The Magic Of Familiar Things - Alternative View

The Magic Of Familiar Things - Alternative View
The Magic Of Familiar Things - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Familiar Things - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of Familiar Things - Alternative View
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Can the future be predicted? What is beyond what we see with our normal vision? Is it possible to look beyond these boundaries and will the acquired knowledge please us? Humanity has been asking these questions throughout the history of its existence.

In order to expand the boundaries of their knowledge, people resort to different techniques: this is meditation, and various methods of fortune telling, and attempts to establish contact with those who have left this world. Despite the fact that scientific and technological progress today has stepped as far as science fiction writers did not even anticipate, there are much more questions about how this world works than answers to them. That is why many people are trying to find answers to such questions using alternative sources of knowledge. You can call such ways of knowing the world antiscientific, but sometimes events occur in a person's life that cannot be explained from the point of view of official science and generally accepted logic.

Ordinary things that we are used to using every day can become our "guides" to another world and learn about the existence of other realities, tell us the answers to our questions, or even show the future. Another reality can be frightening, and its penetration into our space threatens with great trouble. This phenomenon is described in the story "The Sun Dog" by S. King. The hero of this work was presented with an expensive toy - a Polaroid camera. Each new photo taken by its owner brought closer an inevitable tragedy: a terrible monster was trying to get into this world from a parallel reality. Each click of the shutter brought him closer to the world. As conceived by the author, the camera was a door between worlds, which its young owner inadvertently opened.

It was not by chance that the author made a camera as a portal to another reality. At the dawn of the era of "photography", and this is how the word "photography" is translated, the process of shooting was given a truly mystical meaning. Today we know how it is technically possible to capture this or that moment of our life, and in the era when photography just appeared, it was a real miracle. A moment stopped forever - isn't it a miracle? Today, photographic film has been replaced by sensitive matrices. There is a camera in any more or less advanced smartphone, and each of us can easily stop any minute of our life in order to share our impressions with friends or remember the best moments by reviewing pictures.

We stopped considering photography as something magical or mysterious. And in vain, because because we do not believe in magic, it does not cease to exist. We simply do not see strange or amazing events taking place in our life, and if we notice, then we write off everything as banal coincidences. But the Higher powers, which give us signs, including with the help of familiar things, do not forgive such a disdainful attitude.

Maxim is an amateur photographer. He always dreamed of a good full frame camera and finally his dream came true. The enthusiastic photographer spent whole days on the streets in search of interesting subjects. He constantly pressed the shutter button like many newbies. Once he saw a girl on the street. The young man did not have time to see her face, but the composition that appeared before him seemed interesting to him. The girl walked along a snow-covered alley, the hood of a gray fur coat lowered over her head hid her face. There was not a soul around, and only her traces were clearly imprinted on the white snow. Maxim, without hesitation, took several pictures. When he decided to catch up with the girl and show her the footage, she seemed to disappear into the cold winter air. The only evidence of its existence was only a few frames on the flash drive of his camera.

The man was lonely. After a divorce from his wife, he did not start long-term relationships with women, but devoted all his free time to his hobby. Six months passed, and he met Alina. At the first moment it seemed to him that he had already seen this woman somewhere. Young people began to meet, and Maxim did not leave the feeling that he had known Alina for a long time. The cold came, and one day the girl came to his house in a fur coat that he already knew. The man could not believe his eyes: he had already seen it! He rushed to the computer and showed his girlfriend the pictures taken a year ago. The girl looked at the date the photo was taken and said that she really was in the photo, but she did not remember at all that she walked along the alley on that day and hour.

The man was surprised, he noticed that this alley was located not far from his house and was even visible from the window of his apartment. Strange coincidence, he thought. But Alina did not consider it a coincidence. She realized long ago that everything that happens in this world is not accidental. The girl told Maxim about this, but he, being a materialist, only laughed at her. Over time, the novelty of the relationship passed, and Alina began to feel burdened by Maxim's society. A month later, she directly told him that she needed to think and decide how to live on. She does not want to deceive him, but she does not want to continue the relationship either. Alina got dressed and left the apartment. Maxim went to the window. It was snowing, and a female figure in a fur coat and a hood draped over her head was clearly visible against the background of the snow-covered alley. Everything looked like a photograph taken a year ago. And just as imperceptibly, the silhouette of his girlfriend disappeared into a snowy haze.

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Alina never appeared in Maxim's life again. In memory of her, he only had photographs of her, including the one that was taken a year before their meeting and the upcoming separation. Maxim did not give up his passion for photography, but he began to treat his pictures more thoughtfully. He became convinced that ordinary objects can conceal strange mysteries: with the help of his camera, he was able to look into his future. And only about one thing he regrets that he did not understand this at once. After all, if the young man knew that the photo shows the day of their separation, he would try to do everything possible to keep his beloved. That is why it is so important to be able to read the secret messages of fate.