Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View

Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View
Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View

Video: Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View

Video: Jesus Had 12 Male Disciples And 12 Female Disciples - Alternative View
Video: Why Didn't Jesus Have Any Female Disciples? 2024, June

Scientists studying biblical texts came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ had not only men in his disciples, but also the same number of women, but references to this were erased from history.

Biblical experts Helen Bond and Joan Taylor conducted an in-depth scientific analysis of the texts of the New Testament and came to the sensational conclusion that Christ had not 12 disciples, but 24, and of them 12 were women.

The new discovery can change the very understanding of Christianity and those events. that happened thousands of years ago. After all, it was always believed and now it is believed that Jesus had 12 disciples - the apostles and they were all men and it was they who carried the teachings of Christ into the world.

But about 12 women who were also disciples of Christ and who also carried his word to the world are not mentioned anywhere. Researchers believe that one of these students was Mary Magdalene, who indiscriminately called a dissolute woman who gradually came to faith, but she was never dissolute. In fact, she was an influential figure in that historical period, a respected public figure in one of the cities by the Sea of Galilee.

The second famous disciple of Jesus was a noblewoman named Joanna, who fled from Herod's home. it was she who was behind a lot of financial support of the disciples and helped finance the spread of Christianity.

Taylor and Bond seek to restore the badly damaged reputation of women in the Bible. “For 200 years, the story of Jesus and his twelve disciples was only a man's business. It is a story in which women play secondary roles as godly spectators or repentant whores.

We know there were many women who were disciples of Jesus. This is very important to the teaching of Jesus. Women were not only witnesses of the greatest story ever told, but also those who did their best to spread it,”historians say.

Throughout history, including the early Roman Empire, women were deliberately removed from key biblical texts.

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“When you look at the lyrics, you start to notice that there are really few references to women,” Bond said.
