The Manifestation Of Unusual Signs: Anomaly Or Not? - Alternative View

The Manifestation Of Unusual Signs: Anomaly Or Not? - Alternative View
The Manifestation Of Unusual Signs: Anomaly Or Not? - Alternative View

Video: The Manifestation Of Unusual Signs: Anomaly Or Not? - Alternative View

Video: The Manifestation Of Unusual Signs: Anomaly Or Not? - Alternative View
Video: Strange Phenomena Caught in the Sky On Camera 2024, June

Some time ago, eyewitnesses, first from Karelia, later from the Chechen Republic, turned to Kosmopoisk, with an interval of about a month, with a request to analyze certain artifacts.

Both of these cases were united by the fact that unknown symbols appeared inexplicably on ordinary, everyday objects: in the first case - on the fabric from the sofa, in the second - on the paving slabs.

In the Karelian case, an eyewitness reported that on the night of March 31 to April 1, 2013, he stayed with his mother, watched TV until late, and subsequently fell asleep on the sofa. At some point in time, the sleeping person felt that someone was lying down next to him, through a dream he heard a conversation between men and women, from which he understood that they wanted to "take him somewhere."

Then someone touched his feet, in response an eyewitness also tried to touch the strangers and felt something that looked like hair, but they were brittle and crumbled. According to an eyewitness, the woman pricked him in the thigh with something sharp, after which the eyewitness fell asleep. In the morning, she and her mother discovered unknown signs that were miraculously imprinted on the entire upholstery of the sofa.

In a personal conversation, the mother of the eyewitness also confirmed the fact of the anomalous phenomenon, assuring the researchers that initially the sofa, which she bought 3 years ago, did not have these black marks. Moreover, she said that a few weeks after the episode with the manifestation of signs, the son became a participant in another, more dangerous incident. At night, already at his house, spontaneous combustion occurred, a sofa (already another), a curtain were on fire, the eyewitness's hair was slightly scorched. The fire was preceded by an unknown phone call. It was not possible to determine who called.

As for the Chechen artifact, the image on the slab appeared in 2013 at a private courtyard in the town of Gudermes. The drawing appeared on paving slabs, its purpose was not clear to the owners. Information about the discovery of a strange artifact was reported to the local mullah, on whose advice they tried to wipe the image with wet rags, for a while it succeeded, but then the drawing appeared again.

When the tile was already delivered to "Kosmopoisk", new news came from Gudermes that on June 21, 2013, in the house itself, from the courtyard of which the slab under discussion was taken, the same pattern appeared on the wall, slightly larger, glowing.

The owner initially thought it was a reflection from the window through the blinds, but when they were closed, the drawing did not disappear. Then he touched the drawing itself - it disappeared. There were no more witnesses except the owner himself. The circumstances of the appearance of the image, the composition of the family and other details require further clarification.

Promotional video:

Image on a slab from Gudermes (processed in a graphics editor for better visualization of the picture)


In both cases, eyewitnesses tended precisely to the supernatural nature of the appearance of these symbols. So, in the first case, signs on the upholstery appeared not only on the day of the draw, but also on an ancient pagan holiday, which was considered the day of awakening of the brownie. At the same time, the brownie woke up angry, and immediately begins to freak out. Here is what they write “… and immediately begins to play naughty, and sometimes to hooligan. Either he will pour out the remains of flour from the sacks, sometimes he will confuse the horses' manes, frighten the cows, and stain the linen. The image on the Chechen artifact reappeared again and again when they tried to wash it off.

As soon as both artifacts fell into the hands of the Cosmopoisk researchers, their initial inspection was conducted. Regarding the fabric from the sofa, the marks on it resembled a factory drawing. But when examining the inner side of the upholstery, everything indicated that the signs were applied after fragments of the "new" symbols were printed there, i.e. perhaps the images were painted with some kind of paint.

In addition to the sought-for “mysterious symbols”, other “spots” that were out of the general pattern were found on the fabric, the nature of which also remained unclear. The study of the joints of the design of the signs indicated that the mysterious symbols should have been applied when the fabric was a single canvas, and was not sewn into the upholstery, which partly confirms the hypothesis of the factory design.

A visual analysis of the Chechen tiles did not yield any more accurate information. In appearance, the drawing was scratched with something. A number of very different assumptions have been put forward regarding the nature of the image, ranging from the fact that it was decided to install a square support on the tiles and someone was sketching a layout of the future mission, ending with a map of the city drawn by terrorists, where depots with weapons are indicated.

There was also noted an analogy of the studied drawing with some occult magic seals - "sigils", special magical symbols-seals that play an important role in ritual magic and are often found in medieval grimoires.

At the end of July this year, both samples were analyzed by the leading engineer of the branch of the Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution "Federal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology" in Klin, Moscow Region. Analysis of the sofa upholstery in ultraviolet light, based on a chromatograph, did not reveal any significant differences in the drawings. Background radiation measurements showed normal background values.

Enlarged fragment of the picture where scratched lines are visible


Based on the results of the analysis, the chemical specialist expressed the opinion that this was a factory drawing. But such a conclusion did not satisfy an eyewitness from Karelia, who continues to assure that the signs were not originally on the couch. This can be confirmed both by his mother, who, according to her, “would never have bought a sofa with such terrible images,” and other relatives.

According to the results of the examination of the Chechen tiles, the following was established. The drawing has been scratched on it with a sharp object. The method of applying the "spots" is still unclear, and no traces of pronounced shock effects were found.

With an ordinary knife, you can clean off the top layer of the plate and make completely identical patterns, while etching with hydrochloric acid or alkali does not leave any noticeable traces on the plate. Measurement of α-, β- and γ radiation did not reveal an excess of permissible radiation doses.

Tissue examination on a chromatograph


The indelibility of the pattern is explained by the fact that when the tiles are impregnated with water, it fills the capillaries, and the refractive index decreases, which causes the optical effect of “pattern disappearance”, although, in fact, it does not disappear anywhere. An analysis of the element composition of the slab based on the Spectroscan Max-GV X-ray fluorescence spectrometer showed that the composition of the material of the “spot” and the slab itself does not differ.

Measurement of radioactivity in tiles


Thus, the analysis did not reveal any anomalous character in the drawings that appeared. However, it is important to note that a more detailed examination of both artifacts was never carried out. Perhaps the involvement of a fiber expert in the case of fabrics from Karelia, and special laboratory equipment, for example, a gamma spectrometer, to analyze tiles from Chechnya, will give more clear answers about the nature of these artifacts.

We are currently trying to clarify additional details with eyewitnesses in both cases. Indeed, in fact, so far, we can only talk about the anomalous nature of these symbols from the words of eyewitnesses.

So far, with some degree of assumption, it can be assumed that in both cases we encountered one of the varieties of transient poltergeist, since every time with eyewitnesses there was a repeated relapse. So far, the artifacts have been transferred to the Sector for the Study of Poltergeist during the "Cosmopear", but in the future, as information is received, information about them may be revised.