Werewolf From Texas - Alternative View

Werewolf From Texas - Alternative View
Werewolf From Texas - Alternative View

Video: Werewolf From Texas - Alternative View

Video: Werewolf From Texas - Alternative View
Video: Werewolves are Real! 2024, September

On the evening of February 27, 1971, 35-year-old Donald Childs from the Texas County of Lawton suffered a heart attack when he looked out of the window into his front garden and saw a wolf-like creature: it was on its hands and knees, trying to drink from a pond where there was then no water.

Two days later, when he was discharged from the hospital, Childs told Police Officer Clancy Williams that the creature was "… tall, dressed in an indescribable manner, with a hairy snout."

Other people who saw this incredible creature stated that he was wearing pants "which were clearly too small for him."

The first information about the "werewolf" came from the western part of Lawton. According to police officer Harry Ezell, the station received a call and was told that “someone ran down the street between cars, hid in the bushes, then reappeared and ran again.”

Twenty minutes later, Officer Ezell reported to his superior that a man had seen a monster on the railing of his balcony.

“An eyewitness said that he saw this creature when in the evening, at about 11:00 pm, he pulled back the curtain,” Ezell told reporters. "He thought that someone was cruelly joking with him: some subject, outwardly resembling a chimpanzee or a gorilla, was sitting on the railing with his legs dangling."

The eyewitness believed that this was someone's evil joke, until the creature turned its head and looked at it, after which it jumped to the ground from a five-meter height.

An eyewitness also reported that after landing, the creature ran on four limbs, like a monkey. According to the description of the witness, this person was wearing only trousers slightly below the knees, as if he had already grown out of them; in addition, the face of the creature was distorted with horror, as if they were trying to burn it at the stake; hair covered the entire face, upper torso and lower legs.

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After 15 minutes, a group of soldiers from Fort Silla confronted the monster, who frankly admitted that the monster scared them.

In Lawton, this creature was seen on Friday and Saturday nights. Everything was calm on Sunday night, and on Monday night Major Clarence Hill - the commander of the police patrol - raised the alarm and ordered his subordinates to be ready to meet the "werewolf."

However, whoever the nightmarish creature was, it soon disappeared somewhere. It is likely that the "werewolf" went north and made a lair under an old farmhouse near the city of Fock, Arkansas.

Bobby Ford, 25, arrived in the old town of Crank on May 1, 1971. Without even living in a new house for five days, he faced a two-meter hairy monster point-blank. A note about Ford, published in the Associated Press, said the creature scared him very much and said he "rushed headlong into the house right through the closed door."

So that you do not have the desire to laugh at Bobby, who, faced with the unknown, immediately "made his legs", I want to remind you that one day you yourself may meet something unseen, completely inexplicable, even terrible.