Dangerous Ancient Spells - Alternative View

Dangerous Ancient Spells - Alternative View
Dangerous Ancient Spells - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Ancient Spells - Alternative View

Video: Dangerous Ancient Spells - Alternative View
Video: Black Magic Potions and Spells That You Should Probably Not Cast 2024, June

This happened 4 years ago, when our group was engaged in generalizing the material collected on the Old Believers of the Middle Volga region. We found 2 interesting fragments of an ancient spell of the Old Believers against the Antichrist. It was used not to summon the Antichrist, but to shield oneself and one's work from his intrigues.

But the fragments found did not fit well together, and we realized that there was one more part missing. It was found in an even older text of the Old Believers, kept in one Old Believer family. Someone divided this ancient text into three parts, because when put together, it had great power and, if misused, could bring a lot of trouble.

The owners of the three scattered fragments knew only the general situation associated with them, and were not even aware of the presence of the other two parts of the spell. They did not recommend that we do any experiments, although they did give some safety tips.

After thinking over the situation and taking into account the advice as much as possible, having checked the text again, we decided to try it. In June 1993 we went to the Shiryaevsky quarries. The day and time were not particularly chosen, everything turned out somehow by itself.

Four volunteered to participate in the experiment. We went farther from the entrance, so that no one would interfere with us. Experts have identified the location. They lit a candle. Three somehow immediately took their places, which seemed to be just waiting for this, and the fourth could not find his place. We decided to leave him as an outside observer, for safety reasons, giving instructions to intervene only as a last resort, in which, however, we did not really know.

We decided to start. The candle is burning. Around the darkness, but no one is afraid. A circle of yellow light, some vague bizarre outlines of shadows on the floor and walls, the air around seemed to freeze. The voice of the reader is strict and monotonous. The ancient text, spoken in accordance with the pronunciation of that time, makes a strong impression. The voice gradually gains strength and confidence, tightens and envelops, echoes with a booming echo in the empty corridors of the quarries. The eyes begin to distinguish some strange reddish glow emerging from nowhere. It gets brighter. The contours of the walls, small cracks on them, stones on the floor are already clearly visible.

Standing figures stand out in black silhouettes against a red glow. The walls gradually lose their hardness, as if dissolving. They open up corridors going deep into the rocks, illuminated from somewhere in the depths with a bright orange light. There is no fear, there is an ever-increasing interest. The body starts to sway slightly. There is a feeling of something gripping you, trying to twist, lift, carry you somewhere. I catch myself repeating in a loud voice after reading an ancient text. There is a feeling of merging with something huge, powerful, very ancient, uniting everything and everyone into something single, whole, indivisible and … not at all terrible.

Suddenly, just suddenly, otherwise you cannot say, a huge gold appears in front of me from the darkness - it is felt from a distance that it is real, golden - massive, decorated with some wonderful ornament of grape leaves and vines, a frame that encloses " NOTHING". Precisely NOTHING, superDarkness and superVoid. From the depths of this NOTHING begins to emerge someone's image. It becomes more and more distinct. And … a face appears. No, not a face, but not an animal face, but something in between, combining, and very harmoniously, both. It has a triangular shape. The forehead is high, clean, topped with small horns, rounded back and somewhat to the sides, the nose is straight and long. Eyes burning with some kind of inner fire. Phosphorescent circles around the eyes, giving the look a special depth. The mouth is of the correct shape. There is a slight grin on the lips. A cheerful sparkle appears in the eyes. The whole facial expression seems to say: “Well, here I am. We wanted to see, look. And I'm not scary at all. " Even some kind of interest in everything that happens is caught in the look. All this lasts for seconds, maybe eternity, but it is imprinted in the brain very clearly. I felt a stream of some information biting into you.

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Suddenly - a bright light floods everything around, hurts the eyes. The tension drops instantly. It turned out that the observer's nerves could not stand it. He lit his lantern.

To our bewildered questions, he said the following:

- At first everything was fine. The candle is on, the silhouettes are visible, the voice of the reader is heard clearly. But gradually a reddish light is added to the candlelight, flooding everything around. It gets more intense. Above those standing, a huge blue-white cone appears and twists, its wide part facing downward. It gradually descends and covers them, starting to rotate more and more clockwise, until its still transparent walls merge into one blue-white curtain that hid everyone inside. From all sides it is engulfed in waves of blood-red light, which roll onto the walls of the cone, bounce off them, scatter, fall to the floor and spread across the floor in all directions in small waves. Splashes of red light turn into tailed sparks flying under the waves and gradually, before reaching the observer, fall into waves rolling on the floor. The cone rotates at a breathtaking speed, its glow grows. You can feel the struggle between it and the red light. The air is electrified. The cone sprays blue sparks in different directions. They hit the red glow with small lightning, leaving small grooves in it, which quickly tighten. The fight reaches its highest limit. And… there is a feeling of fear. Huge, unearthly, crushing everything around …

We take a short break, confer and decide to conduct a control experiment. Suddenly something was not so, suddenly it seemed to the observer from the side. This time we put two observers, the former and me. We start all over again. I will not describe this second experiment, he repeated the first. I will add only one thing. When the experiment was going on, then around us, observers, there was some movement in the dark. Stones fell, something rustled in the air, he seemed to move around us, something walked, even touched, in a word, unpleasant and scary.

Returning to the camp and discussing the results, everyone came to the same conclusion - ancient knowledge is alive and conspiracies are working. Therefore, they decided to stop the experiments, block the text in memory and try to forget, and destroy the records. That was then done.

Samara, newspaper "New Aquarius" No. 45. Oleg RATNIK