Gordon Scalion - Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

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Gordon Scalion - Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View
Gordon Scalion - Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Gordon Scalion - Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Gordon Scalion - Predictions Of The Future - Alternative View
Video: YES2018. The Future of the United States 2024, September

Gordon Scallion is one of the next visionaries of our century. Currently, he can only be compared with Edgar Cayce. His gift is treated like, in principle, all seers in the world, with great disdain. Try to remember at least one seer who was appreciated during his lifetime, the exception is probably only Vanga, no more. Nostradamus and other great seers were treated with great disdain during their lives. They acquired their greatness only after some time after death.

Most people respond to prophecy in a fairly standard way. Indeed, in the case of a disturbing message, human psychology turns on, and the person chooses only what is comfortable for him. Thus, the witnesses of the accident interpret the situation from completely different points of view, after which the situation may look completely different. So the audience of the prophet draws completely different conclusions from the events predicted by him, someone believes, someone laughs at it. The choice is only yours.

Gordon tries to convey his vision of the future, revealed to him in his dreams and visions. He predicted violent volcanic activity in the Philippines, Hurricane Andrew, a major earthquake in Japan. Several years ago, there was a major earthquake in Los Angeles, which in turn coincided with Gordon's visions.

In the near future, he sees an earthquake in San Francisco, which can cause serious tectonic cataclysms. Quite a large number of people are already looking at the new publications of the seer, because so far he, like no one else, predicts with absolutely certainty major catastrophes on our planet.

According to the prophet, the following events should take place:

In connection with the imbalance of the human body, there will be a mass of currently unknown epidemics. It is impossible not to emphasize this fact, remember at least the recent epidemic in Europe associated with cucumbers, there are not so many dead people yet, but this is a reason to think. After all, scientists have not figured out the cause of the poisoning of people. Despite warnings from doctors, restrictions on the import of vegetables and similar measures, the number of complaints now exceeds 2,000. The number of deaths exceeds one dozen.

Active tectonic activity will begin on the planet. It is not at all difficult to remember the movement of tectonic plates near Japan, the consequences of which we all watched on television and all kinds of media. The movements of the earth's crust have a strong effect on the human mental sphere, which causes severe depression and even exacerbation of mental disorders. In older people, the number of headaches increases, as well as pressure surges. For those who don't believe, try it, it doesn't cost you anything, ask around your friends, watch yourself or your colleagues from work, most likely you will be very surprised.

Promotional video:

The approach of the Moon to the Earth will entail the development of the human community as a "lunar" one. This concept means the predominance of feminine principles, that is, intuition, spirituality, peacefulness. It's also difficult to argue here, just open Google and check. This story made a lot of noise. On March 19, 2011, our satellite approached the Earth at a record close distance. Now the distance of the Earth to the moon is 356 and a half thousand kilometers. The story is happening right in front of you, and you probably don't even pay attention to it. After all, now the information in textbooks on astronomy will already differ from that which you were taught at school.

In 1996, Scallion published a map of the world, which he saw in one of his visions.

Changes in North America

The convergence of the Fox Basin and Hudson Bay creates a huge sea. People migrate to Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Soskatchewan with Alberta. Global changes in the territory of the United States will begin with the faults of the North American platform, which will turn into about 150 California islands. The rifts will be filled with the waters of the Pacific Ocean, and the west coast will move slightly to the east. Many lakes will merge together and merge with the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The spilled Mississippi will act as a connecting channel with the Gulf of Mexico. Huge territories will be flooded, California will turn into a large island, and the Yucatan Peninsula will disappear from the face of the earth.


Changes in Central America

Things will get much worse with Central America. Territories below 500 meters above sea level will remain under water, and everything above will turn into a huge number of islands. The Panama Canal will become an order of magnitude shallower, and therefore, it will become unsuitable for ships.

Changes in South America

Serious tectonic activity will take South America by surprise. Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes will cause tremendous changes in the territory of South America. Huge territories will go under water, without exception Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil will be affected. The Amazon will turn into a small sea. Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro will disappear from the face of the earth.



