that remains is to shrug. The number of people abducted by ufonauts cannot be counted, the criteria for their selection of people are unknown, information from the abducted (or who gave voluntary consent to evacuation) is rather vague and transmitted, as a rule, with the help of ufonauts, which significantly reduces the value of this information. Strictly speaking, there is no reason to assert that at least one of the abducted is still alive. However, a systematic removal of people by Ufonauts is underway, there can hardly be any doubt about it. Azhazha has one case that is so interesting that I will allow myself to dwell on it.

So, the first days of November 1990, Rostov-on-Don. Former employee of the Rostov Criminal Investigation Department, Nikolai Zheleznyak, found himself on official business in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region, in the house of an old acquaintance. At about three o'clock in the morning, he woke up with a severe headache, which he had never experienced, he said, in his life. However, immediately after leaving the house, this pain disappeared without a trace, which greatly surprised the observer.

The next moment, he saw a huge apparatus above the ground, 100 meters away, shaped like a plano-convex lens. It hung at a height of 4-5 meters, and did not glow itself, but, according to the witness, a bluish glow spread around it. A dark pillar of smoke, clearly outlined at the edges, extended down from the object along its entire width. A kind of black mist swirled within this pillar.

Around the object, taking it in a ring, stood humanoid beings, at least 2.5 meters tall, dressed in tight-fitting silver overalls. At the same time, a group of 15-18 people of a completely terrestrial appearance approached the object along the steppe, among whom the observer remembered an old gypsy. The group was led by a man in a dark suit and white shirt with a tie. A typical rural machine operator was walking beside him.

There were no children in the group. The minimum distance from this group to the observer did not exceed 20 meters. Two creatures of gigantic growth, similar to those that stood around the UFO, moved together with the human group, and when it froze on the edge of the illuminated area, they separated three people from it and led them to the object. All five stepped into the swirling black mist and disappeared into it.

After a few seconds, both escorts emerged from the fog, and selected a new group of three people. When all the people were led into the post, seven creatures surrounding the UFO also entered the post. The observer saw the details of the disappearance of the latter - having entered the pillar, he simply disappeared.

The glow around the "plate" faded, she quietly moved from her place and went to the central part of the city, passing over the head of the witness. As it turned out later, the owner of the house where the observer was staying also saw a UFO from the window. (A. Priima. Extraterrestrials are coming. M. 1994).

It can hardly be doubted that the observer was specially removed from the house so that he could observe this scene. It is not known exactly what it meant, although it can be assumed that it was connected with the police orientation of the witness's work …

1.5. Treatment of people. There are quite a few cases of such recorded; treatment occurs either remotely, or with the help of pills, or surgery. Sometimes they offer to go for treatment in their world; the percentage of those who returned from there is unknown. However, the number of people healed by UFOs is also not very large.

1.6. Murders and diseases of people. The number of such cases is much greater than in the previous group, probably because “breaking is not building”. Most often, people get sick and die, falling under the beam of "light" emanating from the UFO. This, for example, happened to a part of the crew of the infamous plane (flight 8352), which met with a UFO in January 1985. The symptoms of illness and causes of death can be very different, more often incomprehensible than known.

1.7. Killing animals. Animals (cows, sheep) are killed, organs are cut out (and very carefully and carefully), blood is pumped out. To pump out blood as much as the UFO does, you need to keep the animal alive until the last moment. Even in spite of this possibility, exsanguination of the body is at the limit of the possible.

1.8. Physical contact with people. I will cite here a very typical case that happened, however, quite a long time ago, but has not lost its relevance today:

“My name is Antonio Villas Boas. I am 23 years old and a farmer. I live on a farm with my family. It is located near the town of San Francisco de Salis in the state of Minas Gerais, near the border of the state of São Paulo in Brazil.

We plow the land with a tractor; if I have to work at night, then most of the time I sit at the wheel myself."

