Experiments Have Proven That The "Ouija" Board Is Not Controlled By Spirits - Alternative View

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Experiments Have Proven That The "Ouija" Board Is Not Controlled By Spirits - Alternative View
Experiments Have Proven That The "Ouija" Board Is Not Controlled By Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Experiments Have Proven That The "Ouija" Board Is Not Controlled By Spirits - Alternative View

Video: Experiments Have Proven That The
Video: Why the Ouija board became so famous 2024, September

How to make the Ouija board work? What is her secret? Some are almost ready to believe that the movement of the pointing block is indeed controlled by the perfume, but is that really so? Of course, at a spiritualistic session, no one will tell the client how much physics and uncontrollable subconsciousness there is, but you cannot hide an sewn in a sack: there is no magic. So how does Ouiji work? Let's figure it out in more detail.


Beloved for centuries

The Ouija board appeared a long time ago. It is a classic means of communicating with spirits. It is about her that a person remembers in the first place, if he wants to ask the higher forces for advice or learn from them about something. Ouija devices (not just Ouiji) have been around for a very long time. In fact, today it is a simple toy, although some still believe that the board is the devil's tool.


Hearing a message, reading a message with the help of such a board is a terrible, invigorating blood, causing goosebumps on the skin. True, predictions are usually deceptive, exaggerated, false. The people conducting the session assure that the reason for this is a misunderstanding of the message by the customer, but we know what the matter is, don't we?

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Strength and spirit

The board necessary for invoking spirits functions not at all due to its mental strength, but due to its simple physical. Many have never touched Ouija, so it's hard to believe how frustratingly simple it works. The man puts his hands on the surface of the pointer lying on the board. This triangle is called a tablet. At the top of the board are the words "Yes", "No", all the letters of the alphabet are written in the center, and the phrase of farewell at the bottom.


As predictors assure, they call the spirits with whom the client wants to communicate, and they move the tablet. So a person will know the answers to questions until the spirit gets tired. The entity then returns to its original habitat. Some are convinced that this is a harmless joke, while others consider the board to be the object of a dangerous cult that can provoke an obsession with evil spirits.


This is what the scientists called the effect due to which the planchette can move. Ideomotor movement is what makes the Ouiji board function. This method is one that you can use in an effort to better understand how the body works. The ideomotor effect is the power of the unconscious. A person makes involuntary physical movements without even making a conscious attempt to move. Many are familiar with the sudden awakening, which scientists call a hypnotic push.


Working with Ouiji is a weaker variation of this push. During sleep, the brain signals the body to move; there is no conscious movement. The ideomotor effect appears during wakefulness (this distinguishes it from a hypnotic push). Because of this, the movements performed are weaker, shorter.

Images, Faith and Body

When a person interacts with the Ouija board, his brain remembers something, generates some images. This process is unconscious, it accompanies the formulation of questions. The body begins to respond to brain activity even without a conscious impulse. As a result, the muscles of the arms contract, the arms move the pointer, and the questioner gets his answers. It is likely that Ouiji will show exactly the answer the questioner hoped for. This is also due to the activity of the unconscious component.

Many specialized studies have been carried out to study the ideomotor effect. The classic experiment involves using the Ouija board. The participant is blindfolded and uttered as inconsistent and unpredictable as possible. This test can be organized at home - no special equipment is needed.


The results clearly show that the Ouija board works only if the participant has the ability to manipulate the pointer. If there were ghosts in the room, spirits using a tablet, then the inability to see a person would not interfere with them. Without a ghost, the person using the board cannot see the symbols, his game loses its meaning.

It works

The Ouija board was not the first of its kind known to mankind. Even before the advent of this device for spiritualistic seances, people had many other devices, aggregates that acted as communicators. For a long time, people have believed that ghosts can use various devices in order to transfer their invaluable knowledge and share the truth. Talking boards became widespread in the middle of the 19th century in America.

In the civil war, an immeasurable number of people died. Many ordinary people realized that they were dreaming to contact the deceased in one way or another. It was then that the practice of conducting seances flourished. The popularity became massive, it was like hysteria, it grew like a snowball rolling down the mountain. The talking boards were most interesting to the relatives of the military. It was then that scientists got their first chance to study the ideomotor effect.


In 1890, Ouiji was patented, as were the planes used as pointers. Scientists, however, may have studied the very effect produced by these boards much earlier.

No doubt

Such a long observation period makes it possible to say reasonably and with absolute confidence: the ideomotor effect is not ghosts; it is closely related to the human subconscious. Any person knows something that she herself is not aware of in full sulfur. When using a special board, the effect is enhanced, the subject is convinced that what is happening is beyond his control. The less control a person has over the situation, the more active the subconscious.

Thanks to the board, it can speak. The triangular tablet becomes a means of expressing the inner voice. Thanks to him, muscle control is given to the subconscious much easier. The tablet focuses muscle activity and sets the direction even in the case when the person himself does not perceive or feel his participation at all.


This also explains why the board works more efficiently when there are several participants. Each frees the mind as much as possible, the subconscious generates some images, the board shows them - often the answers are terrifying.

Board: relevant to this day

Thanks to its amazing effects, the Ouija board seems to a scientist to be a very valuable specimen, allowing him to learn more about a person and his characteristics. The board is probably an effective tool when a person needs to appeal to his own subconscious. Studies dedicated to this were organized in 2012, at the same time they published interesting findings.

What have you done?

The use of such a board allowed the subjects to recall the information they possessed much more accurately. Attempts to restore information in memory without using this board were more noticeably less effective. Participants were asked to provide simple answers (yes / no) to a series of questions. It was required to evaluate each answer: this was chosen because the person knew the information exactly or he had a chance to guess.

Then a new circle of questions began. Participants used the Ouiji board to rate the level of reliability of their answer. It turned out that people who were convinced that they did not know the answer, using the board, gave the correct answers more often than they thought. But when they were asked to guess the correct answer without having a device at hand, the results were worse.


This means that the Ouija board can be useful when trying to explore the subconscious and accumulated knowledge. It may be possible to apply it for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and others associated with degenerative processes in the nervous system.

Natalia Balagurova
