The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View

The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View
The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View

Video: The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View

Video: The Etruscan Capital Was In The Russian Far East - Alternative View
Video: The First Jewish Homeland in the Russian Far East – Birobidzhan 2024, October

Their language is not similar to any other people.

- Dionysius of Halicarnassus

Before the new era, the talented and numerous Etruscan people, who created civilization in Africa and Europe, were admired. But with the onset of a new era, their history and writing were forgotten, leaving white pages of their memory in the book of world history.

It is known that the Roman emperor Claudius (45–41 BC) wrote 20 volumes of books on the History of the Etruscans, 8 volumes of Carthage and 12 volumes of Tyrrenicus. These books disappeared with the onset of a new era during the struggle against paganism (polytheism).

In fact, Claudius wrote 40 volumes about the same Etruscan people, but who had tribal, dialectal and some cult differences, like the Slavs. Isn't that why they are called in Latin ETRUSCI, TUSSI; in Greek TYRSNI, self-name - RASNA, etc.

One of the mysteries of the Etruscans - where did they come from and where is their ancestral home?

The studies carried out using energy information sources made it possible to establish the main areas of their habitation and migration routes around the planet before coming to Europe.

The ancestors of the Etruscans, about 13.6 thousand years ago, were located in the north of Greenland, were part of the Atlantis Empire and possessed knowledge of this civilization. Empire Atlantis consisted of 15 confederations, occupying lands on both sides of the warm Gulf Stream from South America to Chukotka. The administrative capital of the empire, the city of the Golden Gate, was located in the northeast of Taimyr with a port, naval ships and aircraft. There, on Taimyr, are the tombs of most of the emperors of Atlantis. On the territory of Russia, from Scandinavia to Chukotka, there were 6 capitals of these confederations. By the period of the immersion of the sacred capital on the island of Poseidon in the Atlantic Ocean, the Etruscans moved across the Kola Peninsula to the Urals region, avoiding disaster. Migrating from the Urals through Siberia, they settled in the basin of the Aldan and Indigirka rivers.

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Possessing the knowledge they got from Atlantis, they, together with their kindred peoples, were able to create about 6 thousand years ago their civilization with the territory from the Yenisei to the Kolyma and from the northern seas to the Yellow Sea in the south.

The administrative capital of this civilization was located by the Aldan River, not far from the modern city of Okhotsk Perevoz. Their other important city was located somewhat northeast of the city of Eldikan. This civilization carried out extensive construction work using electrified lifting and earth-moving equipment. They also had self-propelled sea transport, which they partly made themselves at shipyards near the modern city of Novaya Inya on the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk. We partially acquired ships in the Baydaratskaya Bay area at the shipyards of the Yamal Peninsula. This civilization had its own ports: in the north and east of Taimyr; in the east of Olenek Bay; in the Sea of Okhotsk near the town of Novaya Inya and in the Yellow Sea, where in the XX century A. D. e. was the Russian port Dalniy. Ships were also built in these ports. From the Lena to the Pechora Bay and back, ships sailed by the northern seas. Sometimes ships sank for various reasons. In our time, sunken ancient self-propelled ships lie at the bottom of the shelf: north and east of Taimyr and north-east of Cape Zhelanny on Novaya Zemlya. Ships with valuable cargo with propulsion devices, instruments and ship documentation are not yet in demand. At the disposal of the Etruscan civilization was also an ocean-going self-propelled ship, 600 m long, cast from high-strength stone material. The ship was purchased from shipyards north of Bumbai (India) 5 thousand years ago. This Etruscan ship, en route from Africa to the Sea of Okhotsk with valuable cargo, including 600 tons of precious metals, sank in the East China Sea opposite the Korea Strait. The tragedy was due to the collision of a giant with a cargo ship 10 times smaller. Now this stone giant lies,like an underwater rock, at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 80 meters. The height of this ship was up to 50 meters. Modern technical capabilities allow us to raise the values of our ancestors together with the ship, which could be made a “Far Eastern Museum” in memory of the Etruscans and other ancient peoples.

Etruscan stone-cutters-jewelers imprinted on gems (cameos and intaglio) from precious and semi-precious stones images of ancient self-propelled ships with water-jet propulsion. Similar propellers were used on the ships of Atlantis and the Etruscan civilization on a 600-long giant ship.

Material evidence of the existence of the Etruscan civilization in the Aldan region can be stone statues, drawings and texts on stone, tombs with mummies and urns, remnants of block stones from former structures, catacomb-caves near former cities. They are:

- to the north-east of the modern city of Eldikan;

- east of the town of Okhotsk Perevoz;

- near Mount Mus-Khaya (2959 m) and west of the mountain with a peak of 2703 m, which is opposite the town of Predorozhniy on the river. Indigirka.

After the departure of a significant number of Etruscans to Europe, their fellow tribesmen continued to live on Aldan and Indigirka until the new era. Moving away from the cold, the tribesmen, the native speakers of the Etruscan language (NEY), moved in a southerly direction to the sources of the Aldan and to the Stanovoy ridge. By the XII century A. D. e. part of the NEJ moved to Manchuria, to the ridge of the Great Khingan. During the reign of Genghis Khan, these people were involved in civil service. In our time, in the east of Mongolia and in the Great Khingan, there are people who speak a separate unwritten Bao'an language. There is reason to say that this Bao'an language retains up to 70% of the words of the Etruscan language in its root basis. It is not difficult to verify the accuracy of this information if you have sound recording devices. These places are accessible to explorers and tourists. They are found in places that are associated with the ancestral home of the Etruscans. Will Etruscologists be interested in this language?

From the book: “Russian Atlantis. On the history of ancient civilizations and peoples”. Koltsov Ivan Evseevich