Thus begins a fantastic story told by Brazilian Antonio Villas Boas about his incredible encounter with aliens in a conversation with the doctor Olavo Fontes and journalist João Martins. The conversation took place in Rio de Janeiro on February 22, 1958, six months after the incident.

“It all started on the night of October 5, 1957. We had guests that evening, and so we went to bed only at 11 o'clock, much later than usual. My brother Juan was in the room with me. Because of the heat, I opened the shutters and at that moment I saw a blinding light in the middle of the yard, illuminating everything around. It was much brighter than moonlight, and I could not explain to myself its origin. He was coming from somewhere above, as if from downward-directed searchlights. But nothing was visible in the sky.

I called my brother and showed him all this, but nothing could stir him up, and he said that it was best to go to bed. Then I closed the shutters and we both went to bed. However, I could not calm down and, being sorted out by curiosity, soon got up again and opened the shutters. Everything was the same. I began to watch further and suddenly noticed that a spot of light approached my window. Out of fear I slammed the shutters and in a hurry made such a noise that the sleeping brother woke up again.

Together we watched from the dark room through the slit in the shutters as the spot of light moved towards the roof … Finally the light went out and never came back.

On October 14, the second incident occurred. It was probably between 9:30 pm and 10 pm. I don’t know exactly, since I didn’t have a watch. I worked on a tractor with another brother. Suddenly we saw a light source so bright that it hurt our eyes. The light came from a huge and round object like a car wheel. Its color was bright red, it illuminated a large area.

I suggested that my brother go and see what it was. But he didn't want to. Then I went alone. When I approached the object, it suddenly began to move and with incredible speed rolled to the south side of the field, where it froze again. I ran after him, but the same thing happened again. Now he has returned to his original place. I have made no less than twenty attempts to approach it, but to no avail. I felt hurt and returned to my brother. For a couple of minutes the glowing wheel in the distance remained motionless.

From time to time, it seemed to radiate rays in different directions. Then suddenly everything disappeared, as if the lights had been turned off. I'm not really sure if this was really the case, because I don't remember if I stared at the light source continuously. Maybe I turned away for a moment, and just then he quickly got up and flew away. The next day, October 15, I plowed the same field alone.

It was a cold night and the sky was clear with stars. At exactly one o'clock in the morning, I saw a red star that looked exactly like the big bright stars. But I immediately noticed that this was not a star at all, since it was increasing and seemed to be approaching. In a few moments, it turned into a luminous egg-shaped object, rushing at me so fast that it found itself above the tractor before I had time to think what to do.

Suddenly the object stopped at about 50 meters above my head. The tractor and field were lit as brightly as on a sunny afternoon. The tractor headlights were completely absorbed by the brilliant light red glow. And I was terribly frightened, because I had no idea what it could be. At first I wanted to start the tractor and get out of here, but its speed was too slow compared to the speed of the luminous object. Jumping off the tractor and running across the plowed field means, at best, breaking your leg.

While I was hesitating, not knowing what decision to make, the object slightly moved and again stopped about 10-15 meters from the tractor. Then he slowly sank to the ground. He moved closer and closer; finally I could discern that it was an unusual, almost round machine with little red holes. A huge red spotlight shone in my face, blinding me when the object came down. Now I saw exactly the shape of the car. It looked like an elongated egg with three spines in front. Their color could not be determined as they were immersed in red light; above, something also gleaming red was spinning very quickly.

This color changed as the number of revolutions of the rotating part decreased - in any case, I got that impression. The rotating part gave the impression of a cymbal or flat dome. Whether she really looked like this or whether this impression was formed only due to the rotation, I do not know. After all, she did not stop her movement after the object landed.

Of course, I noticed the main details later, because at first I was too excited. I lost my last remnants of composure when three metal pipes appeared from the bottom of the object a few meters from the ground, like a tripod. These were metal legs on which, of course, the entire weight of the car fell when landing. But I didn't want to wait any longer. The tractor stood with the engine running throughout the entire time. I gave the gas, turned in the direction opposite to the object and made an attempt to escape. But after a couple of meters the engine stopped and the headlights went out.

