War At Dulce - Alternative View

War At Dulce - Alternative View
War At Dulce - Alternative View

Video: War At Dulce - Alternative View

Video: War At Dulce - Alternative View
Video: UFO Hunters: Alien Experiments at Secret Underground Base (Season 3) | History 2024, September

Whistleblower testimony supporting the existence of the Dulce base suggests that a number of projects are indeed underway at this secret facility, focusing on technology sharing, mind control, genetic experimentation, and human rights abuses of kidnapped citizens. It is very likely that one or more of these projects have become an area of conflict between ET races and secret government organizations. This conflict led to a military clash that became known as the "War at Dulce". The exact cause of this confrontation remains unclear, as various evidence suggests it did take place and resulted in a significant number of deaths, including American personnel, base security guards, and extraterrestrial races.

According to Castello, the military conflict in Dulce began as a result of the growth of the resistance movement, which includes both security personnel and sympathetic representatives of extraterrestrial races who want to help imprisoned people in the alien sectors of the base. Ultimately, an elite military unit of Delta Force of 100 men was sent to the base to root out a resistance movement that threatened the base’s security system. As a result, both Delta Force personnel and base security personnel and representatives of extraterrestrial races have become victims of the conflict. The military confrontation in Dulce is reflected in the reports of other truth-seekers, including Phil Schneider, who worked as a geological engineer for the Dulce base, other underground bases in the United States, and underground bases around the world. In 1995, Schneider gave the following details of his biography and the military confrontation that took place: “To give you an idea of who I am, I’ll start by graduating from engineering school. I have built up my reputation as a geological engineer and as a structural engineer in the military and aerospace fields. I took part in the construction of two major bases in the United States, which are of great importance in the creation of what is called The New World Order. First base is a base in Dulce, New Mexico. In 1979, I was involved in an armed confrontation with humanoid aliens, and I was one of those who survived. Perhaps I am the only survivor who speaks on this topic today. The other two survivors are under strict surveillance. I am the only one who knows all the details of the whole operation. 66 intelligence agents, FBI,Black Berets and others like them died in an armed clash. I was there.

Schneider describes the cause of the 1979 military confrontation as an "accident" that occurred as a result of the planned (drilling) work to expand the base at Dulce: “I was involved in the expansion of a deep underground military base at Dulce, which is possibly the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and is over 2.5 miles deep. During this time, we drilled four different wells in the desert, intending to tie them together, but this required blasting operations. My job was to go deeper into wells, investigate the characteristics of black rocks, and recommend explosives that would be appropriate for each case. However, on our way down, we found ourselves in a large cavern that was full of alien aliens, otherwise known as the big Grays.

I killed two of them. At that time there were 30 people among them. Another 40 came there when it all started and they were all killed. We were surprised at the existence of an entire underground base filled with aliens. Later we learned that they have been living on our planet for a long time … in my opinion, this can explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts."

An important difference between Schneider's version and Castello's version is that Schneider does not view the base as shared. He describes it as a seven-level American structure that "accidentally" ended up on top of an ancient base of extraterrestrial races. He was convinced that his job was to expand the existing base, and not to attack aliens for obscure purposes. The implausibility that the Dulce base was "accidentally" built atop an ancient alien base suggests that Schneider was only partially informed about the true nature of his mission and what was happening on the lower levels. A more plausible scenario was that Schneider assisted the US military to reach the deepest level of the base at Dulce, level 7, which was closed and where the true cause of the conflict lay.

Around 1993, Schneider stopped working for his various corporate clients performing military contracts due to the belief that there was a secret plan by the High Grays to establish a UN-controlled New World Order on the planet, which they secretly control. He began a series of public lectures in which he revealed the activity on the underground bases he helped construct, as well as the role of extraterrestrial races in infiltrating national governments and creating the New World Order. Schneider gave his keynote lecture at the MUFON conference in May 1995 and was found dead in his home seven months later in January 1996.

The circumstances surrounding Schneider's death (he was strangled with a medical catheter that was constantly in his room because Schneider was unwell - the author) and the report of his autopsy led many to claim that Schneider was killed for publicizing his knowledge of an alien presence and a secret underground base. Schneider's testimony, his excellent knowledge of engineering geology, and his mysterious death all support his central thesis that an underground base exists at Dulce and that a military confrontation between extraterrestrial races and the elite US military took place at the lowest level of this underground structure.

