The Real "Orion Conspiracy" - Alternative View

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The Real "Orion Conspiracy" - Alternative View
The Real "Orion Conspiracy" - Alternative View

Video: The Real "Orion Conspiracy" - Alternative View

Video: The Real
Video: The Orion Conspiracy - An IkiFoo Review 2024, June

Many people continue to naively believe that humanity is lonely in the universe. This is not true. There are billions of civilizations in the Universe. Many of them have visited Earth many times, and some for some reason decided to settle here with us for a long time …

Part I. US Separate Agreement with the Alien Race

For 50 years, through the efforts of many people in the upper echelons of the US National Security Agency, political circles close to the presidential administration, evidence has been collected of the existence of a separate agreement between the government and an alien race of beings. This betrayal of human civilization was committed with the personal participation of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, bypassing the US Constitution and Senate. Analyzing and verifying information was risky and often deadly.

In 1953, astronomers discovered large objects in space that were mistaken for asteroids. It soon became clear that strange objects were located in a very high orbit around the Earth's equator. Among them were huge objects that could only be spaceships. The US Security Council made a decision, agreed with the President, to close any information or transfer it to the category of disinformation, if any information about it appears in the media from sources in the United States or other countries.

A joint directive of the NSA and the CIA ordered the deployment of work to activate the available technical and analytical tools within the framework of the Plato project. The Sigma radio communications control system was able to identify the regular information exchange between these ships. A specially developed program, based on logical combinations of signals in a binary code, made it possible to attract the attention of aliens, and later, to establish a kind of information exchange between orbiting ships and the Electronic Intelligence Center.

During the information exchange, it was not possible for a relatively long time to get an answer to the main question: what are the intentions of the aliens? The turning point in the alarming situation came on February 20-21, 1954. Towards the night of February 20, the inner circle of the presidential administration discovered that Dwight Eisenhower had "disappeared", and no one knew, contrary to the rules, where the president was at that time. The president showed up in Los Angeles early in the morning. The administration is hastily preparing a plausible version of the head of state's night travel.

It turns out that the president had a toothache the night before as a result of a fallen out filling, and he urgently flew to a dentist he knew. The security service found a "dentist" who could be shown to the ubiquitous reporters. Meanwhile, the president with a small group of advisers landed on the Muroc airfield. Later, the largest Edwards Air Force base was created on this site. Judging by quite competent sources, the real purpose of visiting this base was a meeting prepared in advance with representatives of an alien race.

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After 50 years, some details of the first contact at the highest level became known. One of the first to open the veil of the greatest mystery of the 20th century was Gerald Light, director of the Special Research Foundation. He was one of the presidential advisers who accompanied him to Edwards Air Force Base.

“I flew to the Air Force Base with a team that included Franklin Allen, Edwin Noers, a former financial adviser to President Truman, two senior military officials, and Cardinal James Francis McIntyre of the Vatican. It is known that religion classifies UFOs and aliens as devilish manifestations. However, the president and his advisers decided that the Vatican's tacit support at the right time could be helpful. After a long check and filling out the necessary papers, we were allowed to enter a small guarded room. All members of the group were in obvious confusion and perplexity from the realization that yesterday's fiction today will appear as an objective reality. The side door opened and President Eisenhower entered. Unlike us, he was collected and very energetic. Dr. Noers in particularhad to analyze the possible economic consequences of contact with aliens. The President spoke briefly with the Cardinal and reminded everyone of the strict observance of confidentiality upon completion of our responsible mission. I think that this composition of the advisory group was quite consistent with the conservative nature of American society in 1954."

It is known from other sources that after high-level contact on February 21, two or three meetings were held with representatives of a different race of aliens. The president was also present at one of the subsequent meetings, in another case, the contact took place at the level of representatives of the NSA and a confidant of the administration of President Eisenhower. These contacts and separate agreements, at least with one of the alien races, were carried out not on behalf of humanity, but on behalf and in the interests of the military and political elite of America.

Charles L. Suggs, a former US Fleet Commander who was part of the presidential team at Edwards, shared his impressions of the first contact with the alien race at a UFO meeting in 1991.

“I and several officers of the base were supposed to meet the alien visitors directly at the place of their landing near the administrative building. One of the officers noticed a strange rounded cloud that descended almost vertically, swinging like a pendulum. In just a minute, we saw a biconvex object about 35 feet in diameter. Its brushed metal surface without sharp transitions and structural protrusions played with light reflections. The object hovered 10 feet above the concrete and three telescopic supports protruded from it. With a slight hiss, he touched the ground. We felt that the air was saturated with ozone. There was a disturbing silence.

Suddenly, something clicked, an oval hole appeared in the body, through which two creatures literally "floated out". At first glance, they were not much different from people. One of them landed on the concrete 20 feet from the object, the other remained standing on the edge of the "plate". They were relatively tall creatures, something about 8 feet tall, slender and remarkably similar to each other. Their blond, almost white hair almost reached their shoulders. They had light blue eyes and completely colorless lips. The one who was standing on the ground showed with a gesture that he could not approach us and that it was necessary to maintain this distance. Fulfilling this condition, we went to the building. It is interesting to note that when the alien put his foot on the ground at the next step, it jumped forward as if on an air cushion. It was unclear whether the thick soles of his shoes were touching the ground or not?"