I could not understand the reasons for this, since the ignition was on and the headlights were working. The motor did not turn on. Then I jumped out of the tractor and started to run. But it was too late, because after a few steps someone grabbed my hand. It turned out to be a small, strangely dressed creature, reaching up to my shoulder. In complete despair, I turned to him and struck a blow that sent it off balance. The unknown let me go and fell on his face.

I again wanted to run, but was immediately seized by three equally incomprehensible creatures. They lifted me off the ground, holding my hands and feet tightly. I tried to fight off with my feet, but in vain. Then I loudly began to call for help, cursing them, and demanded to release me. My cry caused them either surprise or curiosity, because on the way to their car they stopped every time as soon as I opened my mouth, and stared into my face, without loosening, however, their grip.

They dragged me to the car, which was ten meters above the ground on the already described metal legs. In the back of the car there was a door that dropped down from above and became like a platform. There was a metal staircase at the end of it. It was made of the same silvery material as the walls of the car and reached the ground. It was very difficult for these creatures to get me there, since there were only two people on the stairs. In addition, this ladder was mobile, elastic and swayed back and forth from my jerks. On both sides there were twisted railings, I grabbed them with all my strength, so that there was no opportunity to drag me further up. Therefore, they had to constantly stop and rip my hands off the railing.

The railings were also elastic, and later, when I was released, I got the impression that they consisted of separate links inserted into each other. Finally they managed to shove me into a small square room. The shimmering light of the metal ceiling reflected in the polished metal walls; the light came from a plurality of four-sided light bulbs located under the ceiling. They put me on the floor. The front door, along with the folded staircase, rose and slammed shut, completely merging with the wall. One of the five creatures made it clear that I should follow him. I obeyed as I had no other choice.

Together we entered another semi-oval room, which was larger than the previous one. The walls there shone the same way. I believe that this was the central part of the car, since in the middle of the room there was a round, seemingly massive column, tapering in its middle segment.

It is difficult to imagine that she was there only for decoration. In my opinion, it held the ceiling. There were many swivel chairs in the room, similar to the ones in our bars. Thus, everyone sitting on the chair had the opportunity to turn in different directions. They held me tight the whole time and seemed to be talking about me. When I say “they said,” this, even in the smallest measure, does not mean that I heard something similar to human sounds. I cannot repeat them.

Suddenly it seemed that they had made a decision. All five began to undress me. I defended myself, shouted and swore. They stopped for a moment, looked at me, as if they wanted to let me know that they were polite people. But that didn't stop them from stripping me naked. However, they did not cause me any pain or tore my clothes. As a result, I stood naked and was scared to death, because I did not know what they were going to do with me next. One of them came up to me, holding something like a wet washcloth in his hand, and began to rub the liquid on my body. The liquid was clear, odorless, but viscous. At first I thought it was some kind of oil, but the skin did not get either oily or oily.

I was freezing and trembling all over, as the night was quite cool, and the liquid made the cold even worse. The liquid, however, dried out very quickly. Then three of these creatures led me to the opposite door from the one through which I entered. One of them touched something in the middle of the door, after which both halves of it opened. There was an incomprehensible inscription of red glowing signs. They had nothing to do with any written signs that I know. I wanted to remember them, but I immediately forgot.

Accompanied by two beings, I entered a small room, illuminated in the same way as the others. As soon as we got there, the door closed behind us. When I turned around, it was no longer possible to distinguish any opening. Only the wall was visible, no different from the others.

Suddenly this wall opened again and two more entered through the door. In their hands were rather thick red rubber tubes, each of which was more than a meter long. One of these hoses was attached to a goblet glass jar. At the other end was a nozzle that looked like a glass tube. They put it to the skin on my chin, right here, where you can still see the dark spot left by the scar. At first, I did not feel any pain or itching. Then this place began to burn and itch. I saw that the mug was slowly half filling with my blood.

