If The Stone Idol Laughs - Alternative View

If The Stone Idol Laughs - Alternative View
If The Stone Idol Laughs - Alternative View

Video: If The Stone Idol Laughs - Alternative View

Video: If The Stone Idol Laughs - Alternative View
Video: WHEN LIVE TV GOES WRONG 2024, September

At the end of November 1986, the press published an article by Nikolai Bondrovsky and Savely Kashnitsky "The Last Mystery of the Sphinx", dedicated to the hypothesis of Anatoly Vasiliev. The researcher suggested that the famous pyramid of Cheops was not built at all as Herodotus says (from hundreds of thousands of separate blocks), but is, in essence, a built-up rock. Vasiliev reconstructed the construction technology, from which it followed that, in addition to the long-known galleries, there must be a hidden tunnel in the pyramid. It is he who can lead to the tomb of the pharaoh and his treasures. Vasiliev offered to test his hypothesis and indicated several points in the pyramid, the study of which could confirm it (or refute). Nikolay Bondrovsky, now the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Architecture", decided to do this. Honorary Academician of the International Academy of Energy Information Sciences. Here is his story:

I was very lucky. Thanks to the support of the Egyptian side at a very high level, I ended up in the pyramid not as a tourist, but as a researcher. I photographed, visited places where “mere mortals” would never come close. In some assumptions, Vasiliev was mistaken. Some of the points proposed for verification were unavailable. Refutation? But there can be no doubt that up to a certain height (it turned out to be impossible to determine exactly) the passages in the pyramid are pierced in the rocky monolith. And most importantly, I managed to see the block that, according to Vasiliev, closes the entrance to the secret gallery. This is an amazing discovery! Why hasn't the expedition been organized yet? Having devoted several years to this problem, I realized that attempts of this kind are ineffective. It's funny, but many people have the opinion that the Egyptian pyramids are in the desert. Dig to your health … Nothing of the kind! The pyramids are located on the outskirts of Cairo, in a residential area called Giza. The Pyramid of Cheops - one of the wonders of the world - is guarded cleaner than our mausoleum. And I have not the slightest doubt that the Egyptians know very well what is in it and where. It would be strange to think that they are just sitting and waiting for the clever Japanese, American or French to reveal their secrets! The pyramid is regularly repaired, restored, and Egyptian scientists know everything that is published on this topic in the world, all our hypotheses and fantasies. It is a whole problem to get permission to conduct an expedition. There are dozens of world famous universities in line. I suspect that if the application contains something really capable of leading to the unraveling of the pyramidal secrets, the expedition is unlikely to take place. There are several reasons for this. The first is the simplest: tourism is not the country's last source of income, and the pyramids are a magnet for tourists. Especially while they keep their secrets. Agree: the gutted treasury, despite all its antiquity, is much less attractive.

Another reason is less obvious. There are legends (not only in Egypt) that the discovery of the secrets of the sphinx and the pyramids is directly related to … the end of the world. “When the last riddle of the Sphinx is solved, it will burst out laughing, and the world will cease to exist …“It is quite natural that there is hardly a freak who will allow anyone to conduct such risky experiments in their own home.

There are also technical difficulties: Egyptian scientists are well aware of how quickly the most valuable finds turn to dust, except, probably, gold, if they are not immediately preserved on the spot. It's too difficult yet. Judging by Scheherazade's tales, there must be extremely curious things: “flint boards of wisdom, on which the deeds of the Magi are written” would certainly be worth seeing. Anyway, it all belongs to Egypt. But the pyramid is attractive not only for this. And not even that somewhere in it there is the number pi "Planck's constant". Almost everything is known about the pyramid and nothing.

The same version of Herodotus about a thousand blocks is not confirmed by the resistance material. Such a building would crawl under its own weight. And the pyramid is worth a millennium. How many millennia - four, five? But there is a version that at least ten and that it survived the Flood (there is evidence of this) … And some modern scientists believe that it appeared 60-70 thousand years ago, during the time of Atlantis.

