Communication With An Energy Vampire, What To Do - Alternative View

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Communication With An Energy Vampire, What To Do - Alternative View
Communication With An Energy Vampire, What To Do - Alternative View

Video: Communication With An Energy Vampire, What To Do - Alternative View

Video: Communication With An Energy Vampire, What To Do - Alternative View
Video: 6 Signs You're Dealing with Energy Vampires 2024, June

From the point of view of the official science, energetic vampirism does not exist in nature, it is only a fiction, a hypothesis not proven by anyone. Nevertheless, we communicate with some people with great pleasure, and we try to avoid meetings with others. And it's not that these people are bad, we just feel somehow uncomfortable in their presence. And if only it was uncomfortable.

Who are energy vampires?

After communicating with such people, we often feel a breakdown, drowsiness, and yawning overcomes us. Long-term communication with an energy vampire in a completely healthy person can cause depression, insomnia. Neurasthenia and other health problems begin, and not only of a psychological nature.

And the difficulty lies in the fact that an energy vampire can turn out to be not only a barely familiar person with whom you can simply stop communicating, but also someone from our closest circle, for example, a husband, boss, close friend. What to do in this case? Get divorced, change jobs, stop communicating?

Specialists in the field of esotericism believe that the situation is quite amenable to control and correction. But before taking the appropriate measures, you need to decide - who are energy vampires and how to recognize them in your environment.

As a rule, energy vampires are people who, for one reason or another, lack vital energy. They do not know how to accumulate it and are not able to keep it. Experts divide these people into two categories - lucid vampires and unconscious vampires.

It should be understood that the vast majority of them (about 95%) are unconscious energy vampires. That is, they do not wish harm to others, do not deliberately take away energy. They unknowingly replenish their energy reserves in order to survive.

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How to "calculate" an energy vampire?

Such a person, as a rule, has his own tactics, which he rarely changes. It is enough to track several recurring episodes of vampirism, followed by a leak of energy (in this case, yours).

There are typical situations to watch out for, especially if they are repetitive.

Communication with an energy vampire is not only bad for humans. Indoor flowers and cats feel bad in the house, in such a room equipment constantly breaks down, lighting lamps burn out.

Dogs, on the other hand, can become excellent donors; they feel relatively comfortable around such a person.

An energetic vampire has a habit of calling at the wrong time. Just when you dine, sleep, take a shower. Moreover, it is useless to explain something to him, he just needs to cause you inconvenience, cause negative emotions.

Such people are usually boring. They come to you with their problems, and you try in vain to offer them a solution. It is impossible to reach them, they do not seem to hear you. In fact, they need you to spend your own time and energy.

Energy vampires love to play music or speak loudly on the phone just at the moment when you just need to focus.

They love spicy food and prefer cold drinks. Usually they are indifferent to sweets.

The person borrows money from you and does not repay the debt for months, while each time he assures you that he will return it tomorrow (next week). Vampires often do this.

They are often said to be outspoken and straightforward. Such people like to publicly criticize others.

An energetic vampire can retell you horrible stories or news about recent disasters several times, while savoring the details.

Energy vampires need body contact. Such a person often tries to touch you, accidentally touch you, hold your hand, pat you on the head, if you are on friendly terms.

And, finally, the vampire will constantly complain about problems - either with health or with business.

From all of the above, we can conclude: an energy vampire needs to evoke your sympathy, irritation, any outburst of emotions.

How to resist negative influences?

Of course, it is necessary to stop the drain of your own energy, and each of your violent reactions is its voluntary return. If you stop responding to the complaints and provocations of the vampire, he will look for other ways.

In the event that a person is constantly near you, for example, in the same house, try to help him learn how to replenish his own energy in other ways. You can try to talk to him, but this must be done carefully if you are confident that the loved one will understand you. Regularly replenish your energy supply in this situation.

How to replenish the supply of vitality? Regular communication with nature helps a lot - daily walks, trips to the forest or to the river on weekends, working in the garden. Energy practices such as qigong, yoga, meditation, prayer are very effective in this case.

Physical activity - running, dancing, fitness - is also very effective. It is worth paying attention to nutrition, eating more natural products. Ideally, you should give up meat, but if this is not possible, you need to replace it as much as possible with fish and poultry.

All these measures will help to increase the level of vital energy and maintain it. The energy vampire will no longer need to draw it from other sources, causing a storm of emotions in others.