They then interrupted their work, removed one attachment and replaced it with another, and took blood from the other side of the chin. There, too, the same dark spot remained. This time the mug was filled to the brim. Then they left, the door closed behind them, and I was left alone. Quite a long time passed, probably at least half an hour, but nobody remembered me. There was nothing in the room, except for a large bed without a headboard in the middle. The bed was rather soft, like Styrofoam, and was covered with a thick, soft gray cloth.

Due to the fact that I was very tired after all the excitement, I sat down on this couch. At that moment, I felt an unusual smell, which made me sick. I had the feeling that I was inhaling a heavy smoke that threatened me with suffocation. Examining the walls, I noticed a number of small metal tubes, closed from below, protruding at the height of my head and having, like a shower, many small holes. Gray smoke oozed from these holes, dissolving in the air and emitting an unpleasant odor.

I felt unbearable nausea, rushed to the corner of the room, and vomited. After that, my breathing became free, but the smell of smoke still made me uneasy. I was extremely depressed. What else is fate preparing for me? Until now, I have not got the slightest idea of what these creatures actually look like.

All five wore tight-fitting jumpsuits made of thick gray material that was very soft. They had a helmet of the same color on their heads. This helmet hid everything except the eyes, which were covered with glasses that looked like glasses. The sleeves of the jumpsuit were long and narrow. The hands with five fingers were hidden in thick one-color gloves, which undoubtedly impeded movement, which, however, did not prevent them from holding me tightly and skillfully manipulating the rubber hose, letting me bleed.

There were no pockets or buttons on the overalls. The trousers were tight and went straight into tennis-like shoes. In any case, they were dressed differently from us. All except one, which was barely on my shoulder, were my height. They gave the impression of being strong enough, but at large I could handle each one individually.

After some time, which seemed to me like an eternity, a rustle at the door distracted me from my thoughts. I looked around the room and saw a woman slowly approaching me. She was completely naked, just like me. I was speechless and the woman seemed to be amused by the expression on my face. She was very beautiful, but a completely different beauty from the women I have met. Her hair, soft and light, even very light, as if bleached, parted in the middle by a parting, fell on her back in curls, twisted inward.

She had large blue almond shaped eyes. Her nose was straight. The unusually high cheekbones gave the face a peculiar shape. It was much wider than that of the Indian women of South America. The sharp chin made the face look triangular. She had thin, slightly prominent lips, and her ears, which I saw only later, were exactly the same as those of our women. Her body was amazingly beautiful: wide hips, long legs, small feet, narrow wrists and normal toenails. She was much smaller than me.

This woman silently came up to me and looked at me. Suddenly she hugged me and started rubbing her face against mine.

Alone with this woman, I was very excited. This probably sounds unlikely, but I believe it was due to the liquid they rubbed on me. They probably did it intentionally. With all this, I would not replace any of our women with her, as I prefer women with whom I can talk and who understand me. She made only some grunting sounds that completely confused me. I was terribly angry.

Then one of the ship's crew came with my clothes, and I dressed again. Apart from the lighter, nothing was missing. Perhaps she got lost during a fight.

We returned to another room, where the crew members sat on swivel chairs and, it seemed to me, were talking. While they were “talking” to each other, I tried to remember all the details of the environment exactly. At the same time, I was struck by the rectangular box with a glass lid on the table. Under the glass was a disc, similar to the dial of an alarm clock, but with black markings and one hand. Then it dawned on me: I need to steal this item; he will be proof of my adventure. I began to move carefully towards the box, taking advantage of the fact that they were not looking at me. Then I quickly grabbed her off the table with both hands.

She was heavy, at least two kilograms in weight. But I didn’t have enough time to look at it better: one of those who was sitting jumped up, pushed me aside, furiously tore the box out of my hands and put it back in place.

