Riddles Of Space Vampires - Alternative View

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Riddles Of Space Vampires - Alternative View
Riddles Of Space Vampires - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Space Vampires - Alternative View

Video: Riddles Of Space Vampires - Alternative View
Video: Can you solve the vampire hunter riddle? - Dan Finkel 2024, September

It is believed that one of the reasons for aliens visiting our planet is the extraction of genetic material. This is evidenced, in particular, by cases of barbaric operations performed on animals, the mutilated bodies of which have been found in different countries since the 60s of the last century. But lately, there have been more and more reports of such operations performed on people …

UFO releases "tentacle"

The first documentary evidence of this came in 1986 from Brazil. According to the British magazine UFO Magazine, here, on the banks of the Guapiranga River, they found the corpse of a man with traces of one of those "surgical operations" that aliens do to animals. The man was completely drained of blood, some of his organs were cut out and removed in a way inaccessible to modern surgeons.

A similar incident occurred in the late 1980s in the vicinity of the White Sands Missile Range in the desert area of New Mexico. The officer and sergeant rode a jeep looking for the fallen debris of the rocket. In a place where it was impossible for the car to pass, they got out of the car and, wanting to cover the largest possible search area, headed in different directions. The military soon lost sight of each other. Already returning to the car, the officer heard the sergeant's cry. Running up, I saw a terrible picture. A disco-shaped aircraft hung low above the ground, and something like a tentacle stretched from it, which grabbed the unfortunate sergeant and dragged him to the machine. The tentacle pulled the man into the UFO, which immediately sped off at high speed.

Returning to the base, the officer reported the incident to the command. Of course, they did not believe him, he was suspected of murder and arrested. And three days later, a search brigade found in the desert the bloodless corpse of a sergeant with the skin turned inside out and surgically removed entrails. The officer was immediately released.

He was still lucky. Human corpses with traces of operations, unlike animal corpses, are usually not thrown anywhere by aliens. Most often, the bodies of abducted and operated people disappear without a trace.

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Alien appetite is played out

There is a version that a certain extinct extraterrestrial race uses our genetic material to maintain their own existence. In other words, they constantly need our blood. This is supported by a huge, amazing number of missing people around the world without a trace. There are no definite statistics on this score. Of course, many of the disappearances can be attributed to completely earthly reasons - murders or accidents. In addition, the bodies of many of the missing are subsequently found. But what can be said about completely peaceful people who are not involved in any crime, about those, for example, who went to the store for five minutes and never returned, and whose bodies were not found? The number of such strange cases is growing in all countries. There are reports that the populations of entire villages seem to dissolve into thin air. In the oceans they continue to find ships drifting at the behest of the waves without a single living soul on board.

Abduction - the abduction of people by aliens - is increasing. All researchers recognize this. The actions of space fanatics are becoming more sophisticated. But their main principle always remains the same: to keep their actions secret from the population of the Earth.

To this end, the stellar robbers indulge in tricks. For example, they bring back some of the abducted. At the same time, they are inspired with the idea that the aliens are the benefactors of mankind and have appeared for the peaceful exploration of the Earth or for the transfer of some scientific knowledge to people. All this, of course, is a deception. In reality, the aliens need the inhabitants of the planet, especially people, only not as equal partners, but as “cash cows” providing the necessary material.

It's better not to mess with space prostitutes

In 2004, Brazilian journalist K. Barreto was investigating strange incidents in the city of Santarem (Portugal). Their essence consisted in the fact that after a meeting with some unknown woman, men were found lying unconscious and with significant blood loss. And this despite the fact that there was not a single drop of blood on them or next to them. Money and valuables also remained intact.

The security guard who spoke to Barrett saw a woman enter the house with a man and then leave alone. He swore that this slender lady left the building with a swollen belly like a pregnant woman's!

The story repeated itself about a month later, only this time there were two "vampires", and they bleed 11 men and two women in three nights (apparently, they turned up by their arm). One of the unfortunates soon died. Barreto found that the "vampires" were posing as prostitutes, but instead of having sex, they put men into a trance and in some incomprehensible way pumped out their blood. The villains always left the crime scene with bloated stomachs - probably filled with blood. Once the criminals were chased, but they, according to eyewitnesses, "disappeared into thin air." In general, most of the witnesses were convinced of the supernatural origin of the mysterious bloodsuckers.

As a result, Barrett came to the conclusion that these were either UFO pilots or cybernetic humanoid beings artificially created by them, sent to Earth to extract blood.