CIA Director William Colby claims that the first meeting with the alien race failed to come to an agreement that would suit the president and his administration. The president's advisers came to the same conclusion.

The fact is that the representative of the alien race set a number of conditions that were clearly impracticable, at least for that period of the military-political situation in the world. The alien, on behalf of his race, who came from another solar system, offered us an ultimatum not to come into contact with another race, which we call “Grays”, promising, in case of agreement, to help us get rid of this race of ruthless invaders. Then the alien said that they want to raise the spiritual and intellectual level of earthlings. When the president asked whether they were ready to transfer new technologies to us, there was a refusal.

This was enough not to discuss anything else. The last point in the negotiations was put by the alien, demanding to stop the further development of technologies for all types of weapons. It should be noted that after the negotiations, when the psychological load subsided, disagreements arose among the presidential team that no steps were taken to reach a compromise.

Speaking of good and bad aliens, it is pertinent to note that as far back as the 50s, Francis Swann - a woman with unique sensitive abilities - collaborated with the CIA and President Eisenhower's administration on a wide range of issues, including intelligence, UFOs and alien races of aliens. Her information was verifiable. Swann argued that only the "Scandinavian" race has the goal of saving our planet from nuclear annihilation. But the soulless and cruel humanoids "Grays" seized the initiative, pushing the "Scandinavians". Those and others had and still have their own views of our planet and the intellectual animals bred on it. In the late 1980s, it became apparent that Frances Swann was right.

William Cooper, a CIA spokesman in the Pacific Fleet with access to classified files from the US Army High Command, said that shortly after the failed February talks, two meetings were organized with other races, including the so-called "Grays". These negotiations took place in 1954 at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. In this case, an agreement was reached. The "Grays" told a story or a convenient legend about their race on one of the planets in the constellation Orion. Their race is dying out due to changed conditions on the planet, and they are forced to look for opportunities to preserve their race.

During a subsequent meeting in 1971 at the same Holloman base, Robert Emenegger and Allan Sandler filmed a documentary on a meeting with alien aliens commissioned by the CIA. According to W. Cooper, the agreement with the Grays, reached in 1954, contained the following:

aliens will not interfere in the affairs of earthlings;

earthlings (US government) will keep the presence of aliens on our planet a secret;

aliens will help us in technological development;

this assistance will only concern the American nation;

they are allowed to abduct a certain number of people for their genetic research, ostensibly to control the development of the human race;

they undertake to return the abducted people, provided that these people do not remember anything about their abductions.

Phil Schneider, a mining engineer and geologist who worked in secret programs in the field of building underground bases, states: “In 1954, the Eisenhower administration, bypassing the constitution, entered into an agreement with aliens from outer space who settled on Earth. At the time, it was called the “1954 Greada” agreement. Based on this directive, the NSA developed projects for the modernization of existing and the creation of several new underground multi-tiered bases for separate or joint work with alien aliens. Most of the time we have dealt with the Grays race or its varieties."

Michael Wolf, Ph. D. in theoretical physics and computer science, National Security Council official, former adviser to President Bill Clinton on UFO-related programs, admits: "The Eisenhower Agreement with an extraterrestrial race was never ratified as required by the constitution."

Many negotiators point out that there has always been an element of alien coercion in the agreements, and at the same time, everyone agreed that we cannot stop them. They are too advanced and capable of destroying not only us, but almost all of human civilization, with the exception of those whom they leave as biological material.

Philip Corso wrote in his memoirs: “In essence, we have surrendered to the most aggressive race of aliens. They dictated their terms to us, knowing in advance that we are afraid of any publicity of our agreements."

By 1955, it became apparent that the aliens had tricked Eisenhower and violated the agreement. It turned out that the aliens are taking over a huge number of people not only in the United States. It is not known how many people do not return by them. It was found that, at least, we are talking about many hundreds of thousands of people captured in America, Europe and Asia.

General Douglas MacArthur, at a meeting of the chiefs of staff of the US Army in 1955, said, prudently without mentioning any agreements: “The nations of the world will have to unite because the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the Earth in the near future must create a united front against the massive invasion of aggressive alien races."

In the early 70s, aliens of the so-called "Scandinavian" species gradually disappear from the reports of the CIA and contactees of many countries. Against this background, the activity of gray humanoids (Grays) sharply increases. In the oceans and seas, in the mountain ranges of the planet, large alien bases are found, created without the knowledge of any governments. UFO activity is increasing over the surface of the Moon and in outer space, up to the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. An armed conflict with aliens at the S-4 underground sharing base, Nevada, finally convinced government circles that the situation was completely out of control.

A grave problem arose: what to do? What to tell your people and the whole world?

Further concealment at the state level of the presence of UFOs and aliens has become meaningless. In many areas of the planet, UFOs appear more often than scheduled aircraft. The capture of people and mass vivisection of animals are increasing from year to year.

