Ghosts From Student Dormitories - Alternative View

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Ghosts From Student Dormitories - Alternative View
Ghosts From Student Dormitories - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From Student Dormitories - Alternative View

Video: Ghosts From Student Dormitories - Alternative View
Video: A Dorm Room Ghost Story 2024, September

In general, students are rational people and, as they themselves say, do not particularly believe in evil spirits. Like, not before this: studies, part-time jobs, sessions. However, if you walk through the student dormitories and talk to their inhabitants, you can see that not everything is as simple as some materialistic young people claim.

Poor energy

In a 5-storey dormitory on Akademik Skryabin Street, students say that the "hard and cold" visit them almost every day. Grabs the hair, presses on the chest during sleep. One of the victims says she saw something in the form of a "large matte spot." The stain felt like a "fluffy blanket" to the touch. Luminous balls roll down the stairs of the dormitory, unexplained extraneous sounds are heard, things fly in the rooms, furniture falls.

It is possible that the presence of anomalies in the hostels is caused both by their location in the "dead" zone, and by the overload of energy. In hostels, they often guess, they are engaged in all forms of magic. By the way, the percentage of suicides is very high here.

The girls cut their veins because of unhappy love, and the guys, having drunk or smoking pot, fall out of the windows. For example, the ghost of a drug addict has been wandering the corridors of the medical institute hostel located on Ostrovityanov Street for the third year already, frightening the first-year girls with its appearance.

The former hostel of the Moscow State Academy of Medical Sciences named after K. I. Skryabin (Student House - DOS-1).

Nowadays it is not used as a hostel for students.

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The Girl in Green

Restless, from the point of view of parapsychologists, and in the buildings of the Ulyanovsk Suvorov School. For some time now, strange things have been happening there. In the barracks and the training building, doors open by themselves at night, and incomprehensible creaks and sighs are heard in the sealed rooms. Suvorovites claim that after midnight a woman wanders through the corridors of the barracks with a candle in her hand …

Everyone, from freshmen to senior officers, is talking about strange phenomena in the school. These stories could be considered a figment of the imagination of home-bored boys if there weren't so many of them. Since the days of the tank school, which was located in these buildings, there are heartbreaking stories about evil spirits here.


According to one legend, the ghost of the Socialist-Revolutionary Muravyov, who was killed during the Civil War, wanders here. On the other hand, the souls of the Red Guards shot here by white officers do not give peace to the military. The head of the school does not believe in ghosts. Nevertheless, he once told a correspondent of one of the local newspapers that he intends to invite a priest to bless the old buildings at last.

In Blagoveshchensk, local journalists recently conducted a survey on city streets on the topic: "What places in the city, in your opinion, are damned, ominous, bad?" One of the first to be named was the dormitory of the Pedagogical University No. 5. One of the respondents answered: "There used to be a cemetery there, and the ghosts of the dead are still present to students."

A lot of evil spirits also live in the hostels of Irkutsk today. ISU student dormitory number 9 is located in Akademgorodok. The fame of this bad place has spread far beyond its walls. The ghost of the "girl in green" is often seen here.


As students say, during her lifetime her name was Nadya, she studied at the ISU, finished the 4th year. She had a boyfriend, Sasha, and they were planning to get married, since Nadia was already two months pregnant. The misfortune happened literally two weeks before. A reckless driver in a foreign car hit a girl while she was crossing the road. Death was instantaneous. A couple of months later, her ghost in a green dress began to walk around the dorm. It was on Nadia on the day of the tragedy. Most often, the ghost is seen in the hallways of the hostel. He slowly floats along the wall, touching it with one hand.

However, ghosts play pranks not only in our dorms. They do not give life to students in other countries. The famed temple of learning and enlightenment - Oxford University - has its own enchanted rooms in which furniture moves on its own and books fly through the air. And no amount of scientific wisdom can help poor students get rid of the annoying poltergeist.

At the main Indian university in Delhi, due to anomalous phenomena, a couple of years ago, they even had to interrupt classes. The peaceful and measured life of students and teachers was broken by a ghost. A mysterious ghost wandered around the campus, in classrooms, knocked on the doors of dorm rooms, and even managed to push students on the stairs.

Whose spirit is throwing … stones?

Several years ago, a ghost literally terrorized the students of one of the Almaty hostels. Here is how Vladimir Demidov, an eyewitness to incredible events, tells about it.

“I was then a trainee in the Alma-Ata television crime chronicle Raider and often stayed overnight with the duty group. One day a phone call rang in the office. The commandant of the student hostel called. According to her, about half an hour ago, a group of students saw a naked woman floating above the ground in the air, and now huge cobblestones are flying from a construction site opposite the hostel.

Me and a policeman named Kanat were on the sixth floor, when the sound of falling stones was heard from below, and then shouts came: "The stones are flying from the fourth floor!", "No, from the seventh!", "From the fifth!" The number of storeys changed with amazing rapidity. It looked like there was a whole bunch of hooligans in the house.

Passing one of the rooms on the sixth floor, we clearly heard the sound of moving bricks, and then there were shouts from below: "Flies from the sixth!" Drawing his pistol, Kanat moved to the balcony, I followed him. We moved very carefully, trying not to frighten the rowdy. Imagine our surprise when on the unfinished balcony there was only a heap of bricks and no one and nothing else. There was only one entrance and, accordingly, an exit to the balcony - the one from which we entered.

We also managed to find out that about four years before the events described, a tragedy occurred at this construction site - a young woman was raped and killed here. Suspicion then fell on foreign students, but the murderers were never found …

After this story, a thought involuntarily creeps into my head: the rebellious spirit of the deceased is trying to find and punish its killers on its own. Surprisingly, not one of the hundreds of stones that fell from the construction site has touched anyone yet. However, if this happens, the victim will most likely be one of the killers!