Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View

Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View
Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View

Video: Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View

Video: Project Persephone - Space Ark - Alternative View
Video: Empyrion Project Eden - #2 - Exploring The Ocean Planet 2024, June

The USA, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands are currently working on the creation of a spaceship of the future, adapted for the lives of thousands of people, a kind of space Noah's ark, on which it will be possible to fly away from the dying Earth in a hundred years.

The project has a name - Persephone. This is how the goddess of fertility and the kingdom of the dead was called in ancient Greek mythology.

The ship will have to not only carry people out of our solar system, but also serve as their home for a long time. It will be composed of organic matter, use the energy of the sun to produce biofuels and have a constantly replenished food source. Thousands of earthlings will go on it in search of a new place of residence, which can last for tens of years.

The Persephone project is led by Rachel Armstrong, professor of architecture and design at the University of Greenwich. 13 specialists from four countries are engaged in the creation of the space Noah's Ark. Everyone is busy with a strictly defined line of work. Rachel Armstrong herself, for example, specializes in bioengineering. She is trying to create artificial soil and water droplets that will contain key elements.

“If the Earth after climate change or nuclear or biological war becomes unsuitable for human habitation,” the Times quoted sociologist Steve Fuller from the University of Warwick, “then we must preserve our civilization. We need nature to survive. Therefore, we will have to take her, nature, with us."