Night Lover - Alternative View

Night Lover - Alternative View
Night Lover - Alternative View

Video: Night Lover - Alternative View

Video: Night Lover - Alternative View
Video: Love and Happiness: An Obama Celebration 2024, September

What single woman would not want to meet a real man on her life path, a good father for her children, a faithful husband and a wonderful lover all rolled into one? And if it turns out to be an alien from another planet, a brownie or the devil himself ?!

This story happened not so long ago, just a few years ago. On one of the cold, rainy autumn nights, Tatyana tossed and turned in bed for a long time, could not fall asleep. Finally she dozed off.

Suddenly the woman felt an invisible hand grasp the blanket and began to pull it off. After a few seconds, the hand disappeared. Strange, but the hostess did not attach much importance to this incident.

However, the next night it all happened again. This went on for a whole week. Then new miracles began. One of the nights the hand did not appear and Tatyana calmed down, deciding that all the night adventures were over. But it was not there. If earlier the stranger tried only to pull off the blanket from the hostess, now the unknown night guest jumped into her bed.

Waking up in the morning with a terrible headache, Tatyana decided that it was all just a dream. But when she went to the mirror, she found bruises on her body. It turns out that all the kisses and hugs were for real! But this did not frighten Tatiana at all. On the contrary, she was looking forward to the onset of night to meet her "admirer" again.

A week later, night dates changed their character: they were no longer limited to kissing alone. Tatiana entered into an intimate relationship with an invisible "guest", which lasted about seven days. According to the woman, these were unforgettable nights. The mysterious creature turned out to be a great lover.

Tatiana did not immediately dare to speak to her mysterious "friend". But it did happen. The stranger gave his extremely long name, which was simply impossible to remember, but did not talk about anything else.

But he allowed the woman to see him. He was an overgrown middle-aged man, a little over a meter tall. It cannot be said that he was a handsome man, but he seemed quite attractive to Tatiana.

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She told her sister about everything that happened. She was horrified by what she heard. Being a deeply religious person, she assured Tatyana that it was the devil himself who came to her at night and these meetings should be stopped as soon as possible. And for this it is necessary to consecrate the apartment. Tatiana did just that.

The next night, no one climbed into bed with the woman. Exactly at midnight, she only felt a strong blow in the back, as if someone's shaggy hand was desperately pushing her. Tatiana knew whose hand it was.

Secret dating stopped at this, and the woman never found out who was her night boyfriend, the devil or the brownie. But whoever he was, she was very sorry to part with such a wonderful lover. And those autumn nights, full of romance and passion, remained forever in her memory.