What about the size of the pyramid? This is generally an amazing thing! Well, judge for yourself: it has not cost itself the first day, but they still cannot measure it exactly. There are several options for the length of the perimeter in the literature. There is also a problem with height: it is known that the Cheops pyramid does not have a top, and the height is measured, as a rule, from the place where the edges should have converged. And here in the literature there is inconsistency, but the piquancy of the situation is that it is generally unknown whether this pyramid had a top! In historical times, no one saw her, including Herodotus. (By the way, the researchers found that the energy-informational characteristics of the full pyramid and the truncated one are different. The full one "locks" information, the truncated one serves as its source. Is this why the Cheops pyramid attracts so much attention? Others are no worse …) Now look for mathematical patterns … That's not all. There is a narrow hole in the pyramid (or rather, under it), which ends in a dead end. It is there that the cherished secret entrance should be located. Not only is no one allowed there, but you can only get through there by crawling. So, according to various sources, the length of this dead-end manhole ranges from 12 to 16 meters. Well, tell me, what should be measured in order to get such an error in a small segment?the length of this dead-end manhole ranges from 12 to 16 meters. Well, tell me, what should be measured in order to get such an error in a small segment?the length of this dead-end manhole ranges from 12 to 16 meters. Well, tell me, what should be measured in order to get such an error in a small segment?

But here we have to talk about something else - about the reliability of information. Believe it or not, there doesn't seem to be a single book on pyramids without factual errors. I have already said about numbers, but what about the illustrations? Inverted clichés were on the right, now on the left, distorted proportions, distorted perspectives … In one very good book, a very good article is accompanied by an excellent diagram of the inner voids of the pyramid, where it is clearly indicated where is south and where is north. But in the explanation to the diagram, the eastern side is for some reason called the western side, and one of the narrow manholes is called a well. Trivia? But there is a well in the pyramid, and its location is one of the keys to unraveling the secrets there! Should we be surprised at the mistakes of Anatoly Vasiliev, who studied the pyramid from books and had never been to Egypt … And how many such researchers, how many theories did not take place just becausethat the information is distorted. Everything that is known about the pyramid has been known for a long time. Today scientists are inventing a useful application for it in order to justify its appearance, they argue whether it was a granary, an observatory or a pier for a UFO, but a hundred years ago, books were published where the pyramid is called the place of initiation, initiation. We came to this conclusion ourselves, based on the information that we collected literally bit by bit. At that time one could only dream of these books. But orthodox scholars are disgusted with mystical literature, which is why they have not been able to come up with anything interesting for so many years. where the pyramid is called the place of initiation, dedication. We came to this conclusion ourselves, based on the information that we collected literally bit by bit. At that time one could only dream of these books. But orthodox scientists treat mystical literature with disgust, that's why they couldn't come up with anything interesting for so many years”.where the pyramid is called the place of initiation, dedication. We came to this conclusion ourselves, based on the information that we collected literally bit by bit. At that time one could only dream of these books. But orthodox scientists treat mystical literature with disgust, that's why they couldn't come up with anything interesting for so many years”.

New research does not so much answer questions as ask new ones.

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Now, it seems, everyone already knows that the shape of the pyramid itself has curious properties: you can sharpen razors in it, you can store the meat so it does not spoil, you can grow tomatoes, getting unprecedented harvests. It is not known only what happens in this case, what energies roam under the pyramidal roof. Recent studies have shown, for example, that at different heights inside the pyramid, the effects are also different: from beneficial to deadly.

Investigations of the last ten years - French, American, Japanese - using the latest instruments have shown the presence of previously unknown voids both in the pyramid and under it, filled with sand with rather unusual properties. Without going into details, I can say that, having understood its purpose, it will be possible to learn a lot of unexpected things about the knowledge and capabilities of the ancient builders.

It was also found that the pyramid contributes to the appearance of the so-called altered state of consciousness, for example, trance with the phenomena of clairvoyance and "enlightenment". In any case, I became convinced that it is very difficult to stay in the Cheops pyramid for a long time. After four hours of no-go work, I was literally squeezed out, devastated and then WOKEN for a long time. It is curious that I was not the only one who felt this: the new batteries in the flashlight sat down at an extraordinary speed. I sinned for a long time on the bunglers, but later a person from one "closed" institute explained to me that it should be so. This institute, by the way, was engaged, in particular, in researching "religious buildings as means of distant space communication." Nothing, right?

So, from very ancient times, the pyramids served as a place and a tool for the priests to initiate the transition to a new understanding of the world. Initiation consisted of several steps, each of which opened up new sides of being to the seeker. The world is multidimensional, the ancient Egyptians knew it and knew how to use it. However, even now some sects come to Egypt, meditate in the chambers of the pyramid and say that they are charged with extraordinary energy … In our “materialistic” state, the attitude towards the pyramids was pragmatic. Alexey Shchusev, designing the mausoleum, performed it in the classical pyramidal canons. The mystical filling is Lenin's mummy. Collective "meditations" in the mausoleum and around … But that's another story.

From the book by Nikolai Nepomniachtchi "XX century: Discovery after discovery"