Did They Want To Be Like The Gods? - Alternative View

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Did They Want To Be Like The Gods? - Alternative View
Did They Want To Be Like The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Did They Want To Be Like The Gods? - Alternative View

Video: Did They Want To Be Like The Gods? - Alternative View
Video: All Tomorrows: the future of humanity? 2024, September

- Igor Evgenievich! Here are the bones!

Igor Skandakov, director of the Omsk Museum of Education, has been engaged in excavations near Tara with students of the Omsk Pedagogical University and schoolchildren for several years. It was here a decade and a half ago that some of the most unique and significant monuments of antiquity were discovered: burial mounds, settlements, fortified settlements, parking, and absolutely different eras. The guys found shards, remnants of tools, ancient burials.

- Once we dug up one of the mounds, of which we found eight, - says Skandakov, - and found bones. The guys set to work with triple zeal. When something resembling a skull appeared out of the earth, the girls simply screamed in fear.

The find really could not but cause fear. An elongated oval object with creepy jaws - you can't immediately determine who could have worn such a "thing" on his neck: a man or an animal? In any case, until this moment, nothing like this had ever been found in this place. In total, the guys dug up eight skulls, two of them are absolutely intact.

Sacrifice or Murder?

The terrible finds were sent to the Institute for the Study of the North to specialists-anthropologists. They found that all eight skulls belong to women of 40-50 years old. That these ladies lived around the fifth century AD. That the deaths of all eight were violent. One of the skulls clearly shows a hole in the temporal region, a hole, as if punched with a spear. And the bones belonging to these "girls" bear traces of chopped wounds.

“Moreover, all the ladies were not buried at random,” says Skandakov. - And as expected, neatly. So now scientists are racking their heads, what was it: a sacrifice, ritual murder, or women fought with someone with swords? But at 50 years old to fight with swords ?!

According to Igor Evgenievich, the version with ritual murder is more acceptable. If we proceed from the structure of the skull of these women, then our close, Russian, dear Baba Yaga is a beauty in comparison with them. It is possible that those with long skulls were bred … specifically, for certain specific rituals. After all, Europeans raised freaks in special barrels for the entertainment of their kings. Here is the same story. Perhaps, in ancient times, in Ust-Tara, female babies intended for a special religious mission were pulled over their heads with cloth or leather belts to grow them elongated. The ritual version is indirectly confirmed by the presence in the Murlinsky tract at the mouth of the Tara river of a whole complex of places of worship: sanctuaries located in a circle with a radius of two and a half kilometers. There must have been a powerful place of worship here,a sort of Siberian Delphi.

Aliens native to China

There is another version of the origin of the unusual skulls. American researchers claim that such human remains are periodically found in the graves of ancient cultures in various parts of the planet. But they are few, these are isolated cases. Eight such massive ones as near Tara, perhaps, have not yet been found. And then the scientists remembered the invasion of the Huns, the people who lived in those centuries in the territories of modern China, swept through Europe like a whirlwind. They remembered that it was among the Huns that the shape of the skull was naturally elongated. And the uncovered skulls belong to the wives of those warriors.

Promotional video:

… In the Finno-Ugric epic there is a legend about how gods with oval heads descended from heaven. It can be assumed that these gods were the very Huns who drove the Finno-Ugric peoples back to us, to Western Siberia. And if you follow the legend, then we can assume: from those ancient women they wanted to raise someone similar to gods, artificially stretching their skulls. But why was it necessary to sacrifice them? Or maybe they were aliens, which the Finno-Ugric people took for gods?

“There will probably never be a definite answer to the question of who the people with oval heads were,” says Skandakov. - This is another mystery of mankind, to which ordinary Omsk students and schoolchildren are involved. Many of them, by the way, are very proud of the fact that they held history in their hands.
