Yellowstone - Heavenly Punishment? - Alternative View

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Yellowstone - Heavenly Punishment? - Alternative View
Yellowstone - Heavenly Punishment? - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone - Heavenly Punishment? - Alternative View

Video: Yellowstone - Heavenly Punishment? - Alternative View
Video: MATRIX RELOADED | Revelation | CHAPTERS 14-15-16 | part 11 2024, June

In early September, NASA recalled the threat posed by the most dangerous supervolcano on Earth - Yellowstone, which has long threatened to wake up. This one of the largest unexploded volcanoes on the planet has a crater (or caldera) 55 by 72 kilometers in size, filled with hot magma. If there is an eruption of Yellowstone, the lava will rise high into the sky, ash in a short time will cover the nearby territories with a 15-centimeter layer within a radius of up to 5 thousand kilometers …

In the first minutes alone, experts say, the volcano will kill about 200 thousand Americans, in the following days the number of victims will go to tens of millions of lives, since the North American continent may sink under water from the explosion. In a few days, the territory of the United States can become uninhabited due to toxic air. As a result, a global cooling will occur on Earth for tens of years, and 99% of all life on the planet may become victims of the "volcanic winter" … What is happening with the volcano today?

The Yellowstone Caldera - a depression filled with hot magma - is located in three American states: Wyoming (the main part), Idaho and Montana. According to volcanologists, Yellowstone erupted 2 million years ago, then 1.3 million years ago and the last time - 630 thousand years ago, and until recently it was believed that the next eruption might not be earlier than 20 thousand years.


Volcano activity increased after solar eclipse

However, in 2002, three new geysers with medicinal water were suddenly clogged, a sharp rise in the soil was discovered, the number of small earthquakes became more frequent, then buffaloes ran from the Yellowstone Biosphere Reserve, the release of magmatic gases increased … Scientists became worried, began to refine their calculations, and suddenly it turned out that a disaster could happen between 2012 and 2016, but, thank God, their predictions did not come true again.

The activity of Yellowstone volcano has increased dramatically after the recent solar eclipse in the United States. Only in August of this year, about 900 small earthquakes occurred in the reserve, which can be compared with a two-year norm, say, five years ago. In total, for several months of this year, as of September 10, 2357 small earthquakes of 3-4 magnitude were recorded in the Yellowstone area. The land in this national park has risen by 2 meters over the past six months … All this, according to experts, is very bad symptoms.

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The last time Yellowstone erupted 630 thousand years ago, and until recently it was believed that the next eruption might not be earlier than 20 thousand years. However, volcanologists have changed the forecast.

Now on the alarming data on the supervolcano itself, pessimistic assessments of the causes of seismic impacts of great force in Mexico are superimposed. Earthquakes in this country mean that the movement of tectonic plates has resumed in the area of the San Andreas Fault (900 kilometers long), which has arisen at the place where the Latin American plate, Juan de Fuca, creeps under the N American Plate. This, according to seismologists, will inevitably lead to colossal tremors, which will be much more powerful than the recent September, which happened in Mexico (8 points on the Richter scale), which, in turn, could become a detonator for Yellowstone. The general picture of the perception of the likelihood of a supervolcano awakening was also aggravated by four powerful solar flares that occurred in September.

The publication in one of the Russian editions also frightened the Americans. One of our military academics, Konstantin Sivkov, published an article in which he wrote that our country should respond to the deployment of American missile defense systems in Eastern Europe by creating missiles with an increased nuclear charge. According to the author, a super-large caliber can be used when undermining the same Yellowstone, and then one missile will be enough to destroy the enemy on its territory.

Failed to hide

Since March 2014, the US Geological Survey has been prohibited from releasing information about Yellowstone and is required to mix information about seismic activity in the United States. In August 2016, US President Barack Obama made a sensational statement, calling September 2016 the month of preparation for global disasters. Obama suggested that people have their survival equipment, documents, insurance, and that industries across the country are ready to work in conditions close to extreme. He also noted that two sites have been created, and, with information about the emergency. By order of President Obama, signed on August 31, 2016, the disaster preparedness program was completed by the end of September. So the explosion of the supervolcano is expected at any moment.

In terms of its power, by the way, it will be equivalent to the explosion of hundreds of Hiroshima bombs, which will immediately sweep away two-thirds of the United States and part of the regions of Canada, and the tsunami will wash away the coastal regions of Spain, Portugal, England, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Korea, China and Russia.