I drew back to the opposite wall and froze there. As a matter of fact, I had no fear of anyone, but in this situation it was better to keep quiet. It became clear to me that they only treated me friendly when I behaved myself. Why risk it if nothing could be done anyway.

I never saw the woman again. But I realized where she might be. There was another door in the front of the room, which was ajar, and from time to time footsteps were heard from there. I think there was a navigation cockpit at the front, but of course I cannot prove it.

Finally, one of the team got up and made me know that I must follow him. The others did not pay any attention to me. We went to the open front door with the stairs already lowered, but did not go down. I was ordered to stand on a platform on either side of the door. It was narrow, but you could walk on it around the car. We walked forward and I saw a rectangular metal protrusion sticking out of the car; on the opposite side was exactly the same.

The one in front pointed to the already mentioned metal protrusions. All three were rigidly connected to the machine, the middle one directly to the front; they had the same shape with a wide base, gradually thinning, and were in a horizontal position. I couldn't tell if they were of the same metal as the car. They glowed like hot metal, but did not emit any heat.

Above them were reddish lamps. The side lamps were small and round, while the front lamp was huge. It was she who played the role of a searchlight. Above the platform were innumerable four-sided lamps embedded in the body of the machine. With a reddish light, they illuminated the platform, which ended in front of a large, thick glass disc. The disc, apparently, served as a porthole, although from the outside it seemed completely cloudy.

My guide pointed upward, where a huge saucer-shaped dome revolved. During its slow motion, it was constantly illuminated with green light, the origin of which I could not determine. A certain sound was associated with the rotation, reminiscent of the noise of a vacuum cleaner.

When the machine later began to rise from the ground, the speed of rotation of the dome began to increase; it increased as long as it was possible to observe the object; then only a light red glow remained of it. The takeoff sound also intensified and turned into a loud roar.

Finally they took me to a metal staircase and made it clear that I could go. Once on the ground, I looked up again. My companion was still standing there, first he pointed to himself, then to me and finally to the sky, to its southern part. Then he signaled to me to step aside and disappeared into the car.

The metal staircase has gathered, the steps drove into one another; the door rose and slid into the wall of the car.

The glow of the spotlight and dome grew brighter. The car slowly rose in a vertical plane. At the same time, the landing legs were removed, and the bottom of the aircraft became completely smooth.

The object continued to climb; at 30-50 meters from the ground, it lingered for a couple of seconds, during which its glow intensified, the buzz became louder, and the dome began to spin at incredible speed.

Leaning slightly to the side, the car suddenly rushed southward with a rhythmic tapping sound, and after a few seconds disappeared from sight.

And then I went back to my tractor. I was dragged into an unknown car at 1:15 am, and I left it only at 5:30 am. Thus, I had to stay in it for four hours and fifteen minutes. Quite a long time.

I did not tell anyone about everything I experienced, except my mother. She said that it would be better not to meet such people again. I didn’t say anything to my father, because he didn’t believe the incident with the luminous wheel, believing that it all seemed to me.

After a while I decided to write to Senor Joao Martins. In November, I read his article in which he asks his readers to inform him about any cases involving flying saucers. If I had enough money, I would have gone to Rio earlier. But I had to wait for Martins to answer with the message that he was taking on some of the transportation costs."

According to the clinical examination and medical examination, young Boas, after a disturbing event that had happened to him, returned home completely exhausted and slept almost all day after that. Waking up at 4:30 pm, he felt good - he had a great lunch. But already in the next and subsequent nights he began to have insomnia. He was nervous and very agitated, and in the moments when he managed to fall asleep, he was immediately overcome by dreams associated with the events of that night.

Then he would wake up in fright, scream, and again he was seized by the feeling that he was captured by aliens and held captive. Having experienced this sensation several times, he gave up his vain attempts to calm down and decided to spend the night in his studies, but he did not succeed; he was unable to concentrate on what he was reading, and all the time he mentally returned to the experience. As the day dawned, he felt completely unsettled, running up and down and smoking cigarette after cigarette. When he felt hungry, he managed to drink only a cup of coffee, after which he became ill, and the state of nausea, like the headache, continued throughout the day.

