Mystical Moscow - Alternative View

Mystical Moscow - Alternative View
Mystical Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Moscow - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Moscow - Alternative View
Video: BATTLE OF MOSCOW 1941 | AMERICAN REACTION 2024, September

In every ancient city you can find places permeated and saturated with mysticism and various terrible secrets. Moscow is no exception. That there is only one Moscow secret metro-2, the existence of which many have heard, but no one has seen. However, there is no need to go far and go deeply. For example, walking around the city center, you can always stumble upon some mysterious 18th century mansion or find yourself in a place where desires come true. MIR 24 correspondent Alexandra Korchagina was not afraid to face supernatural forces.

There is, perhaps, no place in Moscow more mystical than Mikhail Bulgakov's apartment on Sadovaya. The writer lived here from 1921 to 1924. As the museum staff say, in the "bad apartment" they constantly hear the sound of steps and voices, and the house itself was generally erected on the site of a former cemetery.

“Once there was a case - a security guard worked in the museum, who did not believe in any mysticism. He announced this in the kitchen near the door, and there was a huge table outside the door. At that moment, the fixed table came off and fell on the guard,”said Irina Serova, the leading methodologist of the museum.

It was in this apartment that Bulgakov settled Woland and his retinue, the heroes of his great novel The Master and Margarita. A spot in the form of a cat constantly appeared on one of the walls of the communal apartment, no matter how much it was painted over. The apartment itself is a stone's throw from the Patriarch's Ponds, where Woland first appears and where Annushka spilled oil on the rails. By the way, the girl existed in reality, she was the writer’s neighbor.

“Many Muscovites have a special attitude to this place. On New Year's Eve, when everything here was decorated in an amazing way, everyone's wishes came true,”admitted Irina Serova.

The list of mysterious places in Moscow includes objects associated with Masons. Representatives of the most mysterious and closed organization in the world have marked various buildings with their symbols for hundreds of years. For example, "free masons" left their mark on the facades of the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed, the Pushkin Museum and the Sklifosovsky Institute. This is the former Sheremetyevskaya hospital.

“Why is there an all-seeing eye? First, indeed, Sheremetyev was a freemason and, accordingly, was engaged in charity work. Secondly, any medical institution of that time relied on God's mercy, and a triangle with an eye inside is a symbol of a trinity,”explained the religious scholar Ivan Bengalsky.

Unfortunately, most of the estates where secret meetings of Freemasons were held have not survived. But a couple of places, according to historians, are known for sure. One of them is the Church of the Archangel Gabriel on Chistye Prudy. The temple was built in 1707 by Prince Menshikov. After 10 years, lightning struck the building and destroyed it. Only half a century later, the nobleman Gabriel Izmailov took up the restoration of the temple. And he does this to organize a secret Masonic lodge. But the meetings did not last long - under Catherine the Great, Masons were persecuted.

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“All signs that had at least some relation to Freemasonry and created a Masonic veil around the building were destroyed,” said Ivan Bengalsky.

One of the most popular routes in mystical Moscow is the Golosov Ravine in Kolomenskoye Park. They come here to make a wish at two stones with magical properties. In one - "Maiden" - women think about the birth of a child. From another - he is called "Goose" - men ask for strength and health. Psychics confirm: Golos ravine is an abnormal place.

“When a person has clairvoyance, has some kind of gift or is trying to discern the future or the past, here he may not even enter a trance state. If you sit on stones, the exit to the astral plane opens immediately,”said psychic Nora Zurabyan.

It seems that the queue to the magic stones does not end at any time of the day. People come to this place to ask for a miracle. True or fiction, it's hard to say. And those who believe can easily find a few more addresses and continue walking around mystical Moscow.