Sewer Ghost - Alternative View

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Sewer Ghost - Alternative View
Sewer Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Sewer Ghost - Alternative View

Video: Sewer Ghost - Alternative View
Video: Sewer creature spotted! 2024, September

In the English county of Durham, near West Auckland, there is a beautiful cottage, covered with ivy during the summer months. Wide windows and a wonderful garden around all visitors will certainly give the impression of calmness and joy. It was here that the owner of a car repair shop, 41, William Bayles, with his wife Lottie and 6-year-old daughter Doreen, moved some time ago.

Invisible hands

Satisfied that they had finally found a home to their liking, at first they did not hide their delight. But after a few weeks not a trace remained of him.

“We heard someone walking with a heavy shuffling gait in the garden at night, causing us great anxiety,” says William. Over time, the invisible man grew bolder and began to enter the living rooms of the house.

The Bayles were serious people, distinguished by a rational mind and at first did not believe in the existence of ghosts, but the mystical events in which they were involved dramatically changed their outlook on the world.

They always heard the brownie at night, and their hours of rest turned into an endless nightmare mixed with fear. And how not to be frightened when you see furniture moving from one end of the room to the other, and at the same time you still hear a formidable rumble, and no one is visible! And books falling for no apparent reason? And the rustle under the floor? The next morning I had to put the rooms in order and then wait for the repetition of "otherworldly concerts".

One late evening, when the paranormal began again, Lottie wanted to prevent the movement of the chair, which by itself went out of the room into the corridor, but then invisible hands grabbed her with an iron grip and threw her to the window, where the woman fainted from horror.

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At first, the Bayles family did not want to leave the house. On the brink of nervous exhaustion, the household continued to resist the stubborn presence of an invisible enemy. They did not yet know what lay ahead of them!

One night, when the parents, having heard a suspicious noise in their daughter's room, came to check on her, an event occurred that shocked them.

“I will never forget what happened,” says William, recalling those terrible moments. “The temperature in the room had risen several degrees, and there was an unpleasant smell of decomposing flesh. I looked at Doreen and saw that she was fighting with someone in her sleep. Then suddenly her eyelids opened abruptly, and dents appeared on her neck. I realized that someone invisible was strangling her!"

The mesmerized parents just looked at their daughter for a few moments, unable to believe what was happening, and then the father rushed to help Doreen.

“The baby was in danger and I didn't hesitate,” William recalls. - I grabbed my daughter in the hope of snatching her out of the hands of evil spirits, but her body seemed to stick to the bed. I could not lift her in any way. And in the meantime, still not waking up, she opened her mouth. She was choking! Blue spots appeared on the neck."

William fought desperately for the life of his little daughter: he shook her like a toy, hit her cheeks, shouted something in her ear. The rate was too high. He couldn't afford the ghost to be stronger than him.

The father began to read the prayer. It seemed to him that this would affect the invisible entity. And suddenly the dents on the girl's neck disappeared, the eyelids closed, and she took a deep breath.

"Trace" always remains Paranormal pipe system

This tragic night for the Bayles seemed like an eternity. At dawn, the parents decided that they no longer had the right to risk the child's life. If the ghost wants them to move out, well, they will. In the afternoon, having loaded their belongings into the ordered van, they left the terrible mansion forever.

Notoriety for the ivy-covered house quickly spread throughout the neighborhood. And a month after the events described, a group of local "ghostbusters" received permission from the authorities to conduct the necessary research there.

“When at night, in anticipation of the appearance of otherworldly entities, we dozed off a little, someone knocked on the door outside,” says one of the experts. - Jack went out on the porch, but there was no one there. After a while, we heard steps in the corridor, similar to the steps of a rather large animal. We rushed out of the room and saw in the hallway a brightly glowing green ball, about 30 cm in diameter. He began to rise to the ceiling, while a rather unpleasant smell appeared, like from a dead cat. Soon the ball disappeared and, at the same time, at once in all the rooms of the cottage there was a noise, as if someone was walking there. Only in the morning the "Sabbath" ended "…

Upon further investigation of the house, it was found that it was built on the site of a fault in the earth's crust, where a system of sewer pipes was laid almost a hundred years ago, from which gas is regularly released and energy balls are generated. Miasms, when spreading, also cause a strong rumble and noise.

Experts just could not explain why all these effects are observed at night, and disappear at dawn. In addition, it was not possible to find out how the gas is capable of moving heavy objects in rooms, grabbing, and also strangling people.

This strange and terrible case remained unsolved to the end. To this day, there is a sign in front of the cottage with the inscription "For Sale", but so far no one wants to move into it …