Psychic Vs. Casino - Alternative View

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Psychic Vs. Casino - Alternative View
Psychic Vs. Casino - Alternative View

Video: Psychic Vs. Casino - Alternative View

Video: Psychic Vs. Casino - Alternative View
Video: You Will Wish You Watched This Before You Started Using Social Media | The Twisted Truth 2024, September

It was an absolutely crazy time, you can't wish it on your enemy: I spent all the money I earned at night on the roulette wheel, and in the daytime, after running away from work, I sat in libraries for old books, looking for another way to beat the casino and win my million dollars. And then a crazy thought came to my mind: I need to find a strong psychic who will help me win.

Black Jack Ripper

This idea, simple and ingenious, came to me under the influence of several meetings. During one interview, a prominent Moscow official who is most directly related to the gambling business told me how a famous Moscow casino was attacked by a psychic. He came, sat for two hours, got up to the roulette wheel and won half a million dollars overnight. I will not name the psychic, because he vowed never to repeat his experience.

Another story was even more entertaining. One drunken gold miner from Yakutia, who was blown into St. Petersburg by a crazy wind, told me a story about an unnamed French psychic who for several years in a row sowed panic among the owners of the casinos in Nice and Monte Carlo. In each of his visits, he steadily dragged out of the institution for 50 thousand dollars. Naturally, the relevant casino services began to investigate. And it turned out that the psychic is not in collusion with any of the croupiers, does not use any clever devices - he just comes in and rips off the roulette as sticky. Therefore, it was impossible to ban him from entering the casino.

The rumor about the psychic spread throughout the Cote d'Azur, and soon many players began to literally pursue the Frenchman and place bets after him. But it was not so: he always bought a bunch of big chips, threw a few pieces on the field and could lose 10 times in a row, after which his imitators ran out of money. And then suddenly he sowed the roulette field to failure - and received his thousands of dollars!

And then the Frenchman disappeared. Either he moved to another place, or the casino owners got tired of giving him money and they hired it clear who, so that with the poor rich Frenchman they did it clear what.

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Four tricky ways

And, finally, another case that convinced me that I need to look for a very strong psychic, happened in a famous St. Petersburg casino. For several nights in a row, a new player appeared there and bet small, moving from roulette to poker and back. On that unfortunate night, he won some pennies on the roulette wheel, went to the cashier, took the winnings and left. In the morning, when the cashier began to count the money, a shortage of 50 thousand dollars was discovered. We began to scroll the video. A shocked, not understanding woman watched in horror as she counted out to the player 50 thousand instead of $ 500. The cashier, of course, was fired, and the hypnotist never appeared in this casino.

Speaking purely theoretically, a real psychic can beat the casino in four ways. The first one: if he will influence the dealer to throw in the right sector. Another possibility: to act on the ball so that it falls where it is necessary. In principle, this is not a problem: if you can bend a spoon at a distance or move an object, why not speed up or slow down the movement of the ball? Option three: hypnosis. A true hypnotist can hypnotize a dealer so that he pays out a winnings tens of times higher than the real one. But this is already pure crime, alas. Option four: reading information. If there are people who can accurately predict fate, why not predict, for example, red or black next time?

According to the law of universal gravitation for money

I was looking for a psychic as a bride - long and carefully. The first specialist, Leonid Ivanovich T., was a large, dense, self-confident man. He, without hesitation, agreed to a unique experiment. Moreover, I had to play with my hard-earned two thousand dollars. It was said about Mr. T. that he is a brilliant hypnotist and a unique healer who cures cancer, uremia and greed at the same time in 10 sessions. We came to an elite St. Petersburg casino, a psychic generator (as he introduced himself) dressed appropriately: frayed jeans, a sweater, from under which a shirt was not the first freshness sticking out, and unclean shoes. I concentrated, made passes with my hands, and then began to dictate numbers to me. 2, 15, 28, 10. Dropped: 3, 16, 30 and 12. Two thousand sailed away in 30 minutes. “It’s very difficult to tune in,” he said when we caught the car with our last money.- I could easily beat the casino, but for this I need to be face to face with the dealer. And when you hang over one player, and there are three more over you, you have to block too much, but not enough for all. Black forces hover here like kites, I tried to put up a defense, but to no avail."

Or another 150

My next partners were a couple of young psychic physicists. They knew how to influence different devices at a distance and assured that throwing the ball by force of will is child's play. They did not agree to the experiment for a long time, and I had to interest them financially, promising half of the money I won. According to our calculations, We had to steal about 10 thousand dollars from the casino, physicists would conduct other experiments with this money, and I would finally pay off my debts. My partners explained to me that there is a kind of torsion field, which is a carrier of information, and if you get it from there, success is guaranteed. We arrived at the casino early in the morning, having sipped 100 grams, the psychics were cheerful and confident. I gave them two thousand dollars, and they began to hypnotize the ball. “Black and white shadows hover over each player,- psychics told me. - It is immediately clear who will win and who will lose. Half of those who are now in the hall are people who are sick with the game. They need to be treated. “I’m sick too,” I say. - But you really try, please! “We are working with red,” the physicist soon informed me.

- We programmed red, and red has dropped out eight times already. Success is assured. " I put on red and black came out. “Need to double,” said the psychic lady. Dropped out black. “We need to triple,” her husband demanded. And then, on reflection, he added: "Or drink another 150", I tripled. They drank 150 each without me.

Just one victory

I talked with the parapsychologist Alexander Ilyin, he said that he could win at the casino at any moment, but he doesn't need it. I talked with Lomsadze, a famous and really very strong psychic, he also assured that it is real to win at the casino, but the spiritual teacher does not allow him to go to hot places. I called Chumak, he began to talk about charged water, and I hung up.

… It doesn't matter under what circumstances I met this person. Let's just say: we were introduced. He looked ordinary, he never advertised. People went to him themselves.

“Of course you can win at the casino,” he said. - In my youth I have been there more than once, I know what I am talking about. But why? I don't take money from patients. Everyone gives as much as he can, or nothing at all.

“Don't take money,” I said. - Prove that you can really win at the casino. Will you hypnotize a dealer or a ball?

“I’m not hypnotizing anyone,” he said. - I'll just create the situation. at which the casino will lose and you will win.

We went to the casino again. I took my last money with me, a thousand dollars, there was nothing more to hope for. We drank coffee and orange juice. “Play small,” he said. "I need to take a closer look."

I started to play - and in an hour I was about zero.

“Now bet on eight,” he said.

I have set. And he won.

- Eight more times.

I have set. And he won again.

- Now, exchange everything that you won and bet on eight.

- But, excuse me, the probability is so small that …

The dealer looked at me with obvious interest. The psychic smiled.

- Do as I say.

I put everything at eight. And he won again. It was an ordinary miracle.

“Enough now,” said the psychic. - I showed you everything I could. Take your money, and I ask you, do not ever go to the casino.

- But explain why the eight? I pleaded. - Did you do something, or is it pure coincidence?

- Think what you want - he answered. - I showed you what I promised. Throw in my phone number, I will never go to this again in my life …

Mikhail Bolotovsky. Secrets of the 20th century magazine