Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View

Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View
Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View

Video: Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View

Video: Were Fish Ancient Ancestors? - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Human Ancestor Documentary | Finding Tiktaalik : Your Inner Fish english subtitles 2024, October

Some time ago, a scientific expedition of American scientists from the University of Sydney, led by Professor R. Stratton, discovered four mummified humanoid creatures in one of the Tibetan caves. As a result of a detailed study of this unique find, scientists were able to refute the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin, according to which humans descended from ape-like creatures.

Scientists have estimated the approximate age of the mummies at 4 million years, but despite such a solid age, they are well preserved. Their average height reaches 5 meters, they have gills, in addition to the usual respiratory organs for a person, and on the legs there are membranes between the toes, and the feet are flipper-like and flat. After DNA analysis, it was found that these creatures are the direct ancestors of humans.

According to Professor Stratton, there is ample evidence in anthropology to indicate that man did not descend from ape at all. But only thanks to the advent of modern methods for identifying genes, scientists were able to figure out who is the true ancestor of man among all fossil creatures. And at present, scientists can safely say that a person did not get off a tree at all, but came out of the water. The find made in Tibet is just the last link that complements the theory of the water origin of man.

The Water Man was discovered back in 1856. Then Dr. Gilmore in Missouri and Pennsylvania and researcher Bullos in Kentucky managed to find traces of a certain creature that moved on its hind limbs in the Carboniferous layers, whose age they estimated from about 320 million years. The creature's feet were very human-like, but the fingers were spread out in such a way as if they were being used as flippers. As a result, scientists came to the conclusion that during the amphibian period, when about 300 million years remained before the appearance of monkeys, bipedal upright creatures lived in the water.

A little later, in 1935, the Dutch archaeologist R. von Koenigswald managed to find human teeth on the territory of Hong Kong, which are five times larger than the teeth of modern humans. Based on this, the scientist suggested that the approximate height of the owner of these teeth is 5 meters, and the weight is 500 kilograms.

And half a century later, the famous archaeologist L. Leakey discovered a gigantic prehistoric skull of a child in East Africa. A little later, the remains of a gigantic humanoid creature were also found. This creature was later named gigantopithecus. In addition, a four-meter skeleton was also found on the territory of Georgia, and in Nevada - footprints 51 centimeters long and the distance between adjacent prints is 15, -2 meters. Scientists have come to the conclusion that in ancient times our planet was inhabited by humanoid giants.

Relatively recently, in 1997, scientists conducted research on the DNA structure of a Neanderthal man, which was considered to be the ancestor of modern humans. As a result, it was found that Neanderthals were never relatives of people, they just lived in the same time period as the ancestors of humans.

In 1999 in Kenya, on the shores of Lake Turkan, the remains of a creature that lived about 4 million years ago were discovered. In terms of its morphological characteristics, this creature is much closer to man than those creatures that are considered to be his ancestors, and who lived on the planet about 30 thousand years ago. From this, scientists concluded that man appeared on the planet much earlier than science assumed.

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According to Professor R. Stratton, human civilization existed in water hundreds of millions of years ago. However, about 5 million years ago, living conditions underwent dramatic changes, probably due to some kind of natural disaster. As a result, aquatic people were forced to move to land and adapt to new conditions. Initially, they lived in shallow water, fleeing from tropical predators in the water, and from marine predators on land. Thanks to this way of living, these creatures were the least vulnerable among their own kind. They were not afraid of fire, because there was no danger of forest and steppe fires. Moreover, these creatures actively used fire.

Aquatic people did not have a woolen cover, since it was not needed in water. At the same time, there were sweat glands, which even now distinguish modern humans from other representatives of the land. The hair was only on the crown - it not only protected the head from the sun's rays, but also helped the cubs to stay afloat. Almost all the time these creatures spent at a shallow depth, standing in full growth. Thus, Stratton argues, it was water, not labor, that determined the development of upright walking. But during movement, the wet delicate skin in the genital area and armpits was erased to the point of blood, so some kind of pad or lubricant was needed - this is how hair appeared in these places.

Embryologists are confident that aquatic people could breathe not only with the help of their lungs, but also through the gills, sucking water through their mouths. Therefore, a modern man, when he drinks, draws in water, although all adult land animals lap it with their tongue. Water flowed from the gills through a vertical cleft on the face (in our time, children are sometimes born with a similar pathology - the so-called cleft palate or cleft lip).

Water people, naturally, gave birth in water, which is why human children can swim from the first minutes of life. The person also has a diving reflex: when he plunges his head into water, his airways are blocked and his heart rate slows down. The lips are tightly compressed, not allowing water to pass through. All other representatives of land are forced to keep their heads high above the water so as not to choke in the process of swimming.

Biophysicists argue that the memory of the water past is still stored in human genes, therefore, on the shores of water bodies, a person, as a rule, feels much better, since it is in such places that the ecological niche to which the human body is most adapted is located.

After going on land, aquatic people changed: they were overgrown with wool to protect them from the cold, their jaws increased significantly so that they could chew tough meat, the bones of the skull became thicker. But at the same time, some important organs were lost. So, embryologists suggest that aquatic people had a third eye, which in modern humans is represented by a rudimentary organ, the pineal gland or pineal gland. According to parapsychologists, this education is responsible for the ability to telepathy and clairvoyance. Scientists speculate that aquatic people communicated using telepathy, which was a kind of universal language. It is possible that they transmitted information in the ultrasonic range, like dolphins.

Paradoxically, what man considered evolution to be in fact turned out to be involution - a simplification. This, in particular, can explain the phenomenon that for many years haunted scientists: why were the fossil humanoid creatures that lived more than two million years ago were more perfect than the human ancestors who lived only 30 thousand years ago?

The scientist A. Vikhrov also adheres to the theory of the water origin of man. In his opinion, there are many arguments in favor of his theory. So, in particular, human skin is vulnerable to the fangs and claws of predators, it does not save from cold and heat. But if a person lived on land all the time, his body would be completely covered with wool, like other animals. But human skin looks more like the skin of seals, whales and dolphins.

The theory of the aquatic past of man is also defended by British scientists who were engaged in research on the remains of ancient fish found in Taimyr, on the Putorana plateau. The remains were discovered back in 1972. The find turned out to be truly unique, it had both the features of bony and cartilaginous fish. According to scientists, this ancient fish may turn out to be the ancestor of all jawed fish, and even more so - humans.

This discovery was made by British scientists completely by accident. In the spring of 2014, they were looking through a catalog of fossils, and saw a snapshot of an ancient fish, whose age was estimated at 415 million years. In the process of studying the remains of the fish, a high-precision computer tomograph was used, due to which it was possible to establish that this fish does not belong to ray-finned fish, but is a cartilaginous fish. All other signs, in particular, the structure of the jaws and bones, makes it possible to attribute it to bony. Thanks to these features, British scientists called the find "two-faced Janus."

Thus, Darwin's theory was once again debunked by modern scientists. Of course, both the new theory and all other hypotheses that existed before this time have many errors and inconsistencies that scientists have yet to deal with. So it turns out that the more developed science and technology, the less a person knows about his appearance on the planet. It is difficult to say whether this is good or not. Perhaps this is for the best …