Are Giant Octopuses Found In The Lake Near Rettikhovka? - Alternative View

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Are Giant Octopuses Found In The Lake Near Rettikhovka? - Alternative View
Are Giant Octopuses Found In The Lake Near Rettikhovka? - Alternative View

Video: Are Giant Octopuses Found In The Lake Near Rettikhovka? - Alternative View

Video: Are Giant Octopuses Found In The Lake Near Rettikhovka? - Alternative View
Video: Giant Squid Attacks Surf Board! 2024, September

In the lake near the village of Rettikhovka, eyewitnesses observed an incomprehensible creature with tentacles

Valery Dvuzhilny, a well-known Far Eastern researcher of anomalous phenomena, called me on an expedition for an unidentified underwater object - NPO. He himself found out about a certain mysterious creature allegedly living in a deep lake near the village of Rettikhovka by accident. I went into the salon to develop photographs and saw other people's pictures: the surface of the lake, and on it a certain suspicious trace. I found those who filmed - Ekaterina Krivozub and Oksana Shevtsova.

It turned out that there were five eyewitnesses. At first, they noticed a strange dissection of the water. It was as if something massive was floating at the speed of a motorboat close to the surface of the lake. Then they saw … tentacles - 7 - 8 pieces.

“We grabbed binoculars,” the women recall. - For several minutes we watched the creature play with its writhing limbs. No, they weren't driftwood or twigs, but tentacles - gray-brown, as thick as a human hand. Brrrr!

“It went on in complete silence,” Ekaterina recalled. - It became creepy, so that goosebumps ran.

Armed with this thrilling testimony, along with an echo sounder, video camera, walkie-talkie, life jackets and a motorized boat, we set off for the ominous lake.

There is something

The area of the lake surface is under a thousand hectares. Until 1996, on the site of this muddy and very deep - almost 100 meters - reservoir there was a coal mine. Then the production was curtailed. The rains filled the bowl of the cut. The water in the lake is warm to nausea - under 30 degrees. The radiation level is increased in places. Fish are found - crucian carp, eels. Sometimes there are snakes - Amur snakes.

Promotional video:

We sit down on the motorboat, comb the pond, following the echo sounder.

- The depth is 42 meters, - Valery Dvuzhilny reports on the radio to the shore. - I see an intense signal to the left and close to the water surface.

I can see too: the echo sounder screen shows that something big is floating under the boat. We spin in place. But the signal disappears …

Underwater tunnel

I did not go to the last raid on the lake. Dvuzhilny went with his assistants - Maxim and Alexei. They were gone for about an hour. We returned already in the thick twilight. With shouts: “We saw him! What an eel there! What a snake!"

“We projected the western sector of the lake and sailed to the camp,” says Valery Dvuzhilny, overcoming enthusiasm. - I notice intense interference on the echo sounder screen. A few seconds later, tentacles appeared from the water right along the course - first one, then a second, and a third. They rose 50 centimeters above the water …

- And they went to the depths, - Alexey joined. - Yes, not smoothly, but with great speed, making circular movements. The thrust was so strong that a funnel-type triangle formed on the surface. The boat passed a little more, and I noticed a powerful breaker nearby …

The echo sounder was switched on again. The creatures were not found. But they saw something no less strange on the screen: through the bottom relief it is not known to what depth a tunnel with a diameter of several meters with perfectly flat walls went.

- Mine? - Two-core is perplexed. - But at Rettikhovka, brown coal was mined by an open method.

With exotic greetings

Returning from the "anomalous" expedition, I called the former chief mine surveyor of the former Rettikhovsky coal mine, Dmitry SEDYKH.

- Tunnel? Through the bottom of the lake? We had pipes with a diameter of 219 centimeters on the cut, but they were located horizontally to drain water, - he did not clarify the issue. But he said that in this deposit, 40 million years old, experts found pollen and preserved spores of the relict sequoia - a giant tree growing in American California.

Such findings provide a wealth of material for the creators of science fiction films. And the question with the appearance of prehistoric monsters in our time, they solve simply. They say that an egg lasted until now, in which biological processes began under the influence of the environment. And from this egg, which ripened as if in an incubator (remember the warm water in a lake), a monster hatched. Some kind of ichthyosaur or plesiosaur is a waterfowl lizard. Only the Rettich monster is by no means a lizard, which is supposedly the Loch Ness monster with its long neck. It has tentacles like an octopus …


The lakes are full of monsters. According to the legends

Andrey Perepelitsyn, chairman of the interregional group for the study of secrets and mysteries of the Earth and Space "Labyrinth"

This year the Loch Ness monster has an anniversary. It has been 75 years since, first in the British and then in the world newspapers, there were reports about a huge animal noticed by "trustworthy eyewitnesses" in the Scottish Loch Ness. Few people know, but the first publications spoke about "an animal with the body of a whale", "an animal that swam on its back and covered with fur", "a walrus swam into the lake." A few years later, "eyewitnesses" agreed that the monster, which was given the affectionate name of Nessie, has a massive torso with a hump and a long neck with a small head. In short, a relict plesiosaur.

