Mystical Stalin - Alternative View

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Mystical Stalin - Alternative View
Mystical Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Stalin - Alternative View

Video: Mystical Stalin - Alternative View
Video: Meet the Russians Nostalgic for Stalin 2024, October

The farther Stalin's times are from us, the more secrets about these times are revealed to us. Conspiracies, internal party struggles and intrigues, the construction of a socialist economy - in all this historians find new circumstances that excite the reader's imagination. New legends also appear - for example, about the Soviet flight to the moon in the 30s or about the test of the Soviet nuclear bomb at a secret test site in 1943, not to mention the mysticism surrounding the "leader of the peoples".

Hohha Joseph Stalin

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, as you know, took a great interest in people with sensitive abilities. For example, he studied at the same theological seminary with the future magician and astrologer Georgy Ivanovich Gurdjieff and sheltered in the Soviet Union the famous hypnotist Wolf Messing, who had escaped from Nazi persecution. It is possible that the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) himself possessed paranormal abilities. Daniil Andreev, in his famous book Rose of the World, where he described six of his visions in a state of enlightenment, argued that Stalin allegedly knew how to enter a unique sensitive state of Hohha, similar in depth of perception of the astral world to the state of samadha practiced by yogis. But hohha does not give enlightenment and does not ennoble the soul. Actually, this is not just a state, but a whole complex of states that differ from one another in topics,with which layer and with which of the dark hierarchies of the astral world the sensitive enters into communication.

In the 30-40s of the XX century, Stalin, according to Andreev, mastered Hohha so much that he could summon it at his own request. This usually happened at the end of the night. That is why Stalin did not like to sleep in the dark and usually fell asleep only in the morning. At night, he locked the door from the inside and relaxed. The light in the room remained dim, but not extinguished. Gradually, the leader lost his sense of the body, before his inner gaze pictures of the dark hierarchies of the astral world opened up. His appearance changed dramatically: his eyes were incredibly widening, a matte blush appeared on his cheeks, wrinkles disappeared, his face was unrecognizably younger. The skin on his forehead was stretching, and he seemed much larger than usual. Breathing was even and very deep.

Hohha gave Stalin knowledge about upcoming events that were unpleasant for him and a huge surge of energy. The next morning, appearing among his entourage, the "father of nations" radiated so much power that this alone was enough to subordinate them to his will. The most frequent ones for Stalin were khokhha, which allowed him to communicate with the great ruler of the Yiga Drukkarga and the demon of the Great Russian statehood Zhrugr, who fed on the sovereign emanations of the country's population. However, Andreev largely considered Joseph Vissarionovich a henchman of much darker forces.

Hordes of Gagtungr

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Andreev wrote: “It is known that Stalin was very concerned about the rehabilitation of some of the monsters of the past, for example, Ivan the Terrible, Malyuta Skuratov. And, however, about the same Grozny, he scornfully remarked at the end: “He executes a handful of boyars, and then he prays and repents for two weeks. Squishy! " Yes, perhaps only he had the right to call Grozny a squish … He was bloodthirsty like a true demon. What considerations of state benefit, albeit distortedly understood, explain the system of periodically produced mass bloodletting? The first time he allowed himself this at the beginning of collectivization, when the kulaks, or rather the well-to-do peasantry, were liquidated, according to his design, "as a class." Crowds of people were deprived of their livelihood and, in conditions disastrous even for livestock, were thrown into uninhabited areas,where they gave their souls to God … Following the first hecatomb (sacrifice. - Ed.), the second was erected: victims of the defeat of religious confessions. A short respite, while the hordes of Gagtungr (the name of the planetary demon. - Ed.) Were digesting a magnificent portion of gavvakh (subtle radiation of human suffering. - Ed.), And now a new dish rushes to the banquet tables in Gashsharva and Digma (infraphysical worlds. - Ed.): two or three million victims of Yezhovism. A little more - and the hecatomb of victims of the Great Patriotic War begins to grow … As soon as this source of gavvakh begins to dry out in 1945, as the human weapon of Urparpa (the third hypostasis of Gaggungr. - Ed.) Is already in a hurry to take care of the new … 1953 is several million … Trying to comprehend what was happening,people get stumped."

