Nibiru Is Hiding In Another Dimension - Alternative View

Nibiru Is Hiding In Another Dimension - Alternative View
Nibiru Is Hiding In Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru Is Hiding In Another Dimension - Alternative View

Video: Nibiru Is Hiding In Another Dimension - Alternative View
Video: Does Planet 9 Exist? 2024, September

The sinister planet, which, as the conspiracy theorists believe, will inevitably bring death to the Earth, cannot be seen with an ordinary telescope. This conclusion was made by researchers from Canada.

The news of the mysterious Nibiru divided the world into two camps: some believe in an imminent or not very apocalypse with her participation, while others deny the existence of a deadly elusive planet, since astronomers cannot officially record it. Recently, ufologists from Canada, who study the phenomena associated with Nibiru, made a powerful, as they think, argument in favor of the existence of this cosmic body.

According to their assurances, scientists cannot consider and describe how Nibiru should be due to the fact that the planet is simply hiding from earthlings in another dimension. Sometimes it is superimposed on ours and that is why, as Canadian researchers believe, strange phenomena can be recorded around the world, and eyewitnesses publish pictures of unusual objects and flares in the sky. Ufologists call this the manifestations of Nibiru in the earthly dimension.

The theory that the universe exists in incredible quantities of dimensions was voiced by the greatest scientist of the 20th and 21st centuries, Stephen Hawking. But the idea that a certain planet, especially one threatening collision and destruction of the Earth, can so easily move through the dimensions and then appear, then disappear within the range of visibility of terrestrial devices, official science will not seriously consider. Meanwhile, ufologists and adherents of alternative science argue that it is not without reason that evidence of the ominous Nibiru appeared over the long history of civilization, and, in their opinion, more attention should be paid to studying this, since the danger may be quite real, although it is still in a different dimension.