However, all other countries will suffer as well. The area of the hole in the earth's crust after such an explosion can reach 4 thousand square kilometers. A "volcanic winter" will be established with an average temperature of minus 25 degrees Celsius, in some places the air temperature is expected to reach minus 50. In addition to such a radical climate change, the danger is also that sulfur rains will fall: the sulfur of the volcano's interior will combine with moisture and oxygen air. The flora and fauna will die, and the few people who will be able to take refuge in shelters will receive a lifeless and poisoned planet for many centuries … An ozone hole will form over the USA, and the Sun will burn out what is still growing and moving. The only region that can survive is the central part of Eurasia. Most people, according to the calculations of scientists,will survive in Siberia and some regions of the European part of Russia, as well as Ukraine, located on earthquake-resistant platforms farthest from the epicenter of the volcanic eruption and tsunami.

Why hasn't the USA prepared for the disaster?

Someone may think that the United States is not ready for natural disasters, which have long been predictable. But this is not the case. In the United States, they staked not on preventing a volcanic eruption, but on saving part of the population, apparently the most valuable, that is, its elite - industrial, military, and also financial power. The United States government and those who run it, not relying on the intelligence of scientists, considered that it was impossible to centrally save all Americans (and this is more than 300 million people), and therefore the United States in recent years hushed up the problem, which is a global one, and now it has suddenly become talk about emergency measures. Since the American government is convinced that an explosion is inevitable, there are not many proposals from American science to neutralize the volcano, but more specifically only two, but, alas, both can "wake up" the volcano.

First, it is proposed to detonate a low-power nuclear device in the weakest point of the caldera to release the pressure of the growing magma (proposal not accepted). The second idea is to cool the volcano from the inside by directing high pressure streams of water to the bottom of the volcano, followed by pumping hot water to the surface. According to calculations, it is enough to cool the volcano by 35% to temporarily eliminate the threat, but this option is extremely water-intensive. And if you build a geothermal station, the cost of electricity will be $ 0.1 per kilowatt-hour. And it will work for tens of thousands of years. NASA asks only $ 3.5 billion for such work. (Also an unsafe option.)


What have Americans been doing for the past 20 years? Prepare … "landing sites" for the elite

* In Latin America, the largest US clans are buying up millions of hectares of land - Argentina, Brazil, South Africa received payments of $ 10 billion each. More addresses - Australia and New Zealand, where property prices are growing exponentially. The pro-American country of Liberia, a small state in western Africa, suddenly flourished unexpectedly, since a lot of money has been going to this country for a number of years. There is a network of excellent roads, airports and, allegedly, an extensive system of bunkers in which the American elite can sit for several years until the external situation stabilizes.

* The United States created the Doomsday Vault, a safe in the rocks of Svalbard to store the seeds of most plant species. The storage is designed for 4.5 million seeds. This is enough to restore this or that species in the event of its complete disappearance. The storage facility is located at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level, which excludes the possibility of its flooding when the Arctic ice and ice of Greenland melt. Its walls are strong enough to withstand the impact of nuclear warheads. Icebreaker, army, aviation, submarine groups of the US Armed Forces are deployed around. (By the way, the same Federal cryostorage of plant seeds is located in Russia - in the Yakut permafrost. - Ed.).

* Without having begun, the President of this country stopped "assaults" of the American TNCs, whose main production facilities are located outside the United States, as the government quickly realized the danger of these requirements.

* An underground shelter was built 25 kilometers from Denver, in the very center of the country (by area - two Manhattan), on the plateau, behind the mountains that protect from the tsunami. Construction is disguised as airport reconstruction. Judging by the volume of excavated soil, the complex is designed for several hundred thousand people.

* The United States did not begin to close down its military bases abroad, there are now more than 700 of them, and military spending on them is greater than that of all other countries combined. The infrastructure created on these bases allows you to quickly transfer additional contingents to any part of the world, as well as accept a significant number of additional inhabitants.

* In China, "ghost towns" have been built far from the coast, on the plateau … Now there are more than 20. The estimated population is up to half a million in each. The real population now ranges from 1 to 30-40 thousand. In the event of an apocalypse, the Celestial Empire intends to save some of its people and specialists from America and Europe in these cities.

* Many experts are sure that in the USA, in Fort Knox, there is no longer any physical gold, both American and deposited. The American Rothschilds are now leaving Europe and are betting on the Shanghai Gold Exchange, which will be the global world regulator of prices for gold and silver. Therefore, China was given back the gold it had laid in 1940-1950. The Rothschilds also transferred their gold to Shanghai, which is supposed to become the world's financial center instead of New York and London.

