The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View

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The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View
The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View

Video: The Story Of The Severed Head - Alternative View
Video: Необычный случай с Алексом Льюисом (документальный фильм о чудесном чуде) - Реальные истории 2024, October

A terrible exhibit has been kept in the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera for over 90 years. It has never been on public display and is unlikely to ever be on display. In the inventory it appears as "the head of the Mongol." But the museum staff know much more and, if they wish, will tell you that this is the head of Ja Lama, who was considered a living god in Mongolia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Chinese revolution

In 1911, the great Manchu Qing dynasty, which had ruled China since 1644, staggered. In the south of the province, one after another, they announced their withdrawal from the Qing Empire and went over to the camp of supporters of the republican form of government. The future PRC was born in the blood of the civil war.

But the north was not a monolith either. On December 1, 1911, the Mongols announced the creation of their independent state. The head of Mongolian Buddhists, Bogdo Gegen, became a great khan. Crowds of nomads surrounded Khovd, the provincial capital, and demanded that the Chinese governor recognize the authority of the Bogdo Gegen. The governor refused. The siege began. The city stood unshakably, all assault attempts were fought back with heavy losses for the attackers.

This continued until August 1912, when the national hero Dambijal-tsan, aka Ja-Lama, who was worshiped by the Mongols as a living god, appeared under the walls.

Descendant of Amursan

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For the first time, a native of the Astrakhan province, Dam-Bidzhaltsan appeared in Mongolia in 1890. A 30-year-old Kalmyk posed as the grandson of Amursana, the legendary Dzungarian prince, the leader of the liberation movement in Mongolia in the middle of the 18th century.


"Amursan's grandson" walked around Mongolia, scolded the Chinese and called for a fight against the invaders. The Chinese seized the troublemaker and wanted to execute him, but he, to their displeasure, turned out to be a Russian citizen. The authorities handed over the arrested person to the Russian consul and asked to take him back to their place and preferably forever. The consul sent the failed leader of the popular uprising on foot to Russia.

Lord of Western Mongolia

In 1910, Dambijal-tsan reappeared in Mongolia, but not as a descendant of Amursan, but as a Ja-Lama. Within a few months, he recruited several thousand admirers for himself, began a guerrilla war against the Chinese and became not just one of the most authoritative field commanders, but an object of faith and worship of thousands and thousands of people. Legends circulated about his invulnerability, songs were composed about his learning and holiness.

Under the walls of Khovd, he came with a detachment of several thousand horsemen. Having learned from the defector that the defenders of the city lacked ammunition, he ordered to drive several thousand camels, tie a burning fuse to the tail of each and drove them under the walls at night.

The sight was not for the faint of heart. The Chinese opened fire. When the roar of firing began to subside (the defenders began to run out of cartridges), Ja-Lama led his soldiers to storm.

The city was taken and given over to plunder. Genghis Khan's descendants massacred the entire Chinese population of Khovd. The Ja Lama held a solemn public ceremony to consecrate his battle banner. Five captive Chinese were stabbed to death, Ja Lama personally tore out their hearts and inscribed with them bloody symbols on the banner. The grateful Bogdo-gegen awarded the conqueror of Khovd with the title of holy prince and appointed him the ruler of Western Mongolia.

In his lot, Ja Lama began to introduce the orders and customs of the Middle Ages. More than 100 noble Mongols were killed in a year. The holy prince tortured the prisoners with his own hands, cut off the skin from their backs, cut off the unfortunate noses and ears, squeezed out their eyes, pouring molten resin into the bloodied eye sockets of the victims.

All these atrocities did not touch Bogdo Gegen, but Ja Lama more and more often showed his disobedience to the Great Khan, gradually turning Western Mongolia into a separate state. Bogdo-gegen turned to the help of its northern neighbor - Russia.

The twists and turns of fate

Russia did not care at all what was happening on the other side of its border. Not only is there a civil war in China, but a bandit state is forming and gaining strength right before our eyes. That and look, not today or tomorrow, raids of the heirs of the Golden Horde will begin for tribute.


