Mystical Petersburg - Alternative View

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Mystical Petersburg - Alternative View
Mystical Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Petersburg - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Petersburg - Alternative View
Video: AMERICAN REACTS TO ST. PETERSBURG RUSSIA / Санкт-Петербург реакция 2024, June

In Russia, villages, fortresses and cities on the hills have long been erected. But Petersburg grew up in swamps. How can you live in such a shaky place? And isn't that why they talk so much about mystical Petersburg?

Regal ghosts

Much has been written and said about the ghost of Paul the First, wandering around the Mikhailovsky Castle. In the halls and corridors, parquet floor creaks by itself, doors knock and windows are slammed. But it is not the only regal St. Petersburg ghost who "indulges" in this way. They say that the shadow of the last Russian emperor flickers in the enfilades of the Winter Palace.

Another strange phenomenon is taking place in the former royal house (now the Hermitage is located here). In the Egyptian hall, where the statue of the goddess of war Sekhmet, a woman with the head of a lioness, is kept, once a year, on a full moon, blood appears on the knees of the goddess.

According to eyewitnesses, the ghost of Princess Tarakanova, who once encroached on the throne of Catherine II, is wandering around the city.

And Sofya Perovskaya, one of the main participants in the assassination of Alexander II, is still waving a white handkerchief - giving a signal to the bomb throwers. She placed the Narodnaya Volya in the path of the possible passage of the royal family and at the appropriate moment gave a sign with a white kerchief.

Petersburgers assure that on a white night from time to time the St. Petersburg monuments to Peter the Great "stir". The Bronze Horseman on St. Isaac's Square also "moves" periodically. But there is a rational explanation for this. In St. Petersburg, as you know, strong winds blow. In order to reduce the "windage" of the monument, its author Falcone contrived to arrange the center of gravity of the structure so that it moves. This creates the impression that the horse is rocking from one leg to the other.

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The sacrament of death

Pushkin's friend, poet Anton Delvig, according to contemporaries. loved to speculate about the afterlife. And he believed that the promises made during his lifetime would come true after death. Once Delvig and his friend Levashov made a promise: the one who dies first will come to the survivor. The conversation took place long before Delvig's death and was forgotten by both. And when Anton Antonovich died, exactly one year after his death, at 12 o'clock in the morning, Levashov saw the baron silently entering his office! The poet settled down comfortably in his chair, and after a while, without uttering a word, disappeared.

Another friend of Pushkin's, Pyotr Vyazemsky, was a sober and reasonable man. But somehow a strange incident happened to him. Returning home after an evening walk, he found in his office … • himself, at the table writing something. Vyazemsky glanced over his shoulder at the double. What he saw there, Pyotr Andreyevich never told anyone. However, according to the assurances of contemporaries, since then he has become a deeply religious person.

There are many rumors about the graves of the Peter and Paul Cathedral. The tombstone of Paul the First is considered sacred and miraculous. However, the most sensational version concerning these graves claims that they are all … empty! Perhaps this assumption is associated with the mysterious death of Alexander the First. There were persistent rumors that the sovereign had not died. He was tormented by remorse for having “had a hand” in the murder of his father Paul the First. Therefore, they say, Alexander left the throne and lived out his life as a simple old man Fyodor Kuzmich. And the body of another person was placed in the coffin. In the 20s of the last century, the grave of Alexander the First was opened and the remains of a man were found. But then DNA analysis was not carried out, so it is impossible to say with confidence that Paul's son was buried there.

Abnormal zones

Strange phenomena happened to vacationers in the Victory Park, founded in October 1945. During the blockade, a brick factory existed here, which was used to burn people who died from hunger and bombing. The remains that did not have time to burn were buried in the ground. In the post-war years, many visitors to this place complained that while walking in the park they were overcome by weakness, faintness, and in general they felt psychological stress. However, after the installation of an Orthodox cross in Victory Park, they say, walking here has become much easier.

It should be noted that strange phenomena were noticed in Leningrad before the start of the war. For example, people who came to the ancient cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra saw an old man with wings: “He walks between the graves, shines by itself, but does not speak a word. As soon as the police appear, the old man will fly up to the crypt and from there he says: “You won't take it with your hands, you won't knock it down with a bullet. I give you one last warning: a black man with a black cross is coming to you, you will be fasting for ten weeks, when it gets up at the gate - the smooth starts, finish the beans - stock up on coffins!"

Perhaps this legend was born after the war. But the evidence is more than serious. Academician Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, alas, now deceased, recalled that just before the start of the war, a glowing cross was clearly visible in the sky above the Pushkin Theater for several days in a row. Many Leningraders saw him. Absolutely everyone agreed on that. that this is a sign of trouble.

The anomalies did not go around Sennaya Square. During the times of militant atheism, a temple in the name of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos was demolished here. The lobby of the Ploschad Mira metro station was built in its place. And in 1999 the visor of the lobby collapsed! Several people were killed. The Oktyabrsky Concert Hall on Litovsky Prospect was built on the site of the destroyed Greek Church of St. Dmitry Thessaloniki. After the opening of the concert hall, people began to complain of headaches and other ailments.

Today it is scientifically established that there is a large network of faults near St. Petersburg. Some gas is released from them. which, possibly, negatively affects the inhabitants of the city. In general, scientists are neutral in relation to the mystical Petersburg: they do not confirm. but they do not deny that the spirit of the swamp mysteriously influences the aura of the city.

Mikhail Ershov. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 7 2010