Why Do We Worship Snakes? - Alternative View

Why Do We Worship Snakes? - Alternative View
Why Do We Worship Snakes? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Worship Snakes? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do We Worship Snakes? - Alternative View
Video: Significance of Snakes in Mysticism-Sadhguru 2024, September

In human culture, reptilian deities have always had a significant place. As a rule, real events are always taken as the basis of mythology. And then the question comes up, were mythological lizards, snakes, and dragons really present on the planet or were they simply used in legends as frightening symbols?

More than three thousand years ago, the ancient Sumerians depicted their gods as half-reptilian, half-human. On excavations of ancient settlements, archaeologists have found unusual clay figurines of such gods. Scientists were amazed at their disproportion. The figurines had oversized shoulders, very narrow hips and incredibly long whip-like legs. But the most amazing part was the heads of these gods, which were the heads of the lizards.

Each nation has its own legends, in which an intelligent reptile or flying lizard is necessarily present. For example, in Russian fairy tales it is Serpent Gorynych, in Asian countries it is sacred Dragons, in Burma it is natami, in Tibet it is lu, in Laos it is praya nak, in India it is huge multi-headed serpent-people Nagi supposedly living in the palaces of the underworld.

According to ancient Indian legends, a powerful naga civilization existed at the dawn of mankind. The nagas were so poisonous that even their breath or hypnotic gaze were considered deadly. Divine snakes were able to revive the dead, and change their appearance, turning into a human. Under the ground, the Reptilians have created magnificent palaces of gold and jewelry. Sacred serpent gods were able to suddenly appear and disappear, penetrating through the stronghold.

In China, the sacred Dragons belong to earthly deities and are considered the guardians of the five spheres and all cardinal points. Chinese dragons, called Moons, are divided into the following types: jiao is classified as scaly, yin is referred to as winged, qiu is referred to as horned, and chi is hornless. In the Chinese tradition of the Middle Ages, Lun was considered the progenitor of all living things, from him various living creatures originated - birds, animals, armored and scaly ones.

Perhaps a drop of truth is embedded in all ancient legends, and indeed some ancient race of Dragons really existed for a long time. There is even such a scientific opinion that long before the human race, the Serpentoid (Reptilian) race dominated on Earth.

It is worth considering how and from where in completely different cultures of peoples, separated by thousands of kilometers and thick oceans, living on absolutely opposite continents of the planet, images of sacred reptiles (snakes, lizards, dragons) appeared almost simultaneously. They can be seen in ancient Egyptian frescoes, on stone steles in Guatemala, in the oldest drawings of China, India, Japan, Africa and even in Northern Europe, and sacrifices are made to them everywhere.

So, seven thousand years ago, an ancient people called Taurus lived on the territory of Crimea, he worshiped the serpentine goddess Virgo, and captured sailors and beautiful girls were sacrificed to her. An ancient altar with the remains of human sacrifices was found in the Crimean temples, deep in the mountains in the Yeni-Sala cave.

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Is it extinct or to this day there is this powerful race of Dragons, secretly ruling the world is unknown. Scientists do not reject, but do not confirm this assumption. So far, there are only unexplained facts. So, from the depths of the Crimean mountains, strange man-made noise is constantly heard. Researchers began to check the causes of the origin of this noise, but the true cause of this noise has not yet been established. There were different versions of the origin of these sounds: the roar of the wind in caves, an underground waterfall.

In addition, a whole network of interconnected underground tunnels was discovered in the Crimean mountains. Eyewitnesses talk about meetings with underground inhabitants in the mountains. People met strange creatures resembling upright lizards on two legs, meter in height with a crest on a reptilian head with scaly skin.

According to esotericists, a huge amphibious monster still lives in the Black Sea. Many local fishermen have already encountered it and even gave it the name Blecky because of its iridescent scales. Often on the seashore they find torn carcasses of dead dolphins with traces of gigantic teeth on the skin and bones. Periodically, the sea serpent throws out the remains of its prey on the coast and frightens fishermen in boats at sea.

The Russian biologist Anatoly Stegalin put forward a sensational hypothesis that two hundred seventy million years ago, long before the appearance of mankind, there was a race of reptilian-like creatures with highly developed intelligence on the planet. The biologist suggested that these creatures interfered with human development. As a result of genetic engineering interventions, the human brain suddenly made a dramatic and dramatic leap in development.

Various analogies can be drawn in confirming the version of the emergence of the human race from the reptile race. In the first trimester of its life, the embryo in the mother's womb resembles a lizard. The earliest drawings show the origin of all life in the form of two intertwined snakes. So modern scientists represent the DNA molecules of all life on Earth in the form of snake-like intertwined chains. In addition, scientists have come to the conclusion that there are two hundred and twenty-one foreign genes in human genes. No other living creature on the planet has anything like it.

There is also a version that the modern new world order was conceived and created by the reptile race. The surviving reptilians, secretly living in the depths of the earth, intend to bring life on Earth into complete chaos, and for this they need to take over the entire world government. Reptiles do not have a sense of compassion and empathy, which is typical for almost all despotic politicians: Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ruholla Mousavi Khomeini, etc. and there is no feeling of pity. Maybe they are genetic descendants of the ancient reptilians.