For Daniil Andreev, Stalin was a true creature of darkness, and his paranormal abilities were painted in appropriate tones. But sometimes, moving away from mysticism, the author of "The Rose of the World" compared the head of the Soviet state with Gloom-Grumblev - a well-known literary character from the work of Saltykov-Shchedr and na. A character distinguished for his lust for power and a small mind.

The namesake of the communist king

There is an interesting and quite reliable historical fact of a completely different nature. Stalin's party nickname - Koba - had a certain mystical meaning. If Koba (Kobe, Nova, Kob) is taken from the Church Slavonic language, then it means magic, omens of augur, sorcerer, fortuneteller. If this word is Georgian and means a name, then Koba is the Georgian equivalent of the name of the Persian king Kobades, who played an important role in early medieval history. King Koba conquered Eastern Georgia at the end of the 5th century, and its capital was moved from Mtskheta to Tbilisi.

But Koba was not just a king - the Byzantine historian Theophanes spoke of him as a great wizard. Brought to the throne by magicians from the wounds of a non-communist sect that preached an equal division of all property, Koba brought the sectarians closer to governing the country, which caused terror among the upper classes. They conspired against Cobades and overthrew him. But the imprisoned communist king was freed by a woman devoted to him, and he again regained the throne. These details of the biography of Tsar Koba in some details almost mystically coincide with the facts of Stalin's biography: communist ideals, prison, helping a woman to escape, triumphant return to the "throne".

Among some biographers - the leader of all times and peoples "there is an opinion that Stalin took the pseudonym Koba in honor of the hero of the novel Alexander Kazbegi - the Father-killer." Book Koba is a highlander abrek who is fighting for the independence of his homeland. But here it should be borne in mind that Kazbegi himself borrowed the name for his hero from the Koba Tsar, after whose reign this name became widespread in Georgia. In addition, the most impartial researchers note that Stalin could hardly be impressed by the image of a lonely abrek, since the image of the communist king Koba was both historically significant and symbolically immeasurably closer to the entire worldview of Joseph Vissarionovich.

The Secret of the Eastern Brotherhood

According to some reports, Stalin-Dzhugashvili also had another one, adopted by him in the middle of 1907, a pseudonym - Prince Nizharadze. When, in 1927, George Gurdjieff, who was then living in Paris, published a book called "Meetings with Interesting People," then a chapter about this character was removed from it just before publication. In 1933, Gurdjieff completely destroyed it, and forbade his disciples to remember what this chapter was about. Only many years after his death, one of Gurdjieff's students, J. Bennett, said that the chapter about Prince Nizharadze dealt with some scrupulous episode, the disclosure of which would violate the rules of one of the brotherhoods, where he was once helped and where he was taught …

The chapter talked about a man who wakes up after death and realizes that he has lost his body, and remembers everything that he could have done while he was alive. This is similar to the description of becoming a zombie. Konstantin Vorotnoy, in his publication in the magazine Miracles and Adventures, suggested that the very name Gayoz Nizharadze was an esoteric secret, in the preservation of which some mysterious brotherhood was interested, namely: the secret of replacing Joseph Dzhugashvili by Prince Nizharadze at the energy level. The man was turned into a zombie, deprived of essence and put into him a different program. In support of her version, Vorotnaya gives the following consideration. In the aforementioned book, Gurdjieff tells of an expedition that he and his friends, including Prince Nizharadze, undertook from the borders of the Russian Empire to the Persian Gulf. Nizharadze fell ill with a fever on the way, and because of his illness the travelers stayed in Baghdad for a month, and then returned to Nakhichevan. Young Iosif Dzhugashvili, who worked for some time at the Tiflis Geophysical Laboratory, could have taken part in this expedition. In this case, it turns out that Nizharadze's fever is Stalin's famous smallpox.

In a word, there are enough eerie facts and versions of mystical and occult properties around the name of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. And it may very well be that over time they will become more and more.

Source: Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" No. 18. Andrey Chinaev