Dr. Fontes did not draw any conclusions about the numerous abrasions and other injuries to the chin, palms, armpits and legs. But he confirmed the complete absence of any direct or indirect signs of mental illness in the patient.

Boas was not prone to psychopathy, as well as to superstition and mysticism. He did not mistake the crew members of the flying object for angels or demons, but for people from another planet.

When the journalist Martins explained to the young man that many people would consider him either crazy or a fraud after hearing his story, Boas objected:

“Let those who consider me as such come to my house and examine me. It would help them to immediately establish whether I can be considered normal or not."

Maybe the young man suffered from an inferiority complex? Or was he a flawed person at all?

Dr. Fontes completely denies this in his examination. But nevertheless it points out that very often one has to deal with various testimonies in which one “eyewitness” contradicts another.

The UFO phenomenon was a fertile topic for the South American press during these times, so it is easy to assume that Boas was heavily influenced by such reports even before he described this incident. How easily the line between the enacted fantasy and reality is blurred! His description of the smallest details looks especially implausible. The observant talent of this simple Brazilian farmer is comparable to the sharpness and accuracy of perception of a professional detective.

Are the fantastic adventures of Antonio Villas Boas a figment of the imagination?

As Johannes von Butlar reports in his book The UFO Phenomenon, surgeon Walter K. Buechler, who lives in Rio de Janeiro, said in a telephone conversation on May 24, 1978: “I have no doubt that this actually happened. ". He refers to the yet unpublished fact of "the most thorough examination of Boas by Dr. Fontes using a special device - a Geiger counter - in which radioactive contamination was found on his body and clothes." Dr. Buechler, together with other doctors, also came to the conclusion that only radiation could cause the above-described painful symptoms in Boas. He probably experienced the effects of radiation. "(Helmut Hofling. Ufos, Urwelt, Ungeheuer. Das grobe Buch der Sensationen. Reutlingen 1980; Russian translation: Helmut Hefling. All miracles in one book. M. 1983)

2. What do the inhabitants of the UFO claim?

Yes, whatever they want, they can say. In "Descent from Heaven" it is shown how little is worth what they claim, and what happens to those who unconditionally believe in this statement. However, listening to them may still make sense.

Most often they communicate what they would like to hear from them. The venerable Texas farmer is told that several ships, such as the one he is on, have already been built and will serve the farmer's good. In a more modern interpretation, it sounds, for example, like this: “I got up. It was hard to move, like in water. The balls all jumped onto the windowsill and rolled out the window, but I managed to catch one. Suddenly the lid opened in it, and I heard music, Chopin's waltz.

I asked: "Who are you?"

Answer: "We are the same as you."

Me: "Do you know Chopin?"

Answer: “Yes. And much more. You, earthlings, are in great trouble."

Me: "But who will believe me if I tell you about all this?"

Answer: “Probably nobody”.

Me: "Why are you here then?"

Answer: “This misfortune can end in disaster for us too. So we are still watching."

Me: “Can I call my friends now or wake up mom and sister? They sleep in the next room."

Answer: “There is no need. Electricity and telephone are not working. " I tried to turn on the light - to no avail. She picked up the telephone receiver - silence. I remember well there was no fear. Then again the memory lapse. I woke up, outside the window is a bright sunny morning. I am sure that this is not a dream. " (A. Kuzovkin. UFO. M.1990).

It seems that someone answering people could have come up with something smarter. Moreover, the ONO cannot answer most of the more or less serious questions at all. If OHO for some reason admits that such a question will still be asked, OHO begins to put pressure on the witness with fear, blinds or paralyzes him. But if the witness is determined enough and does not give up the psychological position, the phenomenon may retreat. One gets the impression that the phenomenon is simply too stupid to give a plausible answer to the questions.