Aliens In The Frame - Alternative View

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Aliens In The Frame - Alternative View
Aliens In The Frame - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Frame - Alternative View

Video: Aliens In The Frame - Alternative View
Video: Neil deGrasse Tyson Weighs in on Pentagon UFO Report and Alien Life | The View 2024, October

For more than five years I have been studying anomalous phenomena and zones, giving an expert assessment of the pictures in which, according to their lucky owners, something mysterious is captured. Most often you have to upset people, destroy their hope for a miracle or easy money. Some of these “lucky ones” falsify pictures and, having enlisted the support of anomalous people, try to sell them to some TV channel or newspaper editorial office. Therefore, when a man named Georgy approached me with photographs of a "real UFO", to be honest, I didn't really believe him right away …


Georgy came to the meeting with several pictures and immediately baffled me. As it turned out, the pictures were taken with an analog, that is, a film camera. This implied the presence of negatives with the captured "saucer", and faking a negative by introducing a third-party object into it and leaving no traces at the same time, is much more difficult than doing the same with digital photography. Negatives were also presented to my gaze.

Arriving home, I sat down for reference books on photography. I was looking for information on editing film, trying to figure out if it is possible to introduce a foreign image into the original frame. I could not believe that I was holding real photographs of the UFO flight over the Sverdlovsk region. Although there was nothing to complain about, something still confused me.


In our next meeting, George told about himself. As it turned out, he had previously served in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. I have never encountered anything anomalous in my life, I didn’t believe in stories about abductions of people by aliens - in general, I was an inveterate materialist. But after the "miracle" happened to him, he radically changed his views on the world around him. It all began with a rest on the shore of Lake Karasye, which is within the boundaries of Yekaterinburg. Our hero took with him fishing rods, bait and simple belongings (tourist foam, tea in a thermos, light lunch). Ahead of my question, Georgy noticed that he did not drink alcohol. Previously, he drank only on holidays, and then not a drop at all - the work to which he gave himself completely freed himself from the addiction: alcohol and service with weapons in hand are incompatible things.

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So that's it. On Lake George spent the whole day, in peace and quiet from the very morning sitting on the shore, fishing and photographing beautiful landscapes. Towards evening, before going back, Georgy decided to take a nap for a couple of hours in the fresh air. I lay down on a tourist mat and fell asleep. However, he woke up, being almost one hundred and fifty meters from his base camp: he found himself in a clearing instead of a sandy shore. How he got there, he could not remember. The head was buzzing, as if the memory had been erased …

According to George, he got up, looked around and … saw in the distance three lights flying towards the mountains. At that moment, the thought flashed through him that it was the aliens who decided to "ride" him and "teleport" him from place to place, but he drove this "nonsense" away from himself. In the service, of course, he did not talk about the mysterious incident. And over time, he stopped thinking about UFOs and teleportation, coming up with some kind of "rational" explanation for all this - for his own peace of mind.


After about six months, he began to have strange dreams. “It was as if I was floating somewhere far away in space,” Georgy shared with me, “I saw absolutely fantastic views of other worlds, panoramas of planets and constellations, their beauties mesmerized.” Dreams began to repeat themselves with an enviable frequency, more and more new worlds, their insane beauties, opened up in front of George. Once he wanted to capture on canvas everything that he saw in a dream. Despite the fact that Georgy had never dabbled in painting before, he began to draw easily and naturally. And then I decided to quit my job and try myself in television journalism and photography …

The day came when something pulled him to the very shore where he had once experienced an exciting moment. There he was overwhelmed by strange and painfully familiar sensations. It was then that Georgy realized that the September incident and his current hobbies have much in common. After taking some pictures of the lake, he returned home. By pure chance, on the Internet I came across the story of one of the "abducted", and the chain seemed to be lined up into a single whole. The fantastic conclusion came by itself: George considered himself a victim of kidnapping, although he himself did not fully believe in it. “I have no facts to assert this, but I somehow feel it in my gut,” said Georgiy with a grin. He began to come to the lake in the hope of seeing a UFO and, as it turned out, not in vain.


One of the December days he was lucky. He caught a UFO in the camera lens. It was a "classic" disc-shaped object. Wasting no time, the happy eyewitness set the camera on a tripod and the shooting began. The object was moving slowly, one might say, stood still. Georgy decided to take a picture himself against the background of the curiosity, pressed the button on the self-timer and stood in the perspective of the picture. The shutter went off in time and the first shot was taken, then another, another and another. Then the saucer changed course and headed straight into the forest. George ran at a run across the ice of the lake to the proposed landing site. Contrary to all the laws of physics, the disc-shaped apparatus hung motionless above the ground. George took a few more pictures. The "plate" made a strange whistle. All the wonderful action lasted no more than a minute. Then the "saucer" made several sharp turns and literally disappeared into thin air! Georgy remembered these moments for the rest of his life. Finally, his dream has come true! But, surprisingly, the lucky man, none of his entourage cared about unique materials, everyone somehow got used to the new oddities of his nature and took the story for the artist's imagination. The unique tapes lay like a dead weight in the desk until Georgy came out on me.


I started an investigation. The first thing I did was try to find out if anyone else in that area had met the "plates". Unfortunately, this place was rarely visited by aliens. Apparently, therefore, it was not possible to find a single witness who could confirm the words of George. But George alone could not observe such a huge object, and besides, during the day! Alas and ah - no eyewitnesses were found, despite all my efforts. And this despite the fact that in the area of Lake Karasye there are many elite settlements, and security is constantly on guard around the entire perimeter 24 hours a day.

I suspected George of falsifying the pictures. George immediately snapped that he would not have attracted attention in such a low way. Then I started looking for a specialist in photographs taken with an analog camera. I was lucky to find one. The photographer, who wished to remain anonymous, doubted the lopsided frame in one of the frames. In any camera, the camera, where the film is located, is ideally flat, so as not to light up certain parts of the frame. But in one of Georgy's pictures, the rectangle of this camera is not quite even and just gives the very same exposure. For an uninitiated person, this would not mean anything, but the specialist immediately doubted the authenticity of the original. According to him, the tape may have been … re-shot. Reshooting is one of the methods of photomontage, when an image of an object is superimposed on the original frame and reshomed,then on the printout of such a photo, all borders are blurred and it is impossible for an ignorant person to select the built-in object.

Then I tried to find paid centers of expertise, since in the market conditions such specific services also became available. But, unfortunately, Georgy did not get in touch with me anymore, and I could not find his contacts, because he always contacted me himself. In short, the main witness disappeared along with photographs and a camera. So the truth, it seems, will remain in the same place - somewhere nearby …

However, I still want to believe that our hero is not a falsifier, but the very lucky one who was lucky, and at the right moment, in the right place, he was with a camera, witnessing an amazing action - the flight of an unidentified flying object.

Andrey LYUBUSHKIN, ufologist, Yekaterinburg