Therefore, in February 1914, a hundred Trans-Baikal Cossacks set off on an expedition to Western Mongolia and, without losing a single person, brought to Tomsk the invincible Ja-Lama, "killing hordes of enemies with one glance." The Mongol god was sent into exile under police supervision in his native Astrakhan. The story of this adventurer could have ended on this, but the revolution broke out.

In January 1918, when in Astrakhan no one cared about the exiled Kalmyk (street fights were going on in the city), Dambidzhaltsan packed his things and went east to distant Mongolia.

Mongolia was in complete chaos at that time. Dozens of gangs roamed the steppe, living by robbery and robbery. With the arrival of Ja Lama, there were one more gangs.

State of the Ja Lama

Taking into account the experience of 1914, Ja-Lama in Dzungaria built the Tenpai-Baishin fortress with the hands of slaves. The garrison consisted of 300 well-armed soldiers. And in each camp, at the call of the holy lama, hundreds of men were ready to stand under his banner. The main source of income for the "state" was the robbery of caravans.

At that time, detachments of the Chinese, Baron Ungern, and the red Sukhe-Bator walked and galloped back and forth across the Mongol steppes. Ja Lama fought with everyone and did not adhere to anyone, striving to maintain the status of a feudal ruler.

In 1921, the People's Government of Mongolia took power in the country with the support of Moscow. Gradually, it took control of the distant regions of the country. In 1922, the turn came to the territory controlled by Ja Lama. On October 7, the State Internal Security Service (Mongolian Cheka) received a document that began with the words "top secret." This was the order to eliminate Ja Lama.

Joint operation of fraternal special services

First, they wanted to lure him to Urga. A letter was sent to Tenpai-Baishin with a proposal to Ja-Lama to accept the post of Minister of Western Mongolia with the granting of unlimited powers throughout the territory he controls. For the solemn ceremony of the transfer of power, the FOSE saint was invited to the capital. The cautious Ja-Lama refused to go to Urga, but asked to send plenipotentiary representatives to him along with all the documents.


A government delegation left for Western Mongolia. It was headed by really high-ranking officials: the head of the intelligence service of Mongolia Baldandorzh and the prominent military leader Nanzad. Another member of the delegation was a man in the uniform of an official of the first rank - it was a Kalmyk Kharti Kanukov, an adviser to Soviet Russia at the intelligence department. It was these three who led the operation.

Death of the Mongol God

The Ja Lama agreed to let only a few people into his fortress, and to meet directly with only two. Let's go to the nzadbator and tsirik (soldier) Dugar-beise. The red ambassadors pretended to be loyal admirers of the Ja Lama, and on the second day the ruler of Western Mongolia trusted so much that he let go of the guards.

Then Dugar knelt down and asked for a holy blessing. When the lama raised his hand, the cyric grabbed him by the wrists. Nanzad, who was standing behind Ja-Lama, drew a revolver and shot the lama in the back of the head. Jumping out into the street, Urga's envoys gave a signal to their comrades with shots in the air that it was time to start the second part of the operation - the capture of the fortress and the liquidation of the bandit nest.

Tenpai-Baishin was captured in a few minutes and without firing shots. The death of a living god shocked the soldiers of the garrison so much that they did not put up the slightest resistance. All the inhabitants of the fortress were gathered in the square, several of Ja-Lama's close associates were immediately shot, and then they lit a fire, on which they burned the remains of the one who, as it was believed, in his youth ate the leaves of the tree of life, bestowing immortality.

The admirers of the formidable saint were ordered to disperse to their homes, announcing that their god was a mere mortal man, besides a bandit. The next day the detachment left the fortress. At the head rode a tsirik with the head of Ja Lama worn on a lance.

For a long time, the head was taken all over Mongolia: "Here he is, the formidable Ja-Lama, who was defeated by the people's government!" …

Klim Podkova