Captured The Mysterious Nibiru - Alternative View

Captured The Mysterious Nibiru - Alternative View
Captured The Mysterious Nibiru - Alternative View

The orbiting satellite Stereo Ahead HI1 recorded an object resembling Nibiru during a solar flare on September 6, 2017. The image in the frame was completely obscured by the image of the planet. Popular ufologist George Graham, who maintains his personal YouTube channel under the nickname Streetcap1, is also confident that NASA, after receiving such a picture, must acknowledge the existence of Nibiru.

Ufologists believe that the mysterious planet is in a parallel dimension, and at this stage humanity has not been able to invent an apparatus with which it could be studied. Nuclear processes on the surface of the Sun with the release of an enormous amount of energy made it possible to refract space and time in such a way that Nibiru became visible.

Ufologists do not accept the logical explanation that it is possible that at this moment the software of the Stereo Ahead HI1 was restarted and insist on the version that during the solar explosion, a holographic projection of planet X appeared in the frame. Some experts in the field of conspiracy theories have proposed an exotic theory, as if NASA hides from people that our Universe is flat and nothing more than a hologram of immense dimensions.

The Streetcap1 ufologist has long haunted the American special services; in 2012, the scientist even received a threat from an anonymous user. The essence of the message was that the conspiracy theorist Graham was conducting his investigations too diligently, and he was asked for the first and last time to stop his activities. In April 2016, the same specialist discovered a group of spacecraft of unearthly origin.

Examining the images obtained from the SOHO satellite, Graham saw that the UFO-controlled vehicles, not succumbing to gravity, being near the Sun did not "fall" on it, but were on their trajectory. George immediately went to the police and publicized the received threat, he was supported by thousands of users, who wished not to curtail the activity, since the knowledge gained from him is invaluable. Earlier, the scientist insisted that NASA stop hiding from people that alien bases have long been discovered on the moon.

NASA scientists do not comment on such statements. The policy of silence is explained by the fact that if world-class experts begin to comment on "animals and humanoids on the moon", it will significantly undermine their reputation.

According to astronomers, the planet Nibiru entered the solar system in 2003, and moving in an elongated orbit, is now slowly leaving it. Observations show that the planet is always located on the right side of the Sun and is not visible in its rays. Some scientists have determined that smaller planets have fallen into the field of powerful gravity of Nibir, which have now become its satellites, there are up to 12 of them and are much less in weight than the mass of the Earth.

The Stereo Solar Observatory, which received images of Nibiru, was created with the aim of monitoring the processes taking place on the Sun and monitoring its activity. NASA launched two identical satellites in October 2016. The goal pursued by the scientists was that one satellite was gradually moving away from the Earth, while the other overtook our planet and took synchronous images, which resulted in three-dimensional images of processes on the Sun.

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After the launch of the satellites, strange photographs were obtained, astronomers were engaged in deciphering the images for a long time. At a close distance from the Sun, a bright spot regularly appeared and disappeared, presumably, it could be Nibiru. After examining the photos in chronological order, obtained by Stereo, astronomers noticed "jumps" of the planet, that is, the speed of its movement was not uniform. The assumptions of ufologists that our Universe is only a hologram were confirmed in early 2017. Then Astronomers from Italy and Britain stated the general opinion that the universe that we can observe is a holographic projection of a "flat 2-D" universe.

Earlier in 1997, professor of mathematical sciences Yoshifumi Hiyakutake from the University of Ibaraki in Japan and physics teacher Kostas Skenderis agreed that there is a different universe with a small number of dimensions and we are only a projection of one of them. Studying the specifics of the emergence of supernovae, scientists have suggested that our Universe, the hologram, is also continuously expanding, while accelerating. The star, unexpectedly exploding, eclipses the glow of all others in the Galaxy for 7-8 days.

Supernovae of the first type were studied, and astrophysicists noticed that they were accelerating away from the place in the solar system where they were formed, and their speed was different in the direction of certain constellations. We were not fully able to refute another theory that the universe in which we live is inside a black hole existing in a parallel universe.

Physicists found in this concept a combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity. The thought is confirmed by the fact that matter in the Universe occurs in only one direction and determines our feeling of moving forward in time, without the possibility of getting into the past. Astronomers and physicists all over the world have developed many theories and their refutations about the existence of parallel worlds in order to understand where our Universe came from and further scenarios of its development.

Alina Alimova