Alien activity continues to increase the NSA's uncertainty about a possible strategic response, forcing the Senate in the near future to force the NSA and CIA to disclose all covert and overt cases related to space aliens.

The problem of the alien presence was considered on January 21-25, 2004 at the closed session of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. This fact significantly increases the chances of early disclosure.

(Vladimir Zabelyshensky)

Part II. X-Files San Francisco

Fragments from the 2nd volume of the autobiographical book of academician N. V. Levashova "Mirror of my soul"

In 1954-1955. negotiations took place between aliens and the highest government circles of the United States. At the second meeting with aliens (held at Edwards Air Force Base), US President Dwight D. Eisenhower was present. And although the secret signing of the treaty took place only in 1964 under US President Lyndon Johnson, the US secret services, such as the National Security Agency and top-secret services such as "Royal-12" (Majestic-12) and a number of others, which were directly subordinate to the Secret World Government, began to receive alien technology back in the days of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. And one of those alien technologies was cloning technology.

True, the aliens did not transmit everything at once. First, they transferred the technology of growing a clone, and much later transferred the technology of transferring from the original to the clone of human memory. Therefore, the first clones were exactly a copy of the original, but with the consciousness of an infant.

And few people know that US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot in the head not on November 22, 1963 in Dallas (official version), but in the White House in Washington by his bodyguard, when he was walking from his Oval Office to the conference room to inform the country's media of several "minor" events.

First, he wanted to publicize the negotiations that the US government is conducting with aliens. And second, he signed a decree (which has not been canceled so far, but has never been implemented) on the return of the dollar emission under the control of the state … … … So, John F. Kennedy signed a decree on the return of the dollar emission under the control of the state, which together with the desire to make public negotiations with aliens became for him the signing of a death sentence to himself. It is understandable that he was not allowed to make official statements on these issues, and it is understandable that his own bodyguard killed him. But … it is very clear that no one was going to report that the US President was killed in the White House.

Therefore, this whole performance was organized with the murder of his clone in Dallas, even before there was a public appearance, which the clone was not capable of. And what is most curious about all this is that the clone of John F. Kennedy mortally wounded the bodyguard again, most likely the same one, with a shot from close range, when the bullet entered from the left temple and exited from the right, blowing off part of the crown …

Over time, the technology of recording the memory of the original to the clone was transferred by aliens. At the same time, it was necessary to first record all the memory from the original, so that later it could be recorded on the pristine brain of the clone.

The next need for a clone arose during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. On March 30, 1981, he was assassinated by a certain John Hinckley, one of the bullets fired from which hit the left lung of Ronald Reagan. According to the official version, the president quickly returned to normal after the operation, amazing the doctors with the speed of recovery. This, according to the official version, and according to the "unofficial" version, President Ronald Reagan died during the operation! And instead of him, his clone continued to preside, which explains his "amazingly" quick, according to doctors, recovery after injury.

It is also curious that Ronald Reagan had no health problems before the assassination attempt on March 30, 1981! But after the "injury", diseases fell on him, as if from a cornucopia, including cancer. A few years later, he was diagnosed with colon cancer and underwent surgery to remove polyps in 1985, followed by operations in 1989 and 1990. In 1995, he underwent another operation to remove a cancerous tumor from his neck. In addition, he suddenly developed other pathologies.

It seems to be nothing unusual, but … the reasons for everything that happened was that the tissues of the grown clones turned out to be unstable, and this became the reason for the appearance of cancerous neoplasms and the failure of various body systems. The reason for this was that the transmitted cloning technology was developed by an alien Race with very different genetics from Earth. Therefore, the alien cloning technology required refinement in terrestrial conditions. And it took a lot of time, and only by the 90s of the twentieth century, the Americans managed to bring the cloning technology to the desired state in their secret laboratories …

The cunning plan was extremely simple and flawless, or nearly flawless! To create a clone doll, you only needed to get a blood sample of the right person, and that's it. And if we consider that almost all medicine around the world is controlled by social parasites, then they have practically no problems obtaining blood samples from any person, including (especially) politicians and statesmen from different countries. And then … everything is simple!

In special secret laboratories, "dolls" - clones of the right people are grown and … when the right person comes to the USA on an official or semi-official visit, he or she is invited to "stay" for a few days and take a break from the labors of the righteous. The important guest politely agrees and goes to the "hospitable" place, where they are already waiting for him. And there the guest plunges into a dead dream in the full sense of the word, during which the guest's entire memory is recorded. This memory is then transferred to the brain of the "doll" -clone of this person. And the next morning the important guest wakes up completely refreshed in the full sense of the word! Moreover, this "doll" -clone is under the complete control and management of its creators. Having rested "well", an important guest, or rather his "doll" -clone, returns to his country, and no one even suspectsthat it is already a controlled biorobot!

Here is what a grandiose plan to conquer the World was developed in full accordance with the agreement signed in 1964 by US President Lyndon Johnson with the civilization of the grays …
