Darkness For Movement In Space And Time - Alternative View

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Darkness For Movement In Space And Time - Alternative View
Darkness For Movement In Space And Time - Alternative View

Video: Darkness For Movement In Space And Time - Alternative View

Video: Darkness For Movement In Space And Time - Alternative View
Video: A new way to visualize General Relativity 2024, September

On a clear sunny day, a piece of land with everything that is on it, including people, can suddenly and inexplicably be covered with pitch darkness. Researchers believe that this is a portal, an entrance to a parallel world …

Sally Weismith walked through the wall

The phenomenon of abnormal darkness aroused serious interest after the famous episode with the city of Louisville, (America, Kentucky). 1911, March 7 - at about 4 pm, the city of 50,000 inhabitants was unexpectedly covered with dense darkness. The townspeople testified that the darkness was absolute, pitch. In it it was impossible to discern even the fire of a lighted match, raised to the eyes. The residents felt that it was dark for several minutes, but in reality, more than an hour passed. All this time, frightened people stood or sat in one place. Those who tried to walk, having made several steps, lost their orientation in space.

Some of the eyewitnesses told strange things. Sally Weismith wandered in her own house, not finding objects in their usual places. And when the darkness dissipated, she found herself in a room locked from the outside with a key. It turned out that she passed through the wall, although she did not meet any wall during her movements …

A few years earlier, something very similar happened on the London Underground. 1904, April 2 - the station in the Wimbledon area with its many passengers was suddenly covered with pitch darkness. Experts later tried to reproduce it in order to find the cause of the incident. But they failed to create the same darkness. The eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness. The silhouettes of people and objects were distinguishable in it. The darkness that engulfed the station on April 2 resembled thick black ink, in which not only there was not a single light speck, but all sounds were muffled.

The seizure of large territories by pitch darkness is a rather rare phenomenon. More often, darkness covers small areas. Sometimes people find themselves in them. 1957 - French newspapers reported on the incident with Mireille Genet. She found herself in an area of pitch darkness in the park of her hometown of Arles, while walking with a baby in a stroller. Noon, the sun was shining brightly, and suddenly the light was replaced by an impenetrable darkness. Frightened, Madame Genet fumbled for the baby in the carriage and hugged it to her. She stood, afraid to move. In her words, all sounds disappeared. She seemed to be deaf.

The darkness subsided as suddenly as it had come. According to Madame Genet, this lasted about 15 minutes, but in the garden, when everything was over, it was no longer noon, but late evening. When she returned home, it turned out that she had been absent for three days and was wanted everywhere.

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A similar incident with the engineer Jose Colomer became known. 1961 - in the afternoon he was walking in nature in the vicinity of Barcelona, when suddenly pitch darkness fell. Colomer was convinced that it lasted no more than a minute, but in fact, three and a half hours passed. Together with Kolomer, several more people were in the zone of darkness. According to witnesses, it was impossible to understand what caused such an eclipse, because the weather was sunny and calm.

1979 - pitch darkness fell on four climbers on the Gissar ridge in Tajikistan. It was a warm evening, not a cloud in the sky, the sun had not set yet. The climbers pitched their tent. And then they seemed to be covered by an impenetrable black cap. Everything around went dark. The friends saw absolutely nothing and did not hear each other, although they shouted at the top of their voices. They grabbed hands and sat motionless throughout the entire time this anomalous phenomenon lasted.

According to climbers, the blackout lasted 5 minutes. But when it ended, the sun no longer set, but was at its very zenith. Only after descending to the base camp, the climbers learned that more than a day and a half had passed.

Entering a parallel world

After what happened in Louisville, the public began to demand explanations from scientists. And soon a version was put forward that spontaneous oscillations occur from time to time in the Earth's electromagnetic field, which affect the human sense organs. With these vibrations, the visible part of the light spectrum changes frequency and a person develops a state of blindness and deafness. But this version, unconvincing in itself, does not explain the shifts in time, which all witnesses of the phenomenon state.

