Earth - The Civilization Of Talking Monkeys - Alternative View

Earth - The Civilization Of Talking Monkeys - Alternative View
Earth - The Civilization Of Talking Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Earth - The Civilization Of Talking Monkeys - Alternative View

Video: Earth - The Civilization Of Talking Monkeys - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, May

It was once noted with sad irony: "Now that we have already learned to fly through the air like birds, swim under water like fish, we lack only one thing: to learn how to live like a human on Earth."

Looking at the protracted crisis of Russian society, at the development of the global biosphere-socio-ecological crisis, one should agree with this: this is hardly the only most important task of the 21st century. And, unfortunately, these words of Martin Luther King are perceived by many as just a joke. Meanwhile, those who received higher education from the course of philosophy know the story of Diogenes, who walked around the city of Sinop during the day with a lantern and answered the bewildered questions of fellow citizens: "I am looking for a man."

And along with this, there is a well-known point of view that explains all the problems of humanity by the fact that it does not live on the basis of biological laws, under the rule of which monkey flocks live steadily. And many scientists generally insist that humans are just a “talking monkey”, which is objectively incapable of anything other than feeding, reproducing and competing with other species for expanding their ecological niche; that all creativity that gave birth to civilization is just the result of "competition", the competition for participation in sexual selection, or the result of switching the energy potential of individuals incapable of procreation to other ways of self-affirmation.

But if the views that man is a kind of monkey had a foundation, then the question would not arise of why man is gifted with mind-reason, abstract thinking and articulate speech, through writing connecting generations and peoples to each other separated by centuries and millennia of historical existence? All these are unnecessary attributes for life based on instinctive programs that realize themselves in the laws of being a monkey pack. The answer to this kind of questions presupposes disagreement with the fact that “Homo sapiens” is just a “talking monkey”, which, not wishing or not knowing how to be an ape, due to some mistakes of Nature, gave birth to a civilization suicidal in the future.

Being a "talking monkey" and carrying at the same time an arsenal of means that are excessive for the monkey way of life - such excesses nature does not allow itself. Moreover, these "excesses" have a basic minimum, which is consistently reproduced in the biovide "Homo sapiens", although they should have died out as unnecessary. The entire arsenal of means that are surplus for monkey life is clearly a tool in the development of the genetically predetermined potential for possible development. It is this potential that distinguishes humans from monkeys. Another thing is how we use it. The assimilation of this potential is the assimilation and further development of culture, which is understood as all information that is transmitted from generation to generation at the non-genetic level.

And the objective purpose of the entire arsenal of the mentioned means, which are given as a starting minimum to the "talking monkey", is for the "Homo sapiens" to know himself, the Universe and give birth to a way of life that is different from the way of life of the "talking monkey" and expresses the dignity of man in its entirety. However, this task of civilizational building has not been solved to date. The policy of purposefully reducing the mass of people to the level of a "talking monkey" over the millennia has spawned a potentially suicidal civilization. In a protracted crisis of this essentially inhuman civilization, we all now live. The crisis is a consequence of the fact that neither Diogenes' answer to his fellow citizens, nor the "joke" of Martin Luther King, as before, obliges many people to anything,who consider themselves to be carriers of the fullness of human dignity or who do not think about it.

In fact, every generation in every nation should ask the question “what is the essence of man?”, Find the mistakes of ancestors and other cultures in response to it and embody its answer to it in pedagogical practice, critically evaluating the results. There is no other way. Those who shy away from this and propose to live according to the laws of a monkey flock will become victims of feedbacks from self-governing Nature, which is able to adequately respond to the inappropriate challenges of her "talking monkeys" who do not want to become humans. Many of them are “on horseback” today, but it’s not over yet. Deplorable strategic prospects await both the generic genetics of individual individuals and entire cultures that have come to a standstill in their development.

And this statement is not some kind of fiction. This is reality. The meaning of life of the biological species "Homo sapiens" is reduced to the identification and more and more complete development of the genetically determined development potential. Despite this, many of the representatives of this species during their life do not develop in this sense, but degrade to such a state when the most important motive of all their actions and deeds is the instincts of a sexual-digestive and herd-status character, under whose authority the motivation of behavior is to obtain sensory pleasures (hedonism), including all sorts of unnatural ones. Such goal-setting turns human society into a cancerous tumor alien to the Universe on the body of the Earth. And it is for this that the reckoning comes.

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Modern humanity is imperfect in all its manifestations, and is more reminiscent of psychiatric patients, for some reason staying free, than a society of sane individuals. Only a patient of such an institution is able, on his own initiative, to inhale up to 100 toxic substances with the smoke of a cigarette and to pay for this "pleasure" himself. And this frankly clinical fact is not isolated. In any other sphere of life of modern society (from the organization of the system of monetary circulation and military-political "humanitarian" operations to the television repertoire and the practice of building relationships with God, the Creator and Almighty God, one for all living on Earth), you will encounter no less striking clinical manifestations in the most acute and sometimes irreversible phase. The whole way of life of civilization is vicious.

As a result, we have that humanity is the most painful species in the biosphere, and the established civilization is on the way to self-destruction due to biological degeneration.

Therefore, the task of "learning to live like a human being" today is more urgent than ever. And it, in our opinion, can be solved if we understand that Man is not a “talking monkey”, in everything subject to instincts or demonic passion for self-assertion by suppressing others, but a meaningful will, subordinate to conscience, that is, acting in the mainstream of God craft, free from the dictates of instincts and all sorts of passions. But this result, capable of transforming the life of civilization, requires the knowledge of Life and the personal development of everyone.

And everyone should work for it not only themselves, but skillfully involve in this process the widest possible strata of the population and, first of all, young people, students, scientific and pedagogical community. After all, the Earth is a uniquely designed spaceship for all of us in the vast ocean of the Universe. Each of us must come to an understanding of the mission, functions and mistakes of humanity as a single crew of this spaceship.