Russia did not stand aside either. And in our lakes, of course, there were "dinosaurs with a long neck"! Here are just the most famous ones.

Labynkyr, Yakutia

The lake is about 15 km long, 3 meters wide and, according to official data, up to 60 meters deep. It is a flooded river valley covered with glacial deposits. Ice covered most of the year. Rich in fish.

In the summer of 1953, the geologist V. A. Tverdokhlebov officially informed the leadership of the monster, and then published sensational articles about it. According to the geologist, together with his partner, he himself saw the monster in the neighboring Lake Labynkyr - the Gate: “… A dark gray oval carcass rose slightly above the water. Against the dark gray background, two symmetrical light spots were clearly visible, similar to the eyes of an animal, and something like a stick was sticking out of its body …"

Local residents have never seen the monster.

Elgygytgyn, Chukotka

The lake is perfectly round in shape, several kilometers in diameter. According to A. Kondratov, who back in the 1980s wrote one of the first books in the USSR about unknown dinosaur-like animals, a huge monster Kalilga with a terrible mouth lives in the lake …

Lake Elgygytgyn was considered a forbidden place among the indigenous peoples. Even shamans do not often risk approaching him.

Ubyr-Kul, Bashkiria

Small karst lake. But deep, as befits a failed reservoir. And with a dragon. Local historian D. Burkaev in 1970 told about him as follows (magazine "Ural Pathfinder"): “Once an old Bashkir approached the Ubyr-Kul lake to check the top. When he reached for the water, he saw a large creature there, which with huge round eyes was looking at him … A few days later, the shepherd boys brought the news that in the Ubyr-Kul lake they saw the back of a large animal, which was basking in the sun in the shallow water …"

Ladoga, Leningrad region

Can Europe's largest freshwater body do without its Miracle Rex? Professional botanist A. Shimansky told about his meeting with him in the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, No. 1 for 2002: “… some mass snaked above the surface of the water, creating large waves. Closer to the shore, a huge head appeared above the water, merging with a thick neck. She made a hissing-whistling sound and plunged into the water again. The observation is very non-standard - most publications describe the same plesiosaurs with a small head on a flexible neck.

Brosno, Tver region

The dimensions are modest - the surface area is several square kilometers, it is located in the wilderness of swampy forests and is no different from dozens of other already heavily swamped lakes of glacial origin. However, publications about the monster living in it in the late 1990s simply swept over the media - first local, and then central. It was said in them that people are afraid to swim in the lake, and about how the monster chased a wild boar, and about the huntsman who barely escaped from the monster. However, none of them described the appearance of the monster. For some reason, the eyewitnesses stubbornly did not name the details - neither the size, nor the shape of the body … Only a couple of years later the message of a local resident was published, who finally lifted the veil of secrecy over the appearance of the monster - it turns out to be covered with scales and with one eye in the middle! However,almost at the same time, someone filmed a video with a monster - in the muddy frames, you guessed it right, a long neck with a small head was visible! How did the plesiosaur end up in the lake? Enthusiasts found the answer: in those

leefire (TV show from the cycle "Incredible, but true!" 03.24.05, TNT) a local historian and writer without a shadow of a smile said that Brosno is connected by an underground channel with … the Sargasso Sea (this, if anyone does not know, in the Atlantic Ocean)! From where the relics float into it.


Crocodiles and snakes

In most cases, the likelihood of the existence of lake monsters is zero. There is nothing to say about dinosaurs - the north of Eurasia was covered by a glacier only 12 thousand years ago, the lakes remaining after its retreat were settled even later, so there can be no talk of relics at all. In addition, a stable population of large animals must number about five hundred individuals, otherwise it will degenerate in several generations. Most of the reservoirs in question will simply not feed such a herd. Large lakes will theoretically feed, but almost all of them, like Loch Ness, have a fishing fleet, settlements and beach areas on the shores - so that animals with pulmonary respiration forced to float to the surface would be seen much more often. And not only city people, who for some reason are the main eyewitnesses of our "nessey", but first of all local residents …

I am by no means a skeptic about the existence of unknown species of animals in general. Quite the opposite: I am sure that many more species will be discovered in Russia, including large ones. Only attention should be paid to places that are really unexplored and sparsely populated: the impassable swamps of the North-West and Western Siberia, the taiga of Eastern Yakutia, the polar tundra. Here in the water bodies of these and similar regions, crypto animals can really be found, but rather still not in isolated ones, but in connected by rivers or channels. And the "miracles" themselves are most likely not a purely aquatic, but a semi-aquatic lifestyle.

Many legends, I think, owe their origin to crocodile-like animals (according to the assumption of some, this is a giant salamander) - even the chronicles speak of their existence, and the "Chud copper plaques" which were made in thousands in the Urals in the Middle Ages, along with ordinary animals, often depict crocodiles … In addition, supernakes also lived and live with us - snakes up to ten meters long and tens of centimeters thick, ecological analogues of pythons and boas - and like them, they also willingly swim and dive …