According to ufologists, alien biorobots are quite capable of influencing the consciousness of people so that they suddenly become invisible to them. Barrett points out that there were no holes on the bodies of the victims through which blood could be pumped out. Only an examination using computed tomography showed that the blood was taken not from the outside, but from the inside. Something like a tube was inserted into the victim's anus, which, bending around the internal organs, "sucked" to the arteries. An operation that is practically unfeasible at the current level of surgery!

Flying ghoul

Cases of anomalous, inexplicable bleeding of people were observed in the 2000s in different countries (in the same Portugal, Venezuela, England). In this case, no "vampires" were reported - most likely, the memories of meeting them were simply erased from the memory of the victims.

Acquaintance with such a vampire biorobot can happen to anyone and anytime. It will most likely be forced. That is, the hypnotized person will dutifully go where the vampire will force him. And somewhere in a secluded place, away from prying eyes, blood will be pumped out. We can only guess what it will look like. A long flexible tube will be pulled out of the abdomen, groin, palm, or maybe from the mouth of the biorobot and dive into the victim's body. As much blood is pumped out as necessary to keep the person alive. Then the tube will be pulled back, and the vampire, leaving the victim lying unconscious, will leave in search of new prey for their alien creators.

Vampire biorobots may have been used by aliens for a long time. It is possible that it was these creatures with mechanical movements and pale, motionless faces that laid the foundation for the folk legends about bloodsucking ghouls who rise from graves to gnaw someone's throat and drink fresh blood.

Among the many stories on a similar topic, there are those in which you can see a hint of the presence of aliens. For example. a story recorded in the 1950s in Siberia and related to the genre of byliches (stories that are generally believed to have happened in reality). It was before the revolution. One woman at night noticed a stranger who entered the village. She was surprised and followed him. Here she sees: he enters the hut, where everyone is sleeping. I entered there, but for some reason the light in the windows did not come on. Then after a short time he leaves there and goes to another hut. Nobody woke up in it either. Then he goes to the third. The woman notices that he seems to have become thicker. She was frightened, cannot breathe from fear. He stayed in the third hut. Enters the fourth, fifth, sixth. And at the very same clothes bursting at the seams - so inflated. From the seventh hut,where the big family lived, came out just like a barrel. Head to shoulders, eyes are hatched, a thick bloody tongue falls out of an open mouth. I went to the forest. And it is not clear how he can walk on his swollen legs at all. The woman took a closer look, but he really does not walk, but as if floating above the ground. Soon I noticed the beam - faint, barely visible. He stretched from the very clouds to the head of the ghoul. So the ghoul flew over the path, as if hanging on a beam, like on a rope. He flew, slowly moved his plump arms and legs, until he disappeared into the darkness. The woman came to her senses, ran to the neighbors. I went into those huts, and there no one breathes, everyone is dead. And not a drop of blood is in anyone. And where did that ghoul come from and where he disappeared - no one knew. I went to the forest. And it is not clear how he can walk on his swollen legs at all. The woman took a closer look, but he really does not walk, but as if floating above the ground. Soon I noticed the beam - faint, barely visible. He stretched from the very clouds to the head of the ghoul. So the ghoul flew over the path, as if hanging on a beam, like on a rope. He flew, slowly moved his plump arms and legs, until he disappeared into the darkness. The woman came to her senses and ran to the neighbors. I went into those huts, and there no one breathes, everyone is dead. And not a drop of blood is in anyone. And where did that ghoul come from and where he disappeared - no one knew. I went to the forest. And it is not clear how he can walk on his swollen legs at all. The woman took a closer look, but he really does not walk, but as if floating above the ground. Soon I noticed the beam - faint, barely visible. He stretched from the very clouds to the head of the ghoul. So the ghoul flew over the path, as if hanging on a beam, like on a rope. He flew, slowly moved his plump arms and legs, until he disappeared into the darkness. The woman came to her senses, ran to the neighbors. I went into those huts, and there no one breathes, everyone is dead. And not a drop of blood is in anyone. And where did that ghoul come from and where he disappeared - no one knew. So the ghoul flew over the path, as if hanging on a beam, like on a rope. He flew, slowly moved his plump arms and legs, until he disappeared into the darkness. The woman came to her senses, ran to the neighbors. I went into those huts, and there no one breathes, everyone is dead. And not a drop of blood is in anyone. And where did that ghoul come from and where he disappeared - no one ever found out. So the ghoul flew over the path, as if hanging on a beam, like on a rope. He flew, slowly moved his plump arms and legs, until he disappeared into the darkness. The woman came to her senses and ran to the neighbors. I went into those huts, and there no one breathes, everyone is dead. And not a drop of blood is in anyone. And where did that ghoul come from and where he disappeared - no one knew.

Igor Voloznev. Magazine "Secrets of the XX century" № 30 2011