Dalnegorsk Anomaly: Mysterious UFO Disaster 30 Years Ago - Alternative View

Dalnegorsk Anomaly: Mysterious UFO Disaster 30 Years Ago - Alternative View
Dalnegorsk Anomaly: Mysterious UFO Disaster 30 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Dalnegorsk Anomaly: Mysterious UFO Disaster 30 Years Ago - Alternative View

Video: Dalnegorsk Anomaly: Mysterious UFO Disaster 30 Years Ago - Alternative View
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In the city of Dalnegorsk (Primorsky Territory) in the evening at about 20.00 o'clock on January 29, 1986, more than twenty casual eyewitnesses witnessed the flight of a spherical object that was moving parallel to the ground. The UFO was glowing red and moving at a speed of about 15 meters per second.

But a few seconds later, a disaster struck. The object fell at an angle of 60-70 degrees onto the Lime Mountain, located within the city limits and known as "height 611".


According to a survey of witnesses, the device was jerked up and down several times before it hit the mountain. Then the UFO silently exploded and burned up within an hour. Five days later, on February 3, a field expedition from the Far Eastern Branch of the Research Committee on Anomalous Air Phenomena at the Academy of Sciences, headed by Doctor of Science and famous seaside ufologist Valery Dvuzhilny, arrived in Dalnegorsk.

The expeditionary team, which surveyed the area, found a 2x2 meter area with traces of high-temperature exposure. Fragments of rocks on it were covered with a black film with traces of tarnishing, and the platform itself was covered with black ash.

The remains of a burnt tree were found, turned into porous coals, not typical for a typical forest fire. On the wall of the cornice and in the ashes were found metal drops, black glassy particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as unusual loose scaly particles in the form of a kind of mesh. The mystery became more and more intriguing …


The samples were studied at the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute and the Leningrad Branch of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The analysis of the balls showed that the isotopic composition of lead indicates its terrestrial origin. Moreover, this composition is identical to the samples from the Kholodchenskoye field in the northern Baikal region.

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Instances of "iron" balls had a very high degree of hardness. It was impossible to cut them with steel tools, and they only gave in to diamond. According to experts, the sample under study turned out to be a droplet of alpha-iron. In addition, the composition of the balls included almost the entire periodic table: iron, manganese, nickel, molybdenum, silicon dioxide, cobalt, chromium.

And during vacuum melting, at temperatures above 1300 degrees, the ball turned into a melt that spreads over the tantalum substrate.

In the resulting film, scientists unexpectedly discovered elements of both "mesh" and "glass". The most mysterious find at "height 611" was a thin mesh, samples of which are made from threads of inert metal, which is a very complex alloy.

The chemists grabbed their heads: the grid consisted of amorphous carbonaceous materials with separate metal atoms. It consisted of carbon, zinc, silver, gold, lanthanum, praseodymium, silicon, sodium, potassium, cobalt, nickel, yttrium, alpha-titanium and many other elements.


It's funny that at a temperature of 2800 degrees Celsius, some elements disappeared, but new ones appeared instead. For example, under vacuum heating, gold, silver and nickel disappeared, but it is not known where molybdenum and beryllium sulfide came out from. By the way, the latter disappeared after five months. In one of the samples of the "mesh" were found "scraps of the thinnest, 17 microns, quartz filaments, which, in turn, consist of even thinner fibers twisted into bundles."

Recently it was discovered that "the same thin … gold wires are woven into these fibers." Experts conclude that such a technology is impossible even with the current state of the art. Doctor of Chemical Sciences V. Vysotsky confirms: "There is no doubt that this is a sign of high technology, and not an example of natural or terrestrial origin." A completely unfamiliar material for the researchers turned out to be "glass" - translucent yellowish droplets

Many years have passed since then. But the crash site still has an impact on people. It is noticed that "height 611" adversely affects the blood - it causes a decrease in the level of leukocytes and an increase in bacteria. In addition, at Izvestkova, blood pressure rises, pulse quickens, and inexplicable fear arises. The scene of the accident also affects photographic materials - it illuminates film and photographic paper.

Perhaps the reason for this is the effect on the soil of ultra-high temperatures (from 4000 to 25000 degrees Celsius) and radiation of an unknown nature. …

And one more riddle from "Dalnegorsk UFO". Samples of silicon collected on the mountain possess magnetism. But magnetizing silicon is the same as magnetizing a brick!

Almost two years after the disaster in November 1987, an unusually high activity of unidentified flying objects was noted in the Dalnegorsk region. In just one day, 33 objects were registered in five administrative districts of Primorye. They had various shapes - cigar-shaped, cylindrical, spherical - and moved absolutely silently.

Forgery in this situation is impossible, because more than 100 people became eyewitnesses of the massive UFO invasion - workers, representatives of the intelligentsia, police officers, and the military. The flight of objects was accompanied by powerful 2-minute interference and malfunctions in televisions, telegraph lines and other equipment. Computers were stuck: the files and programs stored in them were hopelessly damaged.

According to experts, the cause of the malfunction was the most powerful electromagnetic field that arose in the area of UFO activity. 13 of 33 UFOs flew directly over Dalnegorsk. Surprisingly, the objects were interested in the crash site - they hovered over the hill and illuminated it with powerful searchlights. And in January 1989, local ufologists and casual observers recorded a UFO landing literally 200 meters from the crash site.

The actions of the mysterious objects suggest that they were searching for the crashed vehicle or their "investigation" into this incident. Since then, for thirteen years now, both skeptics and optimists have made many attempts to explain the essence of the "Dalnegorsk UFO".

A huge number of assumptions have been made - from frankly stupid to scientifically based. But not a single person was able to convincingly prove the earthly origin of the object that crashed on January 29, 1986 at "altitude 611". And it is doubtful that even the intervention of the FSB or the FBI will be able to provide a concrete answer.

In general, the truth is still out there somewhere …