* It is very likely that the US elite has stopped investing in new construction: cement in this country now consumes 40 times less than China with comparable economies. They stopped building new nuclear power plants, practically no new production facilities are being built, but the extraction of shale oil and gas is developing, destroying nature and polluting water sources. The US national debt is more than $ 20 trillion today. All this speaks of the cooling of American business to their own country in view of the real danger of the death of the United States.

There are unconventional solutions in Russia

Russian science is hungry today, many worthy people have left, nevertheless, our scientists still have options for solutions on Yellowstone, including those from the times of the USSR:

1. If the Americans told the world about the problems of Yellowstone earlier, then, probably, our country could offer a Russian development -

pulse magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD generator). It was developed in 1970-1980 by scientists from the institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Academician Yevgeny Velikhov to study rocks in oil and gas fields by feeding a powerful electrical impulse deep into the Earth. As it turned out, during this process, small earthquakes were provoked, discharging the stress of the rocks and preventing the occurrence of large earthquakes. The generator is installed on the machine, moves to any point and in the right place generates electrical energy in a pulse mode. The current is fed into the earth's crust to a depth of 5-10 kilometers and changes its state. In total, several devices of this series were produced in the USSR, several of them were comparable in power to the Dneproges!

2. The creation of a volcanic high pressure steam generator (HPVH) is possible when a balance of volcanic and human activity is achieved. In Russia, VPVD was patented back in 2011. It is designed to prevent volcanic eruptions by creating a crater-channel hydraulic plug, which excludes the mixing of hydrogen and water coming out of the depths and the explosion of this mixture. The prototypes of the HPRP are the drilling device of the Kola superdeep well and the devices of Russian geothermal power plants operating in hot water fields under pressure. Experimental models of geothermal power plants are now operating on hot dry rocks (designed for heat supply and electric power generation). The idea is protected by six RF patents. The method has limitations. By the way, according to experts, if humanity uses only geothermal energy,it will take 41 million years before the temperature of the Earth's interior drops by half a degree.

3. If an eruption occurs. A volcanic cloud, like an ordinary rain cloud, consists of 50–85% water vapor. Therefore, our scientists can propose the use of Russian technology for the deposition of clouds by introducing them with the help of ground irrigation installations or / and directly into the cloud with installations placed on aircraft of certain chemical compositions (the most effective were copper sulfide and lead iodide), which precipitate water-steam part of a volcanic eruption and will cause precipitation to fall within a radius of up to 750 kilometers, and not spread around the world. To obtain precipitation from one cloud with a volume of 10 cubic kilometers, only 7 to 50 grams of copper sulfide (CuS) or 10 grams of lead iodide (PbJ) are needed. The idea is protected by a RF patent. True, its experimental verification is necessary. If the efficiency of the technology is proved, then in this way it will be possible to save the planet from the global "volcanic winter". The costs of this project are incomparable with the losses from the estimated release of 1000-2800 cubic kilometers of ash and gases from an exploding volcano.

Will only Americans show interest in the proposals of Russian scientists? Surely our specialists have other interesting and effective suggestions on how to tame the volcano. Our Version is ready to talk about them too.


European United States

A rumor circulated in Ukrainian publications recently that Hillary Clinton, in one of her election speeches, when it came to a hypothetically possible catastrophe after the eruption of Yellowstone, allegedly stated: “We must not abandon Ukraine as the most favorable for the global American move, because of the position of Russia and will continue to coordinate international pressure to return Crimea to a single territorial space as of February 2014 … Thus, we will be able to expand the necessary living space so as not to feel cramped and have the prospect of further industrial and economic development."


On the question of where, in her opinion, the Ukrainians themselves should go in this case, the presidential candidate allegedly noted that “residents will be happy to have the opportunity to become citizens of the new European United States”. In these messages, generously replicated on the Internet, to which Nasha Versiya is skeptical, Clinton appears to have publicly insulted Ukraine. Mrs. presidential candidate is credited with the words that "Ukraine, being on a profitable territory, is a weak and sick state and its authorities have not been able to effectively use its resources for 25 years, while Europeans and Americans will use them more rationally." The more monstrous the fiction, the more those who believe in it: judging by the comments on social networks, many do not doubt: the real reason for what is happening today in Ukraine is preciselythat they laid eyes on her land from across the ocean, where it might soon burst …

Yakov Tudorovsky