In connection with the shift of the poles of our planet, the greening of the Antarctic will occur. By shedding the ice cover, this land will once again turn into a fertile continent and become fit for life. Among the melted ice, there are frozen cities of ancient civilizations. Unfortunately, the prophet did not say anything about Antarctica.

Changes in Asia

The most severe cataclysms will fall on the fate of Asia due to high seismic activity, which will occur after the displacement of the Pacific platform by as much as nine degrees. As a result, huge stretches of coastline from the Bering Sea to the Philippines should go under water. Including Sakhalin, Kuril Islands and Japan will disappear from the face of the earth. Only a few small islands will remain from the present technologically advanced country - Japan. Most of Korea and Taiwan will also go under water. The water will swallow up a part of China, pushing its coastline decently inland.


In the region of Indonesia, new islands will arise, and the territory of the Philippines will be overwhelmed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The flooding of such large territories of Asia is not so terrible as the way in which the continent will be flooded. The arrival of water will be accompanied by the strongest earthquakes, as a result of which huge tsunami waves will fall on the land, destroying absolutely everything that comes their way. The technological progress of mankind will not play in our favor, since such major events will entail a number of disasters of a technological scale, such as explosions of power plants and similar situations.

Although Asia will lose a huge amount of territories under water, the formation of new land areas will not be ruled out.

Australia and New Zealand

Australia will remain without exception. About 25 percent of the mainland will be submerged as a result of the formation of the inland sea, which should stretch from Adelaide to Lake Eyre. Thanks to so much moisture, the desert will turn into large forests and fields. And along the coast of the continent there will be many small paradises - small beautiful islands.


But New Zealand will be much more fortunate. The islands of this state will be able to reunite with their ancestor - Australia. Huge volcanic activity forms a small isthmus between Australia and New Zealand.

Changes in Europe

The most rapid and terrible changes will take place in Europe. The tectonic plate will go under water and, as a result, the entire northern part of the continent will be flooded. From such stable European countries as Sweden, Finland and Denmark, only a small handful of islets will remain. Not surprisingly, most of the UK will go under water, and Ireland will simply disappear from the world maps.


Most of Central Europe (from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean) will perish in tons of raging water. Paris will turn into a small island, it will be the only stronghold left from a once large country like France. A new waterway from Zurich to Geneva will form between this city and Switzerland.

It will not affect Spain and Portugal so much - only a third of these countries will go under water.

Unfortunately, countries like Venice, Rome, Genoa and Naples will not survive. To save the Vatican, they organize the transfer of the city to the mountains, which will later turn into ordinary land, such as we are used to contemplating now.

Poland and Turkey will destroy themselves before the destructive water and the sea of cataclysms reach them. A real massacre will break out on their territories, as a result of which many of the lands that have survived in the future will simply be devastated and burned.

Changes in Russia

Well, now, perhaps the most interesting thing … What will happen to our country, you ask? So let's get started. Of course, such dramatic changes in the world cannot pass us by. It will not work to sit on the sidelines of the general destruction of the world.


As a result of the merger of the Caspian, Baltic, Black and Red Seas, part of the countries of the former USSR, or rather Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia, will go under water. The European part of Russia, as well as Siberia, in principle, whose lands will be flooded by this very newly formed sea, divided only by the Ural mountains, will also get it. Countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan will go under the water column.

From Ukraine will remain a small northeastern part of it, and from Belarus will remain a relatively large eastern piece of land.

Probably the only good news is that the lands of the eastern part of Russia will remain almost untouched, on which only a body of water will be spread, which appeared as a result of the Laptev Sea that spilled into the interior of the continent.

As a result of such global changes, there will be a positive climate change in our country. This will make the eastern part of our country the most livable in the European part of the world. Although, if you think about it, then practically nothing will remain from Europe.

Well, dear readers, no matter how terrifying the forecasts sound, but in our country it is quite possible to survive the end of the world, the main thing is to believe that everything will be fine. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that such consequences may not arise immediately, but gradually.