An Alien Base Was Found On The Moon - Alternative View

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An Alien Base Was Found On The Moon - Alternative View
An Alien Base Was Found On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: An Alien Base Was Found On The Moon - Alternative View

Video: An Alien Base Was Found On The Moon - Alternative View
Video: NASA Explorers: Moon Girl 2024, June

A giant antenna sticks out of our natural satellite, a tower of many kilometers rises, and some metal balls stuck to the craters

A lonely hair grows

Finnish homeworker Mark Sawalha - UFO hunter, as he calls himself, discovered a strange thin object on the Moon sticking out of its surface. The object is slightly curved with a kind of twig or hair. And casts a shadow.

The twig looks small. In fact, it is over a hundred meters.

- This is an antenna, - Mark is sure, - the aliens have installed it over their base. And the base itself is located under the surface of the moon - where there is a very flat plateau.

Anomaly detected in one of the images taken from lunar orbit


Promotional video:

In fact, what can stick around like that?


Mark found an "antenna" in one of the images that NASA's Lunar Orbiter 1 took long ago, back in 1966. The Americans launched it in order to draw up a detailed map of the moon, which they soon came in handy. Thanks to the images obtained, NASA chose the landing sites for subsequent manned expeditions.

Lunar Orbiter, launched in August 1966, became the first American artificial satellite of the moon. And the very first - in terms of putting the spacecraft into lunar orbit - were us. Our Luna-10 has been rotating there since April 1966.

Lunar Orbiter 1, which photographed the alien antenna


Images taken by Lunar Orbiter 1 are posted on the NASA website. Come and see for yourself that the "antenna" is not drawn, but really sticks out. However, in order to see it, you need to greatly enlarge the picture.

The "antenna" was discovered the other day. No reaction from NASA yet. But it is not excluded. The agency's specialists responded to another find of virtual exoarchaeologists - enthusiasts like Mark, who painstakingly study images from other planets, looking for oddities on them.

Tower to heaven

A virtual archaeologist hiding under the nickname MexicoGeek discovered a tower on the moon. I saw it in one of the images of the lunar surface - one of those used in the Google Moon resource. Determined the height of the tower - 5.6 kilometers. And he decided that the aliens somehow use or used this - in the literal sense of the word - an outstanding structure for launching their spaceships.

A rooftop tower built in a lunar crater


By the way, the multi-kilometer tower on the moon does not look completely unthinkable. After all, the force of gravity on our natural satellite is much lower than that of the earth - 6 times. It’s just as much easier to build high towers there.

Especially if advanced aliens are building. Or the guest workers they hired are, of course, aliens.

Tower discovered via Google Moon


The MexicoGeek discovery was responded to by Noah Petro, a specialist in charge of NASA's LRO camera, which is now in Moon orbit, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC). He confirmed that the object pointed out by the virtual archaeologist does exist and is located between the craters Rupes Liebig and Rimae Marsenius - specifically in the crater Marsenius E. But it is not a tower.

According to Petro, the illusion of a towering vertical structure with a platform on the "roof" is created by a small crater formed on the edge of a larger one - Marsenius E. The illusion is complemented by a trail of crumbling rock on its cone.

The scientist found images of the crater area Rupes Liebig, Rimae Marsenius and Marsenius E taken by LROC under different lighting conditions. There is no tower on them - it "disappeared". A small crater, on the other hand, became apparent.

Under different lighting (right picture), the tower disappears


Petro explained that the illusion was also caused by the poor quality of the images used by Google Moon to display the area with the "tower". They were made back in the 90s of the last century with the Clementine probe.

What glitters here?

For homeworkers, Google Moon is a treasure trove. So someone Marcelo Irazusta turned to him and saw a strange sphere attached to several lunar craters. I figured it out: the diameter of the spheres is about 80 meters. And of course he suspected aliens of their creation.

Ufologist Scott C. Waring, who has drawn attention to the spheres on his website, believes the objects are metal. Since they reflect light well, and in some places they generally look like huge lanterns.

Balls stuck to the crater walls really look strange


It looks like some balls are glowing


For those wishing to personally look at the lunar spheres, the ufologist reports the coordinates of objects for searching in Google Moon:

27 ° 22'5.33 "N 150 ° 43'14.79" E

30 ° 39'12.68 "N 152 ° 3'11.86" E

30 ° 27'13.33 "N 152 ° 56'7.77" E

30 ° 29'39.60 "N 152 ° 53'11.88" E

30 ° 21'28.97 "N 153 ° 5'38.89" E

30 ° 11'8.38 "N 152 ° 56'5.32" E

31 ° 37'44.81 "N 153 ° 14'49.94" E

Let Noah Petro take a look. Suddenly he has clearer pictures of this area. And it would not hurt him to look at the "antenna".