Interesting is the testimony of witnesses of the Louisville incident, who did not fall into the darkness, but found themselves in the immediate vicinity of the darkness zone. In their words, the houses and streets of Louisville were clearly visible to them. Many talked about a slight haze over the city, others talked about a slightly trembling air, as if the city was under a slightly fluctuating layer of water. Obviously, the darkness outside is not visible to observers. But this cannot explain why in the zone of darkness there are only those who have been in it from the moment of its appearance. Arles City Garden is a lively place, especially in the evenings. For three days in the section of the park where Mireille Zhenet turned out to be with a stroller, walkers could well wander. It's the same with climbers. The people who were looking for them passed several times along the very site where the darkness zone was located, but not the zone itself,not four guys were found.

Where, then, are the people caught in the pitch darkness? The answer of experts is practically unanimous: to another dimension, or to a parallel world. Many of them explain the pitch darkness by the interpenetration of our world and the parallel, as a result of which the integrity of the space-time continuum is violated in some places. The fact that in the zone of darkness time flows differently and other physical laws operate can be judged by the reports of eyewitnesses (recall how Sally Weismith found herself in a locked room). The phenomenon of pitch darkness is quite rare. It is believed that it can happen anywhere and at any time.

Aliens use pitch darkness to visit Earth

People abducted by aliens to other planets talk about darkness. The flight there usually does not last long. This gives some ufologists a reason to assume that the places where people are delivered are somewhere near the Earth, possibly at space stations or even inside the Earth. People who were abducted by aliens tell under hypnosis that during the flight there was a period of complete darkness. Sometimes, as was the case with the famous incident with Jim Wayes from Minnesota, people led by aliens end up on other planets without any flights, but simply passing through an area of pitch darkness. Probably, in all these cases, darkness is a manifestation of some mechanism of movement in space and time, which is used by aliens.

Darkness is mentioned in episodes related to the implantation of implants into humans. 1981 - Jake Austin, driving along a Florida highway at night, pulls over to the side of the road, attracted by mysterious colored lights. He entered the forest belt and, according to the testimony of friends who were waiting for him in the car, returned exactly two minutes later. He could not say anything about the lights. Only four years later, after surgically removing two alien implants from him, he reported under hypnosis: when the car was left behind and disappeared behind the trees, it was enveloped in thick darkness. Coming out of it, he found himself in an unfamiliar place, where two moons hung in the sky. Humanoid beings in gray clothes examined him for a very long time, after which he again found himself in darkness. Jake took a few steps in it and the darkness disappeared. Ahead was the highway and the car to which he headed. He forgot the episode with the aliens.

The operation of implanting an implant into a person is difficult and takes time. Meanwhile, the implanted people usually say that the meeting with the aliens lasted a matter of minutes. This is confirmed by outside witnesses, as in the case of D. Austin. But when it comes to the story under hypnosis, it always turns out that the contact with the aliens lasted much longer. Here, as you can see, there is a time change effect, which occurs when moving through the pitch darkness.

Monsters can crawl out of the zone of darkness

With the phenomenon of pitch darkness, some researchers associate the appearance on our planet of mysterious creatures that often exhibit supernatural properties. All these elusive dinosaurs, pterodactyls, white birds, black dogs, huge cats, jumping jacks, chupacabras, giant bloodworms and others penetrate our world through the zones of pitch darkness, about which they know much more than we do. As you can see, in their worlds they sense the approach of the appearance of such a passage into our world and use it to visit here. That is, the darkness that appears on our planet may well bring otherworldly creatures with it. And when the darkness disappears, the creatures stay here. They also return through the zones of darkness to their world. Having the ability to anticipate the appearance of zones. (This hypothesis looks wild, but it is no worse and no better than other hypotheses,explaining the appearance of mysterious animals on Earth.)

Perhaps some of the people who are considered missing were caught in pitch darkness and fell into a parallel world. But as a rule, people, finding themselves in such anomalous darkness, do not budge and thereby save themselves, without crossing the line separating our world from the other. They cross it with the help of aliens. Probably, the soul of a person, or the astral body of a person, can freely pass it when it leaves the physical. The black tunnel, which appears in the stories of people who survived clinical death, is undoubtedly a zone of darkness, a border area between worlds.
