Flying Saucers Are Interested In The "lightning Nest" - Alternative View

Flying Saucers Are Interested In The "lightning Nest" - Alternative View
Flying Saucers Are Interested In The "lightning Nest" - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucers Are Interested In The "lightning Nest" - Alternative View

Video: Flying Saucers Are Interested In The
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A small village Dubno is lost among forests and swamps near Lake Ladoga. More recently, this place has begun to gain popularity among journalists and paranormal researchers.

Locals know how easy it is to get lost in the swamps that surround Dubno. You will go for cranberries for half a day, and you will come back in three days, if you come back at all … It also happened that a rescue team went in search of people missing in the swamp. But this is not strange, because in the forest, in the swamp, anyone can get lost. Although the places here are well-groomed and crossed, the villagers seem to know every bump, every bush. But sometimes it happens that the goblin starts to drive the "cranberry hunters", and they wander through the seemingly familiar swamp for more than one day. Residents of nearby settlements know that it is better not to go into the forest, into the swamp without a compass. But there are such "enchanted places" here, where the compass does not help either: the arrow starts spinning like mad, confusing the cardinal points, as if deliberately knocking a person out of the way. And the sun, even on a clear day, is suddenly covered by a dense haze, making orientation difficult.

Those who had to spend the night in a swamp at least once against their will tell strange things. Perhaps the cause is swamp gases, only gradually a person begins to feel weak, his legs become like cotton, indifference gradually sets in. And at this moment, the lost one usually becomes a victim of hallucinations. Amid the swamp vapors, fantastic figures appear before him, as if woven from fog. Sometimes ghostly white pillars rise from the swamp, and sometimes bright green pillars. People wandering in the swamp insist that they saw fireballs moving towards Ladoga.

It is known that anomalous zones usually appear in this way.

In addition, such places quite often attract lightning to themselves, therefore they are also called "lightning nests". Apparently, the vicinity of the village of Dubno is just such a nest of lightning. "Fire arrows" often hit here, fires happen … However, the most incredible local residents consider the appearance of unidentified flying objects in these places. True, “guests from heaven” surprise only those who have recently settled in these places, and the old-timers, one might say, are used to them. In 1995, an unidentified flying object suddenly appeared over the village, which was something like a balloon with a wheelhouse at the top. Around itself the UFO spread a bright crimson glow. The object moved completely silently, and only a lot of lights flashed alternately along its sides. The object differed from an ordinary balloon primarily in its incredible speed. Suddenly appearing in the sky, he made a sharp turn, and then almost instantly disappeared in the direction of Lake Ladoga.

One winter evening in 1997, about a dozen people saw a luminous rectangle hanging in the sky above the village, which was crossed by two diagonals of blinking colored lights. The impression was that a giant kite appeared in the black February sky. Fascinated eyewitnesses of the event watched how glowing points flew up to the outlandish object from somewhere from the dark cosmic depths. It was all like the maneuvers of the space shuttles around the mother ship.

Members of the expeditions and journalists who now arrive in Dubno from time to time asked the villagers what they thought about what was happening. Some frankly laughed in response and said that those who could get lost in the village were straying in the swamps. As for the appearance of a UFO here, you never know who will dream of something, is it really possible to write about it in the newspaper right away? But there are people, and quite educated, who are absolutely sure of the existence of a real anomalous zone in the Volkhov region. Moreover, this zone can not always be found. According to researchers, it only occasionally shows its activity. That is why not all lovers of cranberry picking wander in the swamps: when the zone is "asleep", nothing threatens people. And the compass needle behaves normally at such moments,and unidentified flying objects do not disturb the villagers with their appearance. By the way, after the necessary measurements were taken, one of the expeditions concluded that there were significant energy emissions from the ground in these places. What if unidentified flying objects just fly here, attracted by energy emissions? Maybe they are interested in such a kind of energy supply?

It is known that the area in question is located at the junction of the Russian plate and the Baltic shield. Deep underground, as already mentioned, a uranium deposit was discovered … But it is in such areas that anomalous zones are usually located.

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