Another truth-seeker who supports the veracity of the version that an armed skirmish took place between the US military and extraterrestrial races at a secret underground base was Dr. Michael Wolf. Wolf's book "Catchers of Heaven" describes a skirmish between aliens and elite units of the US Armed Forces in 1975 in Groom Lake, NV and may relate to what happened later in Dulce: "The Grays shared some of its technologies with "dedicated" government scientists in tightly guarded underground structures in Nevada and New Mexico. The aliens gave the American government some of their Antigravity Craft and a huge supply of fuel (Element 115). May 1, 1975, during a similar technology transfer in Nevada,When a small extraterrestrial antimatter reactor was being demonstrated, one of the main Grays asked the colonel of the Delta forces in charge of security to discharge all available weapons and remove them from the room (so that they could not accidentally fire during the energy release). The military refused, and in the ensuing disorder opened fire on the Grays. One alien, two scientists and 41 soldiers were killed. One survivor stated that the aliens likely used the directed mental energy to destroy the Delta forces attacking them. Dr. Wolff stated that "this incident put an end to the exchanges with the Grays."so that it cannot accidentally fire during a burst of energy). The military refused, and in the ensuing disorder opened fire on the Grays. One alien, two scientists and 41 soldiers were killed. One survivor stated that the aliens likely used the directed mental energy to destroy the Delta forces attacking them. Dr. Wolff stated that "this incident put an end to the exchanges with the Grays."so that it cannot accidentally fire during a burst of energy). The military refused, and in the ensuing disorder opened fire on the Grays. One alien, two scientists and 41 soldiers were killed. One survivor stated that the aliens likely used the directed mental energy to destroy the Delta forces attacking them. Dr. Wolff stated that "this incident put an end to the exchanges with the Grays."

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There are important parallels between the "War at Dulce" described by Castello and Schneider and the "Confrontation in Nevada" described by Wolff. In both cases, a significant number of the American military were killed after a confrontation with aliens. These parallels suggest that either Wolf was describing a completely different conflict, or the same conflict, but with certain inaccuracies designed to hide the true nature and location of the conflict. An important difference in the descriptions is that for Wolf, the aliens are "prisoners of slaves", and not the owners of the base. It is not plausible that extraterrestrial "prisoner slaves" would take part in the important technological exchange described by Wolf. Likely,Wolf's portrayal of aliens as "slave prisoners" was intended to obscure the true extent of cooperation between the US military and the ET races on a joint base, which ties in well with Bennewitz's claims about Dulce.

It also casts doubt as to whether the conflict in Nevada occurred in 1975, as Wolff describes, or whether he is referring to the 1979 military conflict in Dulce, New Mexico. If the latter is true, then Wolf was instructed by his “controlled information leak” curators to include certain inaccuracies (disinformation) in his book. Such a disinformation strategy should reinforce the position of "plausible denial" should the government ever decide to confirm Wolf's information. In an interview, Wolf admitted that he worked in the laboratory at Dulce, which again confirms the existence of this secret underground base and Bennewitz's claims.

Another truth-seeker who has provided evidence of the existence of a joint US-CC base and the "military conflict in Dulce" is Bob Lazar. Lazar took part for several months in 1988 at the S-4 base in Nevada in work on the restoration engineering of propulsion and power systems of extraterrestrial ships. In an interview, he describes the details of his biography: “I have two degrees: one in physics, the other in electronics. I wrote them theses on MHD, which is magnetohydrodynamics. I worked for several years at Los Alamos, first as a technician, then as a physicist in the Polarized Proton Section, dealing with an accelerator here. I was hired on S-4 as a staff physicist to work on the gravitational propulsion system and everything associated with it."

Lazar revealed that during the preliminary briefing, he was required to read 200 pages of special documents that were supposed to prepare him for work. He recalled that these documents referred to a battle between aliens and humans at a secret base in 1979. He said that the cause of the conflict was a base guard who was trying to smuggle weapons into the alien sector. Lazar's recollection of the contents of classified documents, which he read in 1988, is likely to refer to an armed clash in Dulce in 1979.

Summing up, we can say that the most serious confirmation of Bennewitz's claims comes from:

- testimony of Thomas Castello about his work and escape from the underground base in Dulce after observing human rights violations there;

- the testimony of Phil Schneider, who was directly involved in the armed clash in Dulce;

- Bob Lazar's recollections of the text of secret documents, which mentions an armed clash in 1979 at a secret base between base security personnel and aliens;

- and reports of kidnapped people who underwent hypnotic regression, and whose testimonies are recorded in the book "The Wars in Dulce".

In addition, the disinformation campaign against Bennewitz and Schneider's mysterious death, which occurred shortly after his public announcements of the existence of a secret underground base, are themselves proof that the whistleblower accounts of the existence of the underground base at Dulce and the unprecedented human